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Everything posted by Survivalism

  1. Character Name (I.C.): Sirva Character name (O.C.): Survivalism Race: Dwarf IC Age: 25 Will you be a FOA soldier, or s preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus): FOA Soldier Goals in the FOA?: I have two main goals in the FOA. My first goal is to protect the people of Aegis from the undead and any other threat that could come to the power of evil. My second reason being that I wish to spread the goodness of Aeriel. Good deeds you have done?: I have done a good share of fair deeds. I have used my time when I was not honing my skills to give new people a tour of many of the towns in Aegis. I have also gone about and given these people tips on how to start making themselves Minas, while also starting them off with a few. I protected many of the people of Aegis from the undead on any occasion I had the chance. I have also done many smaller things to help the citizens. Have you done any bad deeds?: I have not done any bad deeds that I can recall. How did you hear of us?: I have heard of the FOA through small talk, when passing through different towns. I have read articles stating the things that the FOA and Ascended have repelled. I recently fought with the FOA in the battle against the Water Demon, which strengthened my belief of joining a larger force rather than a team of one. This also strengthened my hated to evil. Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: I am indeed against the undead. From what I have seen of the undead, nothing good for those of Aegis comes out of them. I have seen the undead mercilessly striking down or thieving from people just walking down roads. I have seen them attempt to destroy many towns as well. What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.): My primary weapon in battle is the sword. I have a skill level of thirty. Are you a capable builder?: I am indeed a capable builder, but I require sufficient time to perfect my ideas and apply them. Can you wield any other weapons?: I can wield an axe and a bow, but with severely less effective abilities. Any special skills?: I have no 'special' skills. I do have the ability of great planning, extreme bravery, sense of responsibility, and encouragement. Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why. I put all my faith into Aeriel. I trust that with the blessings of Aeriel, I can become more of one with others, and perhaps even help vanquish the undead once and for all. I will indeed spread word of all that is Aeriel, while shunning the vile Iblees. I do this for those of Aegis. With those that are in the forces of good, I believe that evil can be exterminated. I believe that if nobody puts themselves in danger, nothing can be accomplished. That is why I believe that in the FOA I can aid all. Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: I will help the FOA by committing myself fully, to help light shine once again through darkness. Through the FOA, the Ascended will have more control over me, this will allow them to have more of a force in the battle of the undead. Through the FOA and guidance of the Ascended, Aeriel will be able to know that everyone is safe, with evil shut away.
  2. Roleplaying Name: Sigis Minecraft Name: Survivalism Your fighting experience: I have been through much of the land of Aegis, assisting all the travelers I can. I have fought many undead minions, enhancing my abilities with a sword. This has given me a very great thinking process, in which I use tactics such as strafing in combat to mitigate damage. Though I have not fought with a larger force than a few warriors in a group, nor battled undead in a grand battle over a city, I hope that this organization can allow me to take my skills to a new level, and so that I can help extinguish the undead threat. How long you have played Minecraft: October 2010 How long you have played on Lord of the Craft: About two weeks. Why you think you deserve to join The Lost ones: I do not think I deserve to join The Lost Ones. However, I feel that with my strengths, I can help advance our standing against the undead. Your Background/History (post a link) Sigis. A dwarf. I have lived in umpteen places. I was born in the Cloud Temple, but soon moved to a small cavernous city. In this city, I learned the basis of work. I learned how to farm and cut trees. The basics of swordplay, of axes, and bows. Mining, and smithing. I quickly learned he was different. I, unlike many dwarves, favored the sword over the hatchet, and grew several inches taller than my brethren. Over time of adding to my skills, I heard rumors of Iblees's uprising, where I went to the Cloud Temple for knowledge. This is where my story has been left. Lost in a scroll of unknown name and origin. Other Information: Not much else to say besides that fact that I love the sound of this being hardcore goodness. Others claim to be "good" but make criminals slaves or execute them. I hope my application was good. Thanks!
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