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Posts posted by Abyssus

  1. Considerably one of only ET who's event I actually found awesome and indepth enough I remembered it, here's hoping he gets accepted and creates a storyline as dynamic and detailed as the Devourer one.


    Good luck buddy, I'm excited to see your events!



  2. Minecraft name(s):



    Skype ID:





    Do you hold / have you held any other staff positions?



    What MMORPG/video games have you/do you play (past and present)?

    TF2, Mabinogi, Runescape, Dead Frontier, Rust, Loadout, Robocraft, Blockland, Trove, Terraria, Vindictus, StarMade, Runes of Magic, Most FunOrb games, Unturned, Dark Souls, Skyrim, Oblivion, From Dust, From the Depths, Garry's Mod, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, Dota 2, The Forest, Arma: Cold War Assault, BoneTown, Homefront, Civilization V, Dishonored, Crysis, Lego Universe, Fire Emblem: Path of Radience, Spore, Star Wars Battlefront, Animal Crossing, Rage, Virtual Villagers, Simpsons Game, Brink, Battlefield 3, Darksiders, Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, Forza 3, LoL, Warframe, Plants vs Zombies, Diner Dash, several various old Gamecube games, Sims series, Grand Theft Auto series, Fallout series, Borderlands series, Harvest Moon series, Pokemon series, Call of Duty series, Assassins Creed series, Halo series, Age of Empires series, Fable series, Pikmin series, Stronghold series, Mount & Blade series, Dragon Age series, Witcher series, Prototype series. 


    What are your characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become a event department member?

    Guarger Tsouderous, Acaleus Stirling, If it is neccessary, sure.


    What race / group do you think your events would best cater to? If none in particular, give an example of the type of group that your events would entertain.

    My personal goal is to provide fun for most, but if a group has to be specificed, I'd say a good portion of the newbies and other RPers who do not have much to do themselves.


    What do you believe are key factors for a successful event?

    I believe the key factor to a good event is if the members participating in your event are entertained and comfortable, a good challenge with either a good or bad outcome that still entertains the audience attending no matter if they win or lose.


    What strengths could you contribute to the event department? Are you knowledgeable in lore or great at organizing?

    From what other's have told me I have a very good imagination as well as being somewhat good at tactics and problem-solving, I'm very knowledgeable in a lot of the lore. I worked as a nation steward for a good while, so I'd like to think I'm somewhat good at organizing, but that's open to opinion.


    Why do you want to be part of the ED?

    As dumb a reason as it is, I'd like to join the ET because I feel like I could provide more fun for others with the events I'd be allowed to direct if I was apart of the ET, I've ran a few player made events for people and it's worked out quite successfully, but I'd like to aim higher now, as well as assist and coordinate with other ET.


    Create three distinct RP scenarios/events based on LOTC lore that you would organize. These are pitches to the managers and the lead, not to the community. Note: not all of the group must be handled at once. Eg: 20+ people via 5 person increments in a dungeon.


    1) For 1-3 person(s)

    A group of alchemists recently come upon some old notes on what they believe to be Panacea, realizing the breakthrough they prepare to create the miracle potion, utilizing a series of rare alchemical ingredients. The recipe goes horribly wrong inducing an Homunculi by accident, the alchemists, now faced with one of the biggest mistakes of the science, must choose whether to escape or attempt to kill their newfound creation.


    2) For a group of 5-10

    Amber Wolves(https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/120227-hair-leech-and-amber-wolves/?page=1)
    The animals in a nearby town seem to be disappearing by the number, various blood trails showing that they were dragged off, when people would go to investigate they would find a den of Amber Wolves, either opting to run and keep them at bay with animals, or choose to fight them at their doorstep.


    3) For a group of 20+

    Popping Node
    The lands near a settlement appear to be taking on a coat of purplish-black soot, its origin determined to be from a voidal node. A group gathers to await the fate of it as mages scramble to eradicate the problem. After meddling with it for a good while, the node would burst causing a swarm of lesser voidal entities to pour out of the surrounding area. Where then after the group would be forced to either attempt to escape or arm themselves and fight the eldritch invaders. 


    How long do you plan to stay on the ED?

    As long as I have the time to keep up with events.


    Tell me a joke!

    I did a theatrical performance about puns. It was a play on words.

  3. I think it's a good addition, makes use of the massive amount of space we don't use on the map.


    As for all the other concerns regarding 'taking rp from nations' and what not, well people don't RP in the nations or settlements despite, people don't seem to RP at those places because CT appears to be the RP hub at the moment.

  4. Had fun times doing crazy alchemy and transfiguration things with this dude, he's got a pretty good grasp on how the voidal arts work. I'd trust in him being able to lead a MAT staff position.




  5. 27 minutes ago, Tsuyose said:

    There's no need, nor does it benefit anyone whatsoever, for everyone else to see why their lore is being denied (except for the lore writer.)


    Sure it does, if your writing a piece that is even slightly remotely similar to the lore posted it helps to see why such things in the past were denied, as it helps you to rectify your own lore.


    I'd personally see this as an advantage to save the loremasters time, as a person could see the errors with one piece, and make sure they're own lore didn't have such errors. So you wouldn't be denying a lore piece for the same reasons twice in a row.

  6. A man stood atop the balcony outstretching from his fortress in the mountains, staring out into the distance as he'd mutter


    "You were like a brother to me, I really hope you aren't gone...but if you are..rest easy."


    The man slowly turned away, marching back into his fortress with a sigh


    "Suppose this is what it feels like when you lose family, real or not. Though least I can hope you did me proud and they had to use more then one man to take you down, always did take the entire town guard to even put a challenge against you."


    At that, the man utter'd a laugh before saying


    "Fear the Old Dark, and rest in peace brother, wherever you went. You'll be remembered and celebrated, forever."



    "I promise."

  7. Just now, Song Druid said:

    I think we should change the curse or just remove all of them (see above for reasons why that wouldn't be a bad idea tbh)

    I have to agree with Song here, if the argument is "No matter what you do the players are not going to roleplay the curse properly anyway" then why don't we just remove all of them?


    Zip, zilch, remove them all, if people don't properly follow them and never  will then why have it? It's pointless, let's just remove them if that is the case.

  8. A man in robes sits on a rock, doing absolutely nothing, falsely accused of being evil but taking comfort in the fact that the people that revive him take full neutrality in healing and in their temple grounds. That due to these false accusations he will at least be safe in the temple, and not barred, as they're patron instructs.


    Though he hopes that even if he is forced out, those extremely useful travelling nation carts will at least still be accessible.

  9. Personally one of the stupidest arguments I've ever had on this server has been along the lines of whether or not you should be allowed to portray a character that doesn't share your gender. The reason it's stupid is that it's roleplay, in roleplay the character is female, your character is male/female, and it should stay there. The people who argue otherwise lead me to believe they were trying for some relationship OOCly, which is very creepy to be honest. These types of things should be expected anyways if you participate in roleplay of any type.


    In conclusion, my own thoughts are: 


    If you feel you can correctly portray a female character, then by all means let nothing stop you. But if you can't, then I would appreciate that you didn't.



    Unlike the other plebs however, I am infact a necro irl

  10.                                    2f74ac19fdea5beb909caa8ba0e250ce.png


                                                   Blood Paladin's huh?



    I think it'll open up some interesting avenue's and twists to deity RP, unless of course, they completely allow it. Has my support, most arguments from what I can tell are from a IC perspective, OOCly I don't see much an issue besides possible niche groups forming within these deity orders and the magic becoming stuck there.










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