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Posts posted by HuskyPuppy

  1. 2DhOgTl.png


    Coming soon!


    Simply put, we're a direct subdivision of the Scions of the Third Era, specialized in research and development in counteracting scourge.


    Head Scholar

    This rank is currently held by Kaelia Llenesi, the head researcher oversees all research and is able to adjust what is required in a situation when the researchers are unable to make a decision she agrees with.


    High Scholar

    The High Scholars oversee a small group of scholars given a set task, they are granted a chamber in the base to conduct research and are allowed to give orders freely to the lower ranks.



    Full-fledged members of the guild, all scholars are given a set tasks based on their talents. And put under control of a High Scholar



    The grunts given the more annoying tasks so they may prove their worth, all members will start off as a recruit until a High Scholar or even the Head Scholar says otherwise.



    MC Name:




    Current Allegiance:
    Past jobs:


    1) What would be the role play reasoning behind the festival? / Who would be hosting it and be the group behind it?

    The reasoning behind the festival in short is to celebrate the flowers blooming, consider it like a second type of valentines day.

    The main host of this event would be my character Zara, a traveling bard. Several other bards will be brought in (ET Actors and other players) to assist with hosting the event as well. But any bardic characters on lotc are welcome to come and help.

    2) What would occur during the event? (what could the players do there to keep themselves entertained or interested?)

    During the event I'd like the stage to be our biggest draw to the players, though I'm not sure if it will do the trick. The stage is going to be open to all to come up and show off their songs and dance in RP. That aside I also hope to have the marketplace of the event be a huge draw to players, renting out shops is always adored by merchants but if we could get some unique items to be sold then, such as named instruments or possibly even a few names flowers I hope that a few people would come around and enjoy the music and dance.

    3) Approximately how many actors would you need for the event and what would they be for?

    To list them, I'll need around five - six, three for bards to play music and dance. and two-three others to play merchants selling the original items.

    4) Near spawn, or within the Temple grounds, where had you thought the event to be suited best?

    In my opinion, this event will need a decent sized area for the stage, and with that I don't know if we'll be able to do it too close to spawn, but within the temple grounds is most prefered.

    5) Ideally, when and what time would you wish for the event to happen?

    I'd preferably like the event to take place between the 8th of march and the 29th of march, giving us a good amount of days to choose from.


  3. Event Planners, MC Names: TheHuskyPuppy , zblbac5

    Event Type: Festival

    Event Date: Any free weekend in March.

    Factions/Nations effected by the event: Any/all. Its an open event for all to attend.

    Event Location: Preferably near spawn, though I wasn't sure if I had to ask the monks or not. I wasn't able to get a clear answer from the people I asked.

    Summary: The festival of flowers is a simple event, where all races may come to relax and mingle among one another. I chose to request this event for two reasons, one I really want to display bardic RP to the server's new and old players, secondly I feel as if this festival will give everyone a chance to display their creativity in role-play on the stage.

    Concept Images/Screenshots (Coming soon)

    Other Information: We will have multiple main attractions!
    The rose garden theater !
    Players will be able to line up and go on the large stage to display their bardic skills, or simply show off a little dance.


    The market!
    Yes yes, as expected this event will have a large display open for traders to rent out and sell their wares. And if possible I'd like a few unique event items to be sold here as well, perhaps a unique flower? 





    Also If I required the head monks permission, I'm terribly sorry and if he/she manages to see this then please post your opinions on the matter below.

    Do you need the Event Team's assistance?: Yes, I do.

    If so, do you require actors and/or builders?: Both actors and builders, builders to quickly and efficiently build the required stages and shops, and actors to fill the roles of vendors and bards.

  4. MC Name: TheHuskyPuppy
    Character Name: Zara
    Skin or Referance Picture: http://imgur.com/BQNCkLK
    Gender: Female
    Race: Dark-elf
    Shot: (Headshot, bust, full body, chibi) Full body 
    Kind: (Sketch, Lined, Lined-Colored, Unlined-Colored) Lined-colored
    Position: (be detailed. You tell me nothing, you will get whatever is easiest) I'd like her to be sitting on her knees looking up, a small note on her right thigh is a brand that marks her name

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