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Posts posted by Tegrof

  1. huULU.png


    The Aegis Time is now put on a hold!

    I am sorry to say this but I realized yesterday that I will not be able to keep up with the newspaper within a week. IRL has caught up now and I cannot have that burden. I better stop it now before I get stressed by both IC work and OOC school.

    I would be very happy if someone could keep the business running. I will not give it to anyone though, because I do not wish the paper to be run by someone that is not dedicated. If you are interested in running the paper, do contact me!

    I plan to either let my Glamdring die by hanging, accepting the treason he did, or go along with him, begging for a pardon by the King. I do not accept defeat really because I never lied in any article nor do I take back what I have said.

    I do however apologize to the King in the way I made a fuss around him. I personally don't have anything against him. What I do think he lack as a King and ruler I have told him in person and he has accepted it and will think about it, try to change.

    I also want all rebels and riots to stop. The King surely did miss out on helping Alstion, but he has accepted now that he will help harder next time around. He have change how the guards are payed and work, big time which is a big step in the right direction.

    In this moment, I do not know where I will go. I will still play on the server of course, hopefully as a new character, but less amount of hours and with less responsibility. What character I cannot tell of course (MG duh?).


    The Voices of the People has spoken through The Aegis Times! Read shocking opinions in the latest issue!

    ((All subscription requests has to come through these forums. See further below for more information))


    Goals and ambitions

    The Aegis Times is created to report the latest news, to every citizen in Aegis, including YOU. With that said, we still want to create good issues worth reading. We aim to make one to two issues, every two days, to bring you the latest news.

    This seems that it might be too many issues to send out. But in fact, it is not that much. It happens so much in Aegis. Not even I can guess how much. The problem is that there has to be the right person around, at the right time, to be able to describe the news further.

    This is where we come in, together with the citizens. If you see something happening, if you have a newly set up business or maybe you are a high ranked official wanting to describe your faction, do NOT hesitate to contact us! ((Best is to PM me on these forums))

    ALL requests regarding subscriptions and advertisements, please send a messenger to Glamdring about this! ((PM Possut here on forums, see the envelope button in the end of the post))


    We will have three different appendixes, that will be updated as soon as we get new information. The will cover Warfront News, Trading prices and Vacant jobs.

    If YOU have anything you would like to add to these issues, please do contact anyone in our staff and we will add it. This is for example if you are looking for workers or maybe you have first hand information and news when it comes to wars and battles.


    Subscription weekly - 350 minas

    Subscription monthly - 1000 minas

    Weekly subscriptions + appendix - +210 minas per appendix

    Monthly subscriptions + appendix - +750 mins per appendix

    How to order a subscription:

    Send a message to the Kramoroe Office ((Send a PM to me on these forums, see the envelope button in the end of the post)) with the following information.

    RP Name:

    ((IGN name and forum name)):

    Where do you live?:

    Can you assure that you have a mailbox set up for delivery?:

    Subscription type:


    If you have something that would be worth writing about, would you be a regular contact for us to reach?:

    To make sure you get your copy, have a mailbox by your house, with a sign that says: The Aegis Times. If you get some troubles with thieves taking your mail, do contact us, so we can sort it out.

    If you do NOT have a mailbox, or can not set one up, we will have Mailbox stations, at a couple of places in Aegis. If you did give us a No, on the mailbox question, this will be the option for you.

    Current staff

    Glamdring - Owner and First Editor ((Possut))

    Arkhel - Administrator and Office keeper ((SiNaga))

    Darius - Chief of The Courier Office in the North ((Bartinator))

    Erevan Dawnfire - Courier and Reporter ((gandalfthepwnage))

    Kai - Traveling reporter((firespirit44))


    By purchasing this newspaper you accept our Terms & Conditions which are freely to read at any property of The Aegis Times Newspaper Company.

    Terms & Conditions:

    1. Privacy

    All content written in our newspaper are discovered by our reporters based on facts, research or stories told by other people including opinions. Hereby The Aegis Times Newspaper Company is neutral and you are not allowed to sue us unless one of our employees has violated the rules regarding privacy. Such as trespassing private territory, information gained by threatening and theft.

    2. Copyright

    No-one, but employees of The Aegis Times Newspaper Company, is allowed to copy, sell or distribute content of the company. According to the copyright rules, we are allowed to charge you (...) Minas. Employees of The Aegis Times Newspaper Company are hereby allowed, if any illegal copies of the newspaper has found and proved as your property, to search your house, business and any other kind of properties.

    Official signatures

    I, High King Syrio of Alras agree to said Terms and Conditions, agree it to be part of the law in the Kingdom of Alras.

  2. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: Possut

    -How old are you?: 21

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: GMT + 1 - Sweden

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I believe I have a very good written English, though I sound very "Swedish" in a microphone.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I live a happy life together with my girlfriend, currently waiting for autumn to kick in. Will be studying, which I look forward to. I'm a dedicated gamer, when it comes to my free time, and currently I'm quite bored and wanted to test something completely new.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    I'd try to be around for about 20-25 hours a week, minimum 10 hours.

    -How long have you played minecraft?:

    About 8-9 months.

    -What do you know about roleplaying?:

    Not much, to be honest. I'm a lover of RPG's, but that doesn't make a RPer. I do have a great idea for a RP character though, which I would love to play as on LotC. I learn quick and I am very open to get help if needed =)

    -What do you expect this server will be like?:

    First of all, I see a very advanced and organized server, which only for that reason, I would want to see. But also, since I'm RPing for the first time, I think this environment would be a great start.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    I have been playing on a couple of servers so far, most of them being a Factions/mcMMO servers with slight PvP indications. The reason for me leaving them is because I didn't have time at the point (being about 4 months ago). Now, when I have time, I'm looking for something new.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:

    I have read, understood and agreed to the rules.

    -Name the 4 races on this server:

    Human, Dwarfs, Elves and Orcs

    -How did you hear about us?:

    I was looking for a RP server on the Offical MC forums, and you happened to be on the top.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:



    -Character Name:


    -What is your Race?:

    Elf with a sub-race of Wood Elf


    Being lost after birth, the new born Wood Elf was found and brought up by a Dwarf couple. They gave him the fitting name of Glamdring, an ancient sword, made by Dwarfs with Elven technique. His father was an architect and his mother was running an inn, in the city of Kal'Urguan.

    During his youth he learned his fathers craft: architecture. As Glamdring was a natural painter and drawer, the architecture came at ease. Being brought up by dwarfs, he learned how to mine in stone effectively. But he still sought out being around trees and feeling the grass between his toes, often looking over the horizon towards the great forests.

    Today, his father dead and his mother on the death bed, Glamdring is now the one running the inn. While not working there, he contributes to the dwarven city with his knowledge in architecture. The dwarfs around him always frowned upon him, but accepted him as he was a hard worker. By night he hones his newfound skills of sneaking, being very curious about his own people. He often snuck out and traversed the wilds, seeking his roots.

    -Character Age:

    224 years old.

    -Character Appearance:

    Being a young wood elf, Glamdring is a blonde, tall, young looking man, but with the burliness of a mining dwarf. He wears a hooded cloth outfit, with green and grey colors.

    -Character Personality:

    Glamdring is a hard working man, and a good willed one. Even though he is on and about, sneeking around, cutting a purse or two, he has never talked ill about a person.

    -Your ambitions:

    Glamdring's primary will and goal is to find out who his real parents where, not because he wanted to get to know them, but to know why he had the yearn for skulking around. He also want to continue being a sought out architect.

    -Can your character read or write?:

    Yes. Having to run accounts as an innkeeper, he was taught.

    -Can your character mine?:

    Yes. Being brought up by dwarfs it came naturally.

    -Are you a capable builder?:

    Yes, as his father was an architect.

    -Can you wield a sword?:

    Not particularly well. If faced by danger, he most often tried to get away, teasing his opponent while hiding. If anything would be in his hands, it would be a bow.

    -Enjoy Farming?:


    -Does your character have any special skills?:

    Beside being an adapt sneaker, no.

    -A screenshot of your skin:


    -Other Information:

    Being my first time RPing, I'm quite nervous not fitting in. But with some help I think this character will be highly enjoyable, together with some nice players and admins on the server :D

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