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Posts posted by Elfen_

  1. Gentlemen and Noble ladies.

    I prefer a system where upon any man or lady have the follow rights

    * Have the ability to destroy trees with their hands

    * The ability to carry any tools up to the grade of stone without specialising.

    * The ability to specialise in three skills which will have all their opotunities open for one.

    An example would be a warrior blacksmith. He got max level in blacksmithing, swordsmanship and extraction, on the other hand he can not do any other skills. He can not cook food (or it comes out as rotten or works poorer than other food)

    Or give the player who specialize in these skills an exp buff, perhaps on 200-500% exp speed?

    Or simple make them a form where they receive levels in their specialized skills.

    Please let me hear your opinion on my request.

    Ya something like this^

  2. Minecraft name:


    Forum name:


    What do you think are the top five things, that are most important in an application and why?

    1)A well done biography - shows that the person can be creative and has some knowledge of how to role-play.

    2)Grammar - Without it, it can be hard to understand. ((Bad grammar -cough- Orcs -cough= is for in the game))

    3)Understanding - With lore and rules, the application must show that person has read bother to know how the past has been, what meta and power-gaming is, Knowledge of what the server is about.

    4)Maturity - Age doesn't matter, I have met 10year olds with more maturity than a 18year old. By this I mean having Patients, Doesn't Beg, Doesn't wine.. etc

    5)Skills in Role-play - If your are good at writing stories, and keeping characters in there character and that character only knows what he/she has seen. A good writer does those things and if you can that than role-playing a character should be much easier.

    ~Lots of love, BattleMage Water

  3. I am Glylith, currently a wanderer. If me have bad "grammer," I am sorry. I have poor writing skills. Anyhow Battle of Kal' Bryst sounds very familiar, almost lost to meh memory. Er, well nor do I remember a lot. All I can say is during the battle I began with a battle axe, than had to get a sword for the battle axe broke. Soon though I knew it was a lost cause and soon vanish from sight of others. Errr I think I was shot and knocked out. Only to awake under a tree to an elf? Soon after that is well for another time.

    P.s Robes are warm.

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