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Posts posted by HuskyPuppy


     Ok question 2 from me. How did you find out about lotc, and how did you get started with roleplay.





     Hmm let me see, I originally found out about the server was a man named Reckreationz. As for starting RP... I frankly cant remember XD

    Do you have any role play tips you would like to share?

    Personally I find it best to simply let the moment take you. tips for RP cannot really be given easily x3


    Favorite color? (It better not be blue)


  2. Are you now making a pact with satan?

    Pfft, satan wishes he could make a pact with me ;)


    1. Dogs or cats?


    2. Is bald a hairstyle or a condition?


    3. Free will or predestination?


    4. Shaken or stirred?


    5. Chocolate or vanilla?

    1. Dogs

    2. Hairstyle! :D

    3. Free will


    5. Why not both?


    Do you hate me too?

    Yes because you hate me ;-;

  3. Idnir laughs, almost mockingly.
    "You think we're unhappy? Frankly your the only person who has complained thus far, and you should keep your words of 'worry' to yourself simply because I take this as an insult to our home. We had nothing before, but now we have a place where we belong and can be among our true family, our kin! If you have an issue with the houses then I simply say live elsewhere."


  4. Verthius giggles slightly as he posts a response 
    "Me and my sister will be lovely students, alone we both have our flaws but together we cover them with each others strengths. My sister is an adept hunter currently with the thirst of biological knowledge claiming each kill in the name of her research. I am a simple craftsman who can forge anything you can provide a picture to, clothing is also not an issue with myself around. The both of us respect the art of magic but have never gotten the chance to be shown anything that really caught our interests, perhaps you could show us something worthwhile with your art? And if you do we'll be sure to show you what we're worth." 

    Signed Verthius and Adeline




    Memorized every language ever known,

    Trained Weapon[s]: Everything

    Age: 26

    I also hate to be that guy, but doesn't this all seem a little strong to you? At the age of 26 hes as you put it "The best swordsman back in Abresi." mixed with the fact you stated hes trained in everything, I know this is incomplete but even still I think you should talk to a lore-master about limitations with ones character before even trying to finish this :p

  6. Kaelia stands before her guild, sighing with deep remorse as she pins down a letter to the door.
    "Dear Scholars, Mages, and Friends. As of today I Kaelia Llenesi will be stepping down as the guild master, in my place I have chosen Toby Williams to lead the guild, I will return some day in the future but as of now I have more important things to do. Farewell."

    ((Sorry for double post!)


  7. Snip


    "The cave of the silver smith."


    "The cave of the silversmith."


    Hidden deep in the dwarven mountains lies a very peculiar cave where stone seems radiate a very beautiful white glow and the untouched ores gather in abundance. In this cave lies a being seen by few but whose name is known by many ‘The Silversmith.’. The silversmith is said to be only a folk tale for blacksmiths and collectors of fine weaponry but the story goes that the smith walks through the caves carrying a large hammer and a black iron chisel, as he wanders he makes time to decorate the caves with many beautiful statues of animals and monsters and occasionally  very few explorers who have luckily been able  to encounter the being. It has been said that the being does not speak but through his actions he is able to communicate his messages even going as far as giving gifts such as relics and unique pieces of weaponry to those who manage to find his home. However no man has ever shown proof of this mysterious beings existence and so the players of lord of the craft will be given the chance to explore the caves and find many beautiful pieces of treasure and if they are lucky even find the smith himself!

    In this event I went for a more legend-like feel giving off the player reason to spread word of this event and having it as a recurring event in the mines of the dwarves and several other races and possibly in the future be written down as a common folk-tale. The event itself would consist of an event-team build cave, witch i know will be a rather complex build but with the constant re-use I feel it could be turned into a popular event for players to experience shown in the above illustration is a reference photo that I used in the concept of the silver-smith, the being itself only seems to make art and the player would receive a reward for finding him deep in the cave and completing the even in result showing the players a beautiful location and rewarding them with a unique item to help them remember the day they met the silversmith in this event.

    I hope you like the idea!

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