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Posts posted by Silent™

  1. I would make it a bit more simple, as that you can only summon one animal with your conjuration magic, then you transfer your consciousness into it. After you 'switch bodies', so to speak, your own body goes limp and collapses, so it would be best to be sitting or laying down when you use this magic.


    Meanwhile you see, hear, and experience things as your summoned creature does as you are inhabiting its being. There is a limit on the distance for how far away the conjured animal can go before you begin to lose connection with it, and eventually disappears completely. So if you were trying to so some spying, you would still have to be quite close to where you want to listen in to. Meanwhile, if any guards came across your body, lying limp on the ground, then you would have no idea until you return your consciousness to your own body, or be killed. 



    I could write some more details, but it's 3:30am and I need to sleep.

  2. I'd have to say I most fondly remember living in my quaint little house at Winterfell in Aegis, and going over to Snowy fields to fight the Undead whenever I had the time.


    Ah yes, the overwhelming power that the Undead had and the sheer exhilaration fighting against an enemy that you could never truly defeat. Good times.

  3. Sylen hears of this tournament, and says to his companion "Seems they've figured out a way to get the Dwarves to dig up more metals for the kingdom while calling it a tournament. It's like telling your children that whoever picks the most weeds from the yard gets an extra serving of dessert."


    They both turn and head back to the dock yard to go home to Ostae'Fenn, and he remarks "Well, I'd have to congratulate them on their intelligent plan to get the labor done."

  4. Since Buff has been banned, he has given me the right to speak on his behalf.

    I am quoting the war rule here as I will be denying this conquest warclaim, changing it into a pillage.


    II. If a conquest warclaim is declared and denied, then the defender is subjected to an involuntary pillage warclaim. All other warclaims are non consensual.


    Thank you, and have a goodnight.


  5. Sylen sat in his comfy armchair in his house that towered above everything in the Princedom. He drank from his mug of hot tea, then sat it down upon a small table. He picked up a small plate with some cookies and took a few bites from one of the tasty treats, then put the plate back on the table. Once again he picked up his mug of tea, and then stood up from his comfy armchair and strolled over to his spyglass in front of his window. He hunched himself over slightly, lowering his eye to the lens, and peering out at the rolling fields to the North-West of Tar'sil. He saw the large mass of Oren and Orcs moving across the plains, waving banners and banging on drums.


    He stood up straight, and moved back to his armchair, sipping from his mug of tea. He sits down again, thinking of how upon seeing the enemy numbers, it was a better decision to not waste the lives of Dwarves and Snow Elves, but instead to conserve equipment and morale for the battles that matter. He picked up another cookie from his plate and took a bit into the crunchy goodness, thinking about other matters.

  6. From what I've read, I feel as though those working on this 'finished' it, then stepped back, saw there was a couple things they didn't like because making it fit with the server's magic lore and guild magic is impossible, and instead of simply scaling it down to be a simple two or three spells (an offensive, defensive and maybe a support spell) they just threw it all away.


    For example, a each magic user (I'm using evocation for my examples) gets two spells that could scale in power at three levels:

    Fire evocation:

    Offensive - Fireball (Increase in damage and range as level increases)

    Defensive - Flamewall (Increase in size and duration of the flame wall around caster as level increases)


    Water evocation:

    Offensive - Ice Spear (Increase in damage and range as level increases)

    Defensive - Ice Shield (Increase in size of ice wall and duration as level increases)


    Earth evocation:

    Offensive - Boulder Shot (Increase in damage and range as level increases)

    Defensive - Earthen Shield (Increase in size of earth wall and duration as level increases)


    I'm sure you can see how this would all play out for the rest of the magic types. And for those magics that have no combat use ,and are solely for RP, they don't need and PvP spells as they wouldn't be used for such. These spells could be tested at each level so we could find out how to balance it in combat. To represent in PvP the weakness mages have, it could be coded that magic users have less health for each spell and each level. So if you were an evocationist with both spells at level three, you have six less hearts, one heart per each of level of a spell. Or maybe a weakness debuff, or even a balance of both.

  7. ((I wonder, you say there a other snow elves in the pit, yet in actual RP, and OOCly,  there are quite literally no more than 6 snow elves, all of whom are still inside the Principality's city. All our other citizens are of another race, so yeah. Get your facts straight man.))

  8. Soon after Aelthir was afflicted with the celiac disease, Sylen figured out that it was foods made from or containing wheat. He adjusted the meals he prepared for everyone, altering how he made Aelthir's as to keep him from suffering the pain.


    ((My dad is celiac, and if he eats anything that contains even a tiny amount of wheat or anything containing wheat, within 6 hours he is lying down unable to move because of the pain. It's a horrible thing to live with, but it also means that he can't eat the baked goods I make so more for me.
    Also, the number of spelling and grammatical errors... it triggers the grammar nazi in me))

  9. The cracked skull of the Rex sits on a pike in the Princedom, dried decaying pieces of flesh still clinging to the malformed bone. Over the past few months, Sylen had looked every day he walked past at the Rex's head sitting upon a pike. He laughs as another large bird crap lands on an old dried up patch upon the malformed skull, giving him a chuckle.


    He thinks back to one of the times when the Snow Elves and Dwarves went on a raid to the Orcish dust bowl, and crushed them swiftly before the day was half done. He remembers the cowardly orcs crawling desperately into a hole atop the small stone spire, then throwing stones behind them to try and seal the way shut. He remembers the horrid stench of fresh orc piss and **** that the cowards released in the tight, winding tunnel in fear as he and a few others charged in, slaughtering the terrified orcs. He remembers then dragging the half dead rex out of that disgusting hole, and putting him up on his knees. He remembers the Rex kneeling on the sand, his rags soaked and smeared from him soiling himself, and then Aelthir raising his sword into the afternoon sunlight. The light shone hot and reflected off his blade, until it cleaved down into the rough skin of the Rex's neck. His ugly face falling swiftly to the sand below, his dirty blood spouting from his neck and dripping from Aelthir's blade.


    Sylen then remembers picking up the head of the Rex, and booting it high into the air. He and the others watched it smack down on a large stone making a loud cracking sound as it did. He then strolled over to the head, grabbed it by filty hair, and tossed it into an old bag. He later mounted the head on a pike, and let it slowly rot in the lower temperature air of the Princedom where the local birds found it to be a good toilet.


    "I suppose I'll have to replace it with a fresh one soon. It's becoming hard to distinguish who it was with all the bird **** coating it." He says with a laugh as he sets up some more pikes near it for any new heads.

  10. ((We still have your head and a wargoth anyway so.. you know. We have more of your heads :D

    Sylen Drayzont takes the head of the Rex, then sticks a wooden shaft into the neck cavity. He then goes over to the Palace's waste pipe and uses his head on a pole to clean out the crap. After he is done, he goes and dumps the head back on the pike, then washes himself off.

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