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Posts posted by Elfen_

  1. Glylith or as of lately going by the name of Glee, is handed on of these "notes". He takes the paper without noticing who is handing them out. As Glee walks away from whomever that was, he takes a look at what he was handed. After looking at the picture and reading the text below, Glee crushes the paper in a ball and throws it at the unoath White Rose to take care of. Glee thinks to himself that they are full of themselves thinking that we, the elves are that weak. That we will bend at their whim because they have one of princesses.



    ((I was writing this before wardog made his post))

  2. A note hangs from Cloud Temple Notice Board, Notice Boards in Normandor and on any public Notice Board in Arma'luna. Its reads:

    "To any Residents of Arma'luna,

    If you are home owner in Arma'luna, please contact Prince Glylith of Malinor to keep your home. You have one elven week to do so."

    -Bottom is signed by Prince Glylith.

    ((Basically rply let know which home is yours. You not lie because obviously I will check the home's region.

    You may respond to this note in this thread or if you wish you can private message me. In OOC provide me with MC name and the house region. Reminder you got till the end of the day of Sept 30th(EST) to do this.))

  3. ((Skippy won it already, stop bidding.))

    ((Sorry but I am sure Hiebe said as long people are continuously bidding it will stay till one gives up and goes home. Otherwise I think someone would have won when Hiebe said that auction ended(I think pud would of, not too sure.) ))

  4. A note is posted in the barracks:

    "To all in the Vanguard,

    I wish to have a short meeting with you all in a few elven days. There is some things we must discuss for to my knowledge we are lacking. It is not completely your fault, it is also mine. Meet here in a few elven day time."

    -Bottom is signed by Prince Glylith.

    ((Basically on Friday or Saturday at 7-8pm EST I would to see you in-game and in teamspeak. I will speak to you ICly and OOCly))

    ((Also among the following people who I really want to see at this meeting. Failure to do so or tell me that you cannot make it will give you a one way ticket out of the Vanguard.

    The people that I would like to see the most is:

    ((Mc name, Rp name))

    Malik807, Lelouch

    dargene, Cullasdir

    Altiak, Arranir

    Yenshosia87, Arphenien

    Tyrindor_Tolkien, Calanon

    scornofhell, Amaya Heivick

    MrCabbagePotato, Rumil

    AGAIN, if you cannot make it to the meeting in ts/in-game notify me and we can discuss when I talk to you or set up a forum PM and inform you.

    Failure to do so is REMOVAL from the Vanguard.

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