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Everything posted by Noble_4

  1. Hi I am War Prince Michael and me and Commander Maximus are in charge of the army. We are recruiting for the guard and military.The application format is below please tell us if you are applying for the Army or Guard, they both get free housing. There is no pay currently, we try to supply you with armor and weapons though. We currently have no ranks besides leaders and average soldiers. ~Application Format~ 1. Minecraft name: 2. Character's name: 3. Why do you wish to join us?: 4. Are you applying for the Guard or Army?: 5. Prior jobs and crimes: 6. Other info:
  2. -In-Game Name: Noble_4 -RolePlaying Name:Hu'skuk -Sword and/or Bow Skill: [Not Needed for Now] Great with both. -Are you a Mage: [Not Needed for Now] --If so, what type do you specialize in: [Not Needed for Now] No. -Villain Application Link: -Race and Subrace: Orc Nomad -Previous Guilds/Armies Joined: Caravan --Are you still a member of this organization: I haven't even joined yet. --If yes, are you trusted: -Reason for Joining: I am a criminal and my friend told me about it -Evils you have committed: Murder, Theft , "Hit and Run" -References for Evils Done: (Optional) I like to be a bad boy -Are you a good RolePlayer and do you understand the rules of PvP: Yes i do -Do you have any connections with trusted people within a Kingdom: Yes -Time Zone and playing Times: I play atleast 5 hours a week but max is 40 hours. Time zone Central -Do you wish to have your name posted in the Guild list: Yes
  3. Brief Character History: I am a man of Ariel I donated a lot to churches oh him I love him I would die for him.I was a young boy when my father was killed and sacrificed to Iblees I was living with my grandparents after that when they were sacrificed as well, I was 13 at the time and was able to care enough for myself so i set out for Kal'Urgan but they banished me because my father believed in Iblees even though he was a man of Ariel like me but he was sacrificed so i was banished. So i wondered the road when a paladin named Juvens found me and took me to you. I am a Paladin now and wish to join your group and be a Follower of Ariel. Character Name (I.C.):Paladin Gorthuk Character name (O.C.): Noble_4 Race:Dwarf IC Age:16 Will you be a FOA soldier, FOA preacher, FOA diplomat, or apply for a division? If applying for a division please list which one ((Currently only the Paladins)):Paladin, because i follow Aeriel, and wish to serve the Ascended Goals in the FOA?:Stop Undead from destroying the world, save others by bringing them to the light, just like i was saved Good deeds you have done?:Stopped many conflicts between people, have donated money to the churches of Aeriel, and i lead a group of Alstions to get there things safely, and get back alright. Have you done any bad deeds?:None, i have never been fined, jailed, or even accused of bad deeds How did you hear of us?:A paladin named Juvens Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: Yes, they took everything from me! They are followers of Iblees, and they try to destroy this precious world. Can you wield a blade?:yes, i am a master swordsmen. Are you a capable builder?:Not the best, but i can do some building Are you an archer?:Yes, i am a deadshot with a bow and arrow Any special skills?:I am very persuasive, and a great conflict solver. Do you have faith in the Ascendeds return and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.:Yes, i can feel it in my gut, and yes i want to save others like i was saved. If they are willing, they can be helped, thier problems and sins can be forgiven. Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel:I will bring others to the light, pray everyday till the returning, and fight to my death to keep any more Undead from taking the lives of others family and friends!
  4. Brief Character History:I am a man of Ariel I donated a lot to churches oh him I love him I would die for him. I was a young boy when my father was killed and sacrificed to Iblees I was living with my grandparents after that when they were sacrificed as well, I was 13 at the time and was able to care enough for myself so i set out for Kal'Urgan but they banished me because my father believed in Iblees even though he was a man of Ariel like me but he was sacrificed so i was banished. So i wondered the road when a paladin named Juvens found me and took me to you. Character Name (I.C.):Gorthuk Character name (O.C.)Noble_4 Race:Dwarf IC Age:16 Will you be a FOA soldier, FOA preacher, FOA diplomat, or apply for a division? If applying for a division please list which one ((Currently only the Paladins)):FOA soldier paladin Goals in the FOA?: To serve the Ascended and Ariel. I wish to protect them and maybe one day be one of them. Good deeds you have done?:Donate to the church and care for people in need. Have you done any bad deeds?:None How did you hear of us?:Juvens he is a paladin Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: I am Because they have killed my grandfather and framed my father and had him killed. He was a good man they both were but they were killed and I must live out there story. Can you wield a blade?:Of course I love to fight evil. Are you a capable builder?:I am a great builder and i love it Are you an archer?:The best around. Any special skills?:None that I know of. Do you have faith in the Ascendeds return and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.: Yes because they are the holy ones who will save. They are great and O'mighty i wish to be among them one day. Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel:I will protect the Ascended and preach of them I will serve the FOA with my life and will do anything to help them.
  5. Brief Character History:I am a man of Ariel I donated a lot to churches oh him I love him I would die for him. Character Name (I.C.):Gorthuk Character name (O.C.)Noble_4 Race:Dwarf IC Age:16 Will you be a FOA soldier, FOA preacher, FOA diplomat, or apply for a division? If applying for a division please list which one ((Currently only the Paladins)):FOA soldier paladin Goals in the FOA?: To serve the Ascended and Ariel. Good deeds you have done?:Donate to the church Have you done any bad deeds?:None How did you hear of us?:Juvens he is a paladin Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: I am Because they have killed my grandfather and framed my father and had him killed Can you wield a blade?:Of course I love to fight evil. Are you a capable builder?:I am a great builder and i love it Are you an archer?:The best around. Any special skills?:None that I know of Do you have faith in the Ascendeds return and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.: Yes because they are the holy ones who will save. Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel:I will protect the Ascended and preach of them I will serve the FOA with my life and will do anything to help them
  6. Mc name' Noble_4 IG name Hu'stok Thu'tok why do you want to join I want to join because i need money and i love to fight.
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