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  1. Roleplaying Name: Lance Minecraft Name: Skyrock45 Your fighting experience: My fighting experience is very high. I came from many pvp servers so i have a positive experience in combat. How long you have played Minecraft:I have been playing minecraft for 5 months or more. How long you have played on Lord of the Craft: I been on Thelordofthecraft for about 5 days. Why you think you deserve to join The Lost ones:I dont think i deserve to join because I am just another citizen of Aegis but i want to because i want to rid the world of Evil and Undead. Recently i was attacked by the undead but was saved by Elves. So I do want to pay the elves back by me protecting others Your Background/History (post a link) viewtopic.php?f=35&t=11633 Other Information: I am a Elf of Malidor.I have no subrace. I still dont have a main home beacuse i been moving around even during the night. I am not a vip. WHAT POSITION YOU WANT TO BE IN: I want to be Lost Captain because I want to lead a squad and lead it to victory. I have some faith that i will be able to obtain the title.
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