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Everything posted by stubby416

  1. 1. Mc name and rp name : Minecraft Name: stubby416 RP Name: Seba_Nile 2. What race are you : I am an elf 3. Have you ever lived in solace: No i haven't, just started the server again after approximately a year of being offline 4. Did anyone direct you to joining, if so who: RP Name: Hightower_Recruit_Melanie Minecraft Name: emraldilian 5. (Answer in rp format what you do) - A man is walking down a street in fine silks and exotic velvet, running up to him you see two goblins and a orc about to corner him in a dark alley by the tavern. You hear a yelp and rush in to find him dead, the three running down the alley. As a noble Elf I would alert thou towns Gatekeeper and have the Murderers Trapped inside the town until such time as we can hunt down the foul beats and exterminate them as if they were insects! 7. I, Seba_Nile, Swear upon my honor that I will uphold the peace and security of my lord, James Hightower and Lancel Hightower, and keep them safe. All indulgences of the world will not disrupt my task in protecting them to the best of my ability. So do I swear, Seba_Nile.
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