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Posts posted by Mirtok

  1. (i can only decide whether i wanna perma kill my character)

    ((I wasn't implying I can kill your character off; You said that if you die you can handle it and I simply said that if you are dead you cant do anything.))

  2. ((The idea we want is that the yeti is so terrifying and dangerous that only fools would seek to hunt it.))

    ((In other words, if you are lucky enough to encounter The Yeti, do not attack it. Doing so ruins RP. You will have opportunity later on for a hunt but for now refrain from chasing down this monster whom should be so terrifying in RP that you shat bricks and run away; That is how stories are formed, survivors from encounters can come onto this thread and post their experience. Keep in mind that the Yeti is a real player, but act like it's invincible, and only post if you are confident your story is good or you have actually encountered the beast.))

  3. Opposing Faction: The Teutonic Order and their Allies

    Defending Faction: The Crimson Pirates and their Allies

    Name of the Battle: The Crimson Cauterization

    Location: Skullport cove and the surrounding region controlled by The Crimson Pirates.


    Time: Saturday, The 26th of May, 3pm PST

    Terms: Anything goes

    Rewards: The ownership of Skullport Cove and all loot obtained during the battle, as well as anything contained within the cove

    Mirtok stares out the window with his hands locked behind his back in a powerful grip. His helmet lays at his feet, his ghoulish appearance exposed to those around him. Anger courses through him as he recalls the treachery enacted unto him by a foolish Dark Elf. Mirtok turns to the Sariants that wait idly by behind him, waiting for their next orders. He speaks loudly so that all can hear his commands,

    "Brothers and Sisters of The Teutonic Order, a great injustice as befallen our ranks. The once thought trustful and honorable Crimson Pirates have turned on us, their leader hath committed an act of extreme treason. Robert Howe was stricken down, a knife to the back by the power hungry Billow. The fool came to us and told us so; He admitted to the murder and offered no other justification as to why he did so. Billow left our presence a laughing lunatic, vowing that our day will come when we will face his mighty force. Well men, I say we show HIM what we can do! Oren has given us ships and men to man them! We will sail to their puny Cove, we will wring our blades over all those whom follow the traitor and we will take Skullport Cove!"

    The men and women of The Order let out a cry in support, thrusting their fists into the air. Mirtok shouts once more "Robert will be avenged, Billow will fall!" The Order members all march out of Mirtok's throne room with excitement for the upcoming battle.

    Mirtok then turns back to the window and watches them as they leave. He speaks softly to himself, "None escape the wrath of The Order, no one screws me over and lives. Our ships will set sail and we will see how mighty your pirates are. Sleep well Billow, for soon I will be at your door." Before climbing up the steps to his quarters he yells "Beliae doe Moedor Lent!"

  4. just have uniform skins

    ((Most of us do but you can'y see them if you are wearing armor, which everyone will be. And honestly, the friendly fire rate isn't that bad. Just don't play hero and jump in front of people when they are hacking and slashing. And even if you do succumb to friendly blades, contact them and ask them to retrieve your gear. I do not see a need to change how the combat is. It's up to you to know whom is on your side, with that you can conclude who the enemy is.))

  5. ((After Oakwood, application acceptance will be restricted to players whom possess skills with 100 in a weapon class skill. However, applicants whom have a skill set of level 80+ in a weapon class and play during the American timezone shift will still be able to be accepted. There is a need for more members in my actual timezone period, so applicants with such criteria will have an equal chance of acceptances as level 100 weapon skilled players.))

  6. *Mirtok rereads the letter he received the day The Flays came to his gates . . .

    "Expect war in a few Elven days, we will march upon your lands and you will fall under our might."

    *Mirtok folds up the letter and rises from his throne. He then rigidly descends down the stairs, armor clanking and fists balled up tight. Mirtok steps to a window that over looks Hanseti; The expansive white snow; The lush green redwoods; The movement of happy Hansetians working about their day. Mirtok removes his helmet- revealing his destroyed appearance and allowing a ghoul to stare back at him through the reflection in the glass. He then speaks softly to himself . . .

    "I would give my life to these lands, these people, and this nation. I would bravely take up a sword against any foe; Big or small. I would do all that is in my earthly bounds to ensure its complete and utter safety and prosperity; I would die for Hanseti, but I will not let it die for me. These people are my everything, my purpose and the reason I carry on despite the opposition. I couldn't bear watching good men and women give up what is most precious in this world- life- for me; A wretch whom deserves nothing more than to die in a pool of blood. Such would be wrong for me to ask Hanseti to crumble, people to die and lands to be destroyed. I would die for Hanseti, but I won't let Hanseti die for me."

    *Mirtok lifts a hand to the glass and looks to the heavens before saying . . .

    "Celestia give me strength, give me the will and the support to keep this land safe. Do not shun away and leave us in darkness, do not allow Hanseti to fester in the night. Instead shine your greatness and glory onto me for the last time, warm my frozen body with your radiant smile. Bathe these people with your love and your compassion; Do not hold them accountable for what I do. I fear that this may be the last time we speak for darkness approaches, but I will hold to the hope that such darkness will be vanquished; The Humans will be uplifted and we shall prosper; And when it is all over, your light will once again beam unto Hanseti- unto me."

    *Lowering his hand Mirtok returns to his throne, humming an old but faithful hymn to himself; bringing up times long since gone and distracting him with an overwhelming nostalgia.


  7. Warclaims aren't upon taking regions, it's biomes, mate. The Maw is the Region side the biome.

    If that would've been the case then when you took Das_Boot, you would've only taken the small fort of Das_Boot, not the entire Greenwall_Range, in that battle.

    Also, as far as taking multiple 'Regions', With our allies, we will take it as one war claim, instead of pulling a Salvus.

    Respiren's post about this during the Salvus war explained everything, if you could still see it.

    Respiren proved that it was horrible in posting 6 Seperate War Claims for the same thing, at the same time.


    Since Hanseti is all one type of biome we made our own synthetic divisions. I was the primary voxel artist of Hanseti, I created every mountain, forests, custom caves even river ways; Before I was allowed onto the build server it was all primarily flat. The actual biomes that are present in Hanseti do not match their name when you view them on the F3 overlay. In fact, there are many biomes scattered throughout each region, The Coldshade Mountains are a combination of both Ice Plains and Ice Mountains.

    Other nations had the luxury of many different biomes all with a clear separation for them to outline during the build server days. We regioned ours not according to biomes, but to the idea of bigger regions to be filled in later with sub regions. We had no clear way at the time to region each biome as easily as the others, everything was covered in snow and showed no clear line. Taking both coldshade mountains would be taking several biomes. Another thing, out regions are massively huge and if we were able to adhere to ingame biome borders, our regions would mostly likely double. If you compare the size of our regions with the biome traced ones of most other nations, you will find 2 or 3 biomes can fit in one of our regions.

    As for Das_Boot and Greenwall_range, there were two battles. We won both and there fore we took both regions. Two battles on two different weekends as we were told that those were the rules. Those regions are in fact regions traced off of biomes, during the build server days we all used an upgraded dynamap and were able to effectively view each region as they were created. In fact, I along with Sam regioned your entire western claim and all the contested land that I was informed is now taken by you.

    And funny it is that you bring up Das_Boot and Greenwall_range, I do not remember having battle were those regions were reclaimed by Renatus, nor an agreement were we gave them away. From what I have heard, one day we were off the permissions and Renatus had assumed control without telling us. We didn't think it a necessity to have the regions back and simply let it go.

    What I got Respirens post was that it was horrible to lay claim to multiple regions in a single day by a force that was going to fight with each other in each battle, allowing for many regions to be taken without hope of defending. But if you found something he said that proves that he felt such matters as war claims should be handled as such you have- A nation representing only itself and making claim to three regions- then please message it to me or reply to this.

  8. The Reason being why they are chosen is because they are all in contact with eachother. Frozen_Ruins_of_The_South is right behind the other two, which makes sense that it would be claimed.

    This is only for the Maw, but as it is in 2 regions, we need to claim those two.

    I was going to speak with you to discuss an appropriate time for the actual fight over TS.

    But if we are all here now, I was thinking 5 PM EST?


    There is still the question as to why you are assaulting Queen's_Briar as well as two other regions to take a single gate at the mouth of the nation. The Maw is its own region, so you do not need to take out my entire north border; Instead target only The Maw if the The Maw is what you seek.

    I would have preferred you came and talked to me before submitting this and picking a time, I only ever found out by chance when I happen to log on to the forums before bed and saw your status update. And still the question remains; Are you allowed to take multiple regions on a single war claim?

    During the World War with Salvus, each nation had to post their own war claim to conquer a single region, yet here Renatus is staring out with three regions from the get go.

  9. (i thought you could only go one region at a time?)

    Yes, can a single nation lay claim to multiple regions? Or at least can a single war claim have many regions under threat? Also frozen_ruins_of_the_south is not a region that is up for conquest yet, as it is behind a wall of other regions. Finally, Sunday seems appropriate but I would like to know a desired time for me to plan around.

    - Hochmeister Mirtok

  10. [For future applicants, It is now advised that you hold a mastery or near mastery skill level in a combat skill (Ax,Sword,Bow: Level 80+). However, for those whom posses other high levels in a skill that is non-combat, if your skills are something that is of value to the Order you too have a chance. If your level is too low you now have less of a chance at acceptance. Good luck and may Celestia smile upon you.]

  11. *As you walk about your normal setting, among the settlement you call come, you see several Sariants riding horses and pulling a cart filled with posters. As the group speeds down the road, a few poster fly loose and rise into the air before settling peacefully on the cobble road. Curious, you step forward and retrieve the leaflet, and looking further down the road you see the Sariants have stopped and are handing out the poster to passerbys as two soldiers attempt to plaster one onto a message board. As quick as they came, they packed up and bolted further down the path. Trying not to think too much about what you just saw, you decide to study the posters instead, you see . . .



    *The two posters are held together by a single binding piece of paper that too contains further information . . .

    The encroachment of the Mad King Godfrey grow larger everyday. He has taken to bulling the weak and murdering the strong, all the while gaining more and more land to be handed over to criminal house leaders. Soon people of Asulon, if you live in place that is not under his banners than you are at risk. The houses under his control feed off of the violence Godfrey will force upon you, they take pleasure in harming the innocent and the down trodden. It would be foolish to think you can out live this, it would be foolish to ignore what is just on the horizon, it would be foolish to lay down your will to a man whom will only promise suffering and fanaticism.

    The Teutonic Order stands proudly in the way of the Mad King, prevent him from reaching his clawed hands to your children or your loved ones! We will fight to our last breath with the backing of good, strong and able men who wish to be freed from the oppression that is Renatus. Even those whom have fallen from his blade and have lost their independence, it only gets worse. You new leaders will leech away your humanity, you natural given rights as a being of Asulon to live free!

    The Teutonic Order cannot fight this battle alone, it is the duty of all of us to rise up against such forces and repel them to the void. You can do your part by enlisting in The Order or doing what ever it is in your power to aid those fighting the good fight. Free labor, donations, knowledge, skills or experience all are vital parts of this struggle and you all have a piece to the grand machine that will burn away the madness!

    Contact your local Sariant if you do desire to directly aid the cause, or commence your own efforts towards foiling the Renatian advance!

    Beliae doe Moedor Lent!

    - Hochmeister Mirtok

  12. *You walk up to the mighty grounds of Dresden, Capitol of Hanseti. Along the many stone walls and once cleared solid surfaces is plastered a large poster depicting images that strike deep into your emotions.


    ((Artistic work by: Dokahn))

    ((This poster is aimed at the dangers of seeping learned information regarding the war, depicting the result of bragging or even the smallest leak of information. The death of an Order member because of the fault of a single man whom was careless with what he knows.))

  13. Mirtok sits upon his large throne, reading over many plans and intelligence reports for a suspected war. Already has he been given ultimatums, demanding that he hand over his entire lands and people to the corrupt, greedy, and evil house Flay. Already has the major powers in Renatus shown thier influence in his frozen fields, attacking Argos without reason, merely for the thrill of murder and the excitement of spilt blood on the faces of good men. He hears men marching up his stone steps and sees several of his Sariants pass the large windows that peer over Hansetian soil. "Sir! We have a squire boy with a message, he has requested that he be taken to you in order to receive the letter." Mirtok nods to the tall Orc, Maur, prompting him to release the boy and complete his task. With a stern gaze, Mirtok commands the boy to exchange the delivery with lion, whom upon receiving it checks it for tampering or threats and hands to Mirtok atop his throne. Mirtok then steps from his high position and descends down the steps and into his private store room. There he reads the contents of the letter . . .

    "Negotiation is something I wish to discuss with you, Hochmeister. I am Count August Flay and I represent the Renatan Houses Flay, Loken, and Adelban. We will await you at the statues that indicate the road to your realm. Bring as many men as you wish.

    Signed, Count August Flay."

    After reading it over several times, Mirtok emerges from the small room. "Men, we go to The Maw! Dain, gather up the Wolverines and meet me there." The room packed with soldiers quickly becomes vacant as men shuffle out the door, strapping on their armor as they walked. All the while the men shouted in unison "King of the South!" and cheering with proud emotion.

    Upon arrival to The Maw, the forces converged into a single mass of diamond and armor. "Together men, let us hear what the scum of Renatus have to say!" The Hansetians met the Flays and many heavily armored and well armed men between the two massive statues that once served as protectors to the realm. Their leader, August Flay initiated the negotiation, "We offer you a chance of survival, an opportunity to perhaps survive this war. I along with many houses do not care for Godfrey's goals nor his cause for holy conquest. If you care for the lives of your people you will accept what we put worth. We can offer you our removal from the war, at a cost."

    Mirtok stood in front of the requesting men, silent, looking into each of the men's faces and studying their curious armor styles. "I cannot put a price on the lives of my men and my people, I can only submit myself to its protection. Their lives are worth more to me than the simple exchange of coin or resources to a defective group whom betrays their own King for the gain of material wealth." Just as he finished speaking, a few members of the Flays began to hum an old but familiar tune. As the notes hit Mirtok's ears and penetrated his memories, he was instantly reminded as to where such old hymns came from, their own battle hymns to honor the old and prepare to kill. Mirtok looked behind his shoulder at his men waiting idly by and then turned back to the Flays. Something ate at Mirtok's guts, provoking him make a call. "Men! Back to The Maw at once!"

    Within seconds the Hansetians were behind thick steel doors, preventing the now turned hostile Flays entrance. They beat at the door and spat curses at Mirtok's men, all the while waving their sharpened swords in the air. They again attempted to leech away Hanseti's much needed resources to fund a promise Mirtok knew they would not keep.


    Laughing at their attempts of deception and claimed danger for even trying a negotiation as such, Mirtok stepped forward and issued his promise to the Flays and all those whom wish harm upon Hanseti. "You can threaten us, destroy our homes and kill our good men, but you will not do so with ease. Hanseti will fight you all to its last breath, only silenced with a blade to the throat and run clean. You are all evil men with wrong motivation; Greed and power is all you seek and for as long as good people like us still thrive, you will have opposition. I will not allow the mad king Godfrey to claim another people for his trophy case of conquest, I will not allow scum like you to rule these fine lands of great history and heritage. You want war? We will give you war, in the name that is good, in the name the is just and in the name of defense for that is all you people have ever been, offenders. Hanseti has given you mercy at the blade twice and each time you rise up stronger and attempt to do away with us! HA! You can try again and you will face the same result, however, the kind men of Sam and Gaius are long since dead and I will make the call when the time comes.! Men leave these fools to rot in the cold, spitting their curses and brandishing their children's daggers! For tonight we drink the finest ale in Asulon, tonight we come together not as "The Wolverines" and "The Teutonic Order" but as Hansetians! And tomorrow we will prepare for a war that will change the very face of this new world forever, whether good succumbs to the might of evil or the just prevail over darkness and the fanatics are wiped from this world!" After his speech the large force of Hansetians shout all at once, " The King of the South! All hail the King of the South!"


  14. [And such enjoyment it was to terrorize the pompous silk adorned peoples of Al'kazaar, they were due for a good roughing up for decades. As for the freedom fighting rebels, I do not recall throwing the first volleys that prompted said invasion and slaughter. The way I recollect it, they were but infant children whom aspired to be anarchists and in an attempt to correct the violent behavior, The Order laid down the heavy fist of parenting, lest we disallow the absurd future retaliation for steering them on the past towards calm thoughts. But as you all know, twice now we have had those rebels with a blade to their throat and twice we have spared them. Oh the great woes they emplace upon The Order, such ungrateful actions do the decedents of rebels cast to our cold lands for the actions of their aging fathers. Such is the life of a Sariant in The Order.

    - Sir Trollington]

  15. [if only those rebels were content with the solution The Order gave them! They wanted Enor gone and so he was but still they pursued further demands. As such, it seemed foolish to deny the clearly battle hungry fiends of the Oren area to have their way about the kingdom, for we all were under heavy encumbrance come round the time you all demanded separation, and thus Gaius graciously asked you to "kiss [his] bawls" persay.]

  16. Sitting among the many books housed within his personal library, Mitok's mind began to drift into the realm of found memories and discovery. The events of him finding the old journals and writings of his deceased leader, Gaius, make a curios appearance at the head of his mind. How after the crushing death of his Hochmeister he took to walking amongst the empty of halls of Konigsberg, touring the many homes still yet to be filled by new arrivals. Mirtok remembered stepping into the dusty house, intrigued by its condition despite how new the buildings around it. Looking back at the decaying old bookcase filled with all sorts of possible mystery and old accounts, and yet he was compelled to only view the very surface of what Gaius may have left behind.

    His sullen state and occupying mourning only allowed him one or two discoveries that day, oh what he could have know if only he pursued the abnormality of that house. Mirtok could hardly remember what he read in that old book, a fleeting memory obscured by a dis-focused haze- possibly due from the heavy emotions that fought daily in Mirtok's mind so many years ago. Mirtok snaps away from his nostalgia for the long gone city and scans around the room in hope for something to occupy him with constructive meaning. But despite his efforts, he could not shake the strong desire he was developing to remember what was in that book.

    With thoughts far away and eyes staring amongst the many spines of his personal book collection, his agitation is subsided when he glances past a title reading "Hanseti: Asulon". In a moment of clarity the contents of the remembered book are revealed to him. Eager to preserve the knowledge Mirtok quickly fetches a blank scroll and a fresh quill. He darts back to his desk and feverishly scribbles the words that float in his mind, working fast as to not lose them to the dark reaches of his troubled mind.

    Nodding with approval towards his satisfying recollection, Mirtok stores the scroll atop a stack of history texts on the adjacent bookshelf from his desk. "If only I knew more about this Subudai and how they relate to Gaius; Why did he feel the need to record such thoughts?" Mulling it over he leaves his study and prepares to embark into the cold weather of Hanseti.

  17. Sitting among the many books housed within his personal library, Mitok's mind began to drift into the realm of found memories and discovery. The events of him finding the old journals and writings of his deceased leader, Gaius, make a curios appearance at the head of his mind. How after the crushing death of his Hochmeister he took to walking amongst the empty of halls of Konigsberg, touring the many homes still yet to be filled by new arrivals. Mirtok remembered stepping into the dusty house, intrigued by its condition despite how new the buildings around it. Looking back at the decaying old bookcase filled with all sorts of possible mystery and old accounts, and yet he was compelled to only view the very surface of what Gaius may have left behind.

    His sullen state and occupying mourning only allowed him one or two discoveries that day, oh what he could have know if only he pursued the abnormality of that house. Mirtok could hardly remember what he read in that old book, a fleeting memory obscured by a dis-focused haze- possibly due from the heavy emotions that fought daily in Mirtok's mind so many years ago. Mirtok snaps away from his nostalgia for the long gone city and scans around the room in hope for something to occupy him with constructive meaning. But despite his efforts, he could not shake the strong desire he was developing to remember what was in that book.

    With thoughts far away and eyes staring amongst the many spines of his personal book collection, his agitation is subsided when he glances past a title reading "Hanseti: Asulon". In a moment of clarity the contents of the remembered book are revealed to him. Eager to preserve the knowledge Mirtok quickly fetches a blank scroll and a fresh quill. He darts back to his desk and feverishly scribbles the words that float in his mind, working fast as to not lose them to the dark reaches of his troubled mind.

    Nodding with approval towards his satisfying recollection, Mirtok stores the scroll atop a stack of history texts on the adjacent bookshelf from his desk. "If only I knew more about this Subudai and how they relate to Gaius; Why did he feel the need to record such thoughts?" Mulling it over he leaves his study and prepares to embark into the cold weather of Hanseti.

  18. *watching his brother retire to his home Mirtok says to himself . . .

    "These days of darkness and violence pervert our once pure minds. Greed and blood-lust have become all that many know, all that many seem to care about."

    *sighs and continues . . .

    "My own brother, of blood and order, slips form me with each passing day. I know not as to what he will become nor what will become of me, only speculations and thoughts. Oh they times have truly changed from those we felt in Aegis. The warm sunny days, vast green fields, joyous peoples and meaningful lives. Why does evil taint us so, harm the simple and corrupt the complex. Why does evil yet prevail even after the sacrifice of great men and women in the depths of the nether?

    *Mirtok slowly ascends from his bar stool and puts his mug aside. As he walks away he stares in the direction of his brothers home, muttering to himself.

    "Sleep well brother, let the horrors of the day release you to the bliss of sleep and trouble you no longer; For tomorrow there is much to be done. I need you by my side most of all in these grave times, the north wants us dead and we are all that remains of good men of the past."

    *He slowly walks up to his quarters, dragging his hand along the cold stones walls as he presses forward.

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