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Status Updates posted by MrSyth

  1. I love cats.

  2. Welp, that was mah last exam for this year. Good luck to all those still having them!

  3. Welp, that was mah last exam for this year. Good luck to all those still having them!

  4. Goodbye Esch... Gonna miss you.

  5. Goodbye Esch... Gonna miss you.

  6. Brass goggles.

  7. #RemoveAscended2013 or #BringUndeadBack2013

  8. ALL OF THE LOST PROGRESS. #crying #gonnashootmyself #rollbacks #hashswags

  9. Anyone else unable to log in? Getting timed out errytime I try.

  10. Hey guys, remember that status update about half an hour ago about how grappling hooking is nonsense? You'll see.

  11. #InTelanirWeTrust

  12. #InLiriWeTrust

  13. Gave the server some soup. Worked nicely.

  14. Good thing the dwarves can't attack the high elves... Phew.

  15. GG no re server imba.

  16. Hey guys my name is Ozio "Rainbow Death" Shadowhunter and I will Edgy your face off. In the shadows, of course.

  17. Wave goodbye to yer head, wanker!

  18. Oh great. Can't vote. Guess I'm gonna have to deal with the spam. http://gyazo.com/e096a1dda4e2c2ef6547d00284c70f91

  19. Merry Christmas folks.

  20. Jee wizz it's been a while since I've been on the server. How are you folks doing?

  21. MPM or Riot.

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