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  1. Application MC name: NeonVolcom RP name: Volthias Storm/Dramos. Race: Wood Elf Do you meet the basic Initiate requirements?: I do meet the requirements. Question 1: I have grand leadership skills, all modesty aside. In Aegis, near the town of Haven, was the military base of the UAC. I was a lead commander there. I rose through the ranks fighting over 17 battles. Including the battle of Snowyfield (The battle that lead ultimately to the destruction of the world of Aegis). The UAC was commanded to protect the Ascended. My particular squad, that of Thimble, Twilight, and Blaedr, were particularly to assigned to protect High Sage Arcadeious. I was also being inducted into the Ascended order, but I was never accepted due to the end of the world. To top off my leadership skills, I had plenty of experience in combat. I must have murdered a hundred monsters spawned by the undead. I also hold the deaths of 3 Undead, and one Undead leader. I also have held experience with death of friends. I watched my comrades die in front of me, and also buried them. I watched my brother and wife torn apart by conjured cave spiders right before we were able to board the airships to the New World. I'm sure I can contribute much more than bravery, leadership, and combat skills to this order. I hope this sums up your question rather wholefully. Question 2: If this question is answered in the thread I apologize for my ignorance. If armored men approached the front gate, I would stop them and ask for their business. If they fail to answer me, I'll call upon my allies and CO's for reasonable answers to this scenario. I would not outright attack them, as that would be a belligerent act, and would be completely uncalled for. Question 3: I wish to progress high up through the guard. I hope one day to be a commanding officer to the ones under me. I hope to befriend the people within the guard and fling high up through the ranks. I rather believe that is all, thanks for considering my application, I hope to join this order. I have a very well developed character, and enjoy very much to play this game. Thank you guys.
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