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  1. Conquest:

    Conquest is the act of military subjugation of an enemy by force of arms. In other words it is the de jure incorporation of some territory into another geo-political entity (either adjacent or non-contiguous). Usually, it is implied that the territory and population being annexed is the smaller, more peripheral, and weaker of the two merging entities, barring physical size.

    Opposing Faction: House Vallark and Allies.

    Defending Faction: An abandoned town without name.

    Name of the battle: A Ghosts' Haven

    Location, must be the specific region/biome you wish to conquer:


    Time, (at least 5 days warning): Thursday, May 24 anywhere from 3:00 to 6:00 PM EST.

    Terms: No Golden Apples and no enchanted weapons (Power 1 bows allowed).

    Rewards: Region/biome swaps ownership

    RP Reasoning:

    Aerios receives many reports of an abandoned town to the West that simply takes up space and looks quite terrible without care. He decides to visit it with his Baroness. He spots a ruins, devoid of any life and buildings near collapse. The town waves tattered banners and moss grows on the eerie stone. Aerios speaks jokingly, "Almost like ghosts live here.." with his Baroness agreeing. The ruins seem to have been empty for a long, long time. After a short discussion he and the Baroness agree that it must be removed. "I am tasking House Guivret with the removal of this....eyesore....that is inhabited by ghosts." he speaks before whistling for his stead.

    Aerios returns to Ursakar and gives the command to gather Bannermen and arm them sufficiently. After the soldiers are ready he allows them a short break before the march. The armor of Aerios is re-made after an...unfortunate accident in Maple Port. He also orders a new Halberd to be made, ready for war and the gore it would call forth.

    ((This town/village/thing is just another ghost town. Why not clean it up?))

  2. *Aerios looks over the note with happiness.*

    "Good!"' he thinks to himself. "House Guivret is doing a fine job. Ulric seems to have failed at even showing up to Tyr for his Count position. Barian will sware fealty soon."

    *The Duke then places the note into his satchel before whistling his famous tune to call his brown stead and another for his servant to bring him his signature Halberd. He then ties the pole-arm to his back and rides off to Ursakar.*

  3. *Aerios receives word of war and he immediately sends out a letter to each of his vassals.*

    "Renatus is soon to march upon the Realm of Hanseti. I require each of you to muster your Bannermen and arm them fully. The newly granted Duchy of Norjun shall not disappoint His Majesty. Make sure we are ready and keep an eye out for any Hans. These heathens and the false King of The South will pay. Contact me and state your current status for battle."

    Best Regards,

    Duke Aerios Vallark

    *Aerios finishes speaking to his Scribe, Aaron, and asks him to copy and distribute it. He motions for a servant to bring him his armor and signature Halberd. Afterwards he mounts his brown stead and rides off to Ursakar.*

  4. (( and am I present here? ))

    ((Send me an IC forum message about introducing yourself to the Duke and stating your achievements for Seventis. Baronship is most likely in store for all the dedication and donations you put in, it'll impress Aerios.))

  5. ((Suprise attacks are annoying and not fun nor fair honestly. Enismor is under Norjun's control, and does this mean we just have to sit on the mainland and forget about the attack? Seriously, if ANYONE goes there they'll be shot down for meta. A 'suprise attack' pretty much instantly grants you the city. It's not fun or fair considering that the Subdai can go and burn down settlements without us even being able to lift a finger due to it being a 'suprise attack' even when we are a civilized Duchy and the Subudai are a horde of barbarians.. Also, the owner of Enismor is banned so destroying his land without him being able to even slightly stand up for it doesn't seem right. Can you even make a warclaim on more than settlement? My dearest apologies If I'm wrong though I thought I should state my opinion on this.))

  6. (( Okay thanks for the heads up Ursolon if you have any objections with the town being rebuilt just let me know. Dez thanks for the offer I will diffidently keep it in mind but it really makes most Rp sense to rebuild the town where it was in my mid at least and just a side not your inbox is full :P ))

    ((Cleared thanks xD. Soon the Norjun desert will be bountiful grassland and you'll have our protection. Honestly, being in Monk Lands puts you in the line of sight of just about every nation.))

  7. *Aerios is speaking with Count Trivane, his brother, when he notices an odd figure and a guard slowly stepping towards him. He aknowledges the Bannerman's bow and barks a command to him before looking up to the man, "Dru furte, drem hok." The Bannerman's speaks subordinately, "Juv Duke." before scattering to the gate. You may or may not recognize the language they spoke as Norjish.*

    *Aerios then bows extravagantly, "Duke Aerios Vallark of The Duchy of Norjun and Noble Servant of His Majesty, at your humble service.". He then looks to the man through his helmet and awaits some sort of response.*

  8. ((Wasn't Pine Harbor gifted to Casimir? From what I recall Pine Harbor, Stingray Bay, and Del Riviera make up the County of Somerset in the Duchy of Westfall.))

    ((Pine Harbor was always under Seventis, he was just made Lord of it. We are re-using it.))

  9. m0w8g.jpg

    -+The County of Somnia+-

    -+Ruled by Count Trivane+-

    1. The Duchy's Capital of Grata, ruled by Duke Aerios himself.

    2. The Barony of Dewhurst, ruled by <?>.

    3. The Barony of Lamore, ruled by Baron Alai Mortis.

    4. The Barony of Drakeston, ruled by <?>.

    5. The Barony of Eden, ruled by Baron Jullius and Baroness Rose.

    -+The County of Clark+-

    -+Ruled by Count <?>+-

    6. The County's capital of Wensingston, ruled by Count <?>.

    7. The Barony of Cor, ruled by <?>.

    8. The Barony of Ponte, ruled by <?>.

    9. The Barony of Ramhaven, ruled by <?>.

    -+The County of Mercia+-

    -+Ruled by Count Balian+-

    11. The County's Capital of Tyr,ruled by Count Ulric.

    12. The Barony of Ursakar, ruled by Baron Balian.

    -+The County of <?>+-

    -+Ruled by Countess Ariana+-

    13. The Barony of Thicketbane, ruled by <?>.

    14. The County's Capital of <?>, ruled by Countess Ariana.

    15. The Barony of Mare, ruled by <?>.

    16. The Barony of Greenpoint, ruled by <?>.


    17. (Marked as 13 by mistake, northernmost Colony.) The Colony of Enismor, ruled by Baron Torren.

  10. ((PMs would be best, if possible. PM me your response.))

    "I trust that you've heard Seventis disbanded and Renati flopped dead, aye? It was ravaged via the plague and many are lifeless in the streets. The land is slowly being ridden of the disease however. The land is now The Duchy of Norjun and I am it's Duke, Aerios Vallark. I have heard much of you, Count, I'm glad we could finally meet."

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