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Posts posted by cometking123

  1. A new life begins, it light cast upon Aegis.

    All the races tremble to Availer, who came upon this earth.

    He knows what is best.

    He visits and comforts the hearth.

    A portal is open, A rushing wind.

    As the new land opens with open arms.

    As I came through its bend.

    Its land refeshing, new like the next of kin.

    Ectasy and Pleasure comes to the morn

    As the portal opens, forever more

  2. *whistles as he sees the flyer, just arriving into Al K'hazar. He reads the flyer, then laughs as if it's a joke*

    Amazing! They have the utter gall to commit attacks on the Warden while Oren gets bombarded with attacks from the Undead? How funny. Either way, Elves are so temperamental. It'll probably wash over in a moon or so.

    *He laughs as he goes to the tavern*

  3. Some things to note:

    2. Please do note that this is a sequel to this story here. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/23181-the-black-market-a-mark-havirta-novel/

    3. If you think this is not up to par with other Roleplay stories out there, please give me criticism (constructive) through a PM. I would like to hone my writing a bit here in this forum.

    4. This shall NOT be used IC as information. If you use any info that is in this novel, you shall be cast to the META realm.

    Chapter 1: Resolve and Fortitude

    Daniel walked slowly through the King's Road, passing empty shops, the customers driven away in the black of night. The moon and stars shown with a brilliant sheen as he walked slowly to Al 'Khazar. The robed man walked clutching the wound he received, the crimson blood shimmering in the dim light as he hobbled up the smooth stone steps. He muttered a curse as he approached the torch that gleamed in the distance, a saving grace for those who dared to travel in the darkest nights.

    Daniel stumbled as the blood spread to his jet-black leggings as he continued walking to the torch. "Damn it, I must get this...to..." he winced as white hot pain pierced his body. A crumpled scroll was in one hand, stained with red blood as he continued walking on, stumbling as the wound did its work on Daniel's body. He sweared once again as he began to lose his vision.

    Heh. Ox is going to have a ball after this, he thought as he collapsed on the stone floor, unmoving. Rain began to fall as the darkness closed in on Daniel.

    The flicker of flame from the torch disappeared, its small flame giving way to the pouring rain.


    2 moons earlier.


    Damn it Daniel. Why did you break the plate? Lion said in a sarcastic tone. "But...I didn't break it. You did!" Daniel retorted back. Lion gave Daniel the stink eye as he gave him a broom ,"I didn't break it, You did, so clean it up." He then walked up the room, looking back only to see if Daniel was doing his work. "Damn Lion" He muttered as he began to clean up the broken plate. Ox was watching him as he cleaned up the plate. "Ah...great memories. Don't worry. Lion always pulled that joke on me at my apprenticeship. He'll get over himself."

    Daniel just ignored his comment as he continued cleaning up the porcelain shards that adorned the stone floor. Memories... bah. wish I hadn't joined this bloody guild. I seem bloody useless, cleaning messes as if I were a maid. What the hell am I doing this anyway, slave labor? What does this have to do with me becoming a agent. he thought as he sweeped the floor with increased vigor, scorn appearing on his face.

    For the last moon he'd been "approved" for a job at the VonSchlichten Tavern for unknown reason. "Work Ethic" Hawk said as he smiled at him, his face somewhat masked by a bandana. "It'll stick with ya for a long time. Work hard, and you'll be on your way." His salt-and-pepper hair shone in the torchlight as he went out for a "job". Seven Days of hard work and bloody abuse from Lion awaited him as he was insulted, beaten, and humiliated in front of the many denizens of the tavern.

    And now I'm bloody stuck here with a bloody madman and a supervisor that thinks of bloody nothing toward me, he grumbled as he put the broom back where it belonged: The broom closet.

    "Well, tell you what, we're going to go out for a treat tonight." Ox smiled, his face beamed with a large childish smile. He was adorned with a red robe, with a white undershirt and black leggings. His face was tanned with a worn expression, as if he worked everyday of his life for this "order". He was the only one in the group to show his face, and he was quite nice to Daniel, often giving Daniel a piece of candy or giving him some minas to pay for his meal.

    "What's the treat? Washing dishes?" Daniel said in a sarcastic manner, though he secretly longed to get away from this hell while Lion was still busy. "Oh no, something even better. Get ready in 40 minutes, and bring some money will you? It's something that requires it." Ox smiled as he went downstairs to get ready.

    "By the way, your test is over. You are no longer the maid of the tavern. You passed the test of fortitude. Not many can handle Lion's constant badgering. The ones who survive often have to rest for a day before moving on. Let's hope that doesn't happen." He yelled out. Daniel just slumped on a table, finally moving on from this hell.

    Fortitude is the marshal of thought, the armor of the will, and the fort of reason.-Sage Sue in the speech to the Followers of Aerial, 15th of the Grand Harvest, 1204.


    Chapter 2: Blades and Footwork.


    Daniel and Ox went out on the road, the bright afternoon sun blocked by the puffy clouds in the blue sky. ‘So…what are we doing?” Daniel asked, his expression suspicious. “Like I said, it’s a secret. Don’t worry, it’s not bad.” Ox retorted back, his face curled in a slight smile. “It’s not like you’ll kill anyone.” Ox started to walk on the wide road leading to Al’ Khazar. “Hurry up now. ~ You won’t get anywhere walking like that” Daniel just shrugged as he tailed Ox, admiring the renovations to the wall and the gatehouse in progress. Workers darted up and down the scaffolding like worker ants as solid granite walls were built piece by piece. As they passed through the construction site, they glanced toward the new shop plots that adorned the green meadow.

    Ox and Daniel approached the entrance to Al’ Khazar, the gates small and lacking compared to the walls that were being built outside.

    “Hail! Name and Business!” A voice rang out from the gatehouse. An Oren Guard was waiting for incoming visitors, his body adorned with iron armor and the crest of the Guard.

    “Daniel Lamgoniel and John Lamgoniel, on a sightseeing tour. We came from the Whisper Isles.”

    “Ah. I see. All right, come inside. “

  4. Chapter 2: The Pheonix Rising.

    Daniel Lamgoniel was neither good nor bad. He wasn’t interested in politics, or fighting against the Undead. He just wanted a good life for his family, a loving wife and two smart, wily kids, and his friends.

    Of course, that was before Winterfell.

    As the sun rose up on that horrible night, only ruins were left of the town. The bones and flesh of soldiers, civilians, children, and generals alike were lying on the cold hard ground, as if they were killed standing before those abominations of men. The Undead.

    The quaint town, only a day’s walk away from Al’ Khazar and home to his wife and children, was decimated before his eyes by those blasted Undead. The Undead, with their cold, calculating eyes, their pale faces bringing nightmares upon all of Aegis. The staffs of ivory and gold they wield, dull within the night, summoning unspeakable creatures and sending lightning down onto the civilians who only wanted to make a living for their families, gave no remorse to anyone on that day.

    Ever since then, why bother with life? he thought. I have nothing left. My home, my family, my livelihood, all gone like a drop of water in the ever-spacious sea, and I couldn’t do a thing while the town crumbled like sand around me. Why couldn’t I die instead of my wife, my children, my friends, my neighbors…why?

    As he walked through Al’Khazar, a refugee of war, people took pity on him. One person gave him a couple pieces of jerky, another gave him some minas, the local currency in Oren. Why does it matter, he mused as he graciously accepted the tokens, I’m dead inside. Nothing. I have nothing left, just a couple pieces of meat and a pauper’s pay. He sighed as he entered the town, hitting himself that he left his pouch of money and the priceless family mementos that adorned his once quaint house.

    After that, he spent the next three years at the VonSchlichten Tavern, getting drunk and working a dead end job as a advertiser for the Scarlet Queen, a store specializing in red tapestries and beautiful roses. In the end, he thought, might as well get a income to fund my ale expenses and someplace to die instead of a ditch somewhere. It's the least I can do after that... He sighed as the night air grew colder.

    But when he met the Undead next time, he knew that there's going to be hell to pay at the end of the day.


    Chapter 3: Taxes and Scuffles.

    As Mark came into the town, he could see the hustle and bustle of the city he knew as Al’ Khazar. From his point of view, he could see merchants yelling for passer-bys to buy their wood or any thing in particular, the Oren guards looking back and forth in their armor and uniform, searching for any kinds of trouble, although Mark thought they were useless for keeping the peace unlike other organizations like the Rangers ((RP :D)). From the idle talk, trading, and merriment that went on in taverns such as Dawn’s and the Therving Brothers, he would say that nothing significant happened with Al’ Khazar.

    Of course, I’m just looking at this in a positive way, he thought as the dark clothed man walked down the street to the slums.

    The dilapidated houses were filled with muck and rats, their presence known to all who enter the area. People peeked out the window only to slam it shut as Mark went down an alley. Seriously, the hysteria is rampant in these parts. Even the Oren Guard is on a witch hunt for masked people Mark mused as he stood outside a house. He takes out a paper and looks at the address again.

    “Yep. Looks like this is it.” He spoke softly as he knocked on the door.

    “Who is it?” A voice answered.

    “Time to pay your tax sir. 200 minas is required.”

    “Fine…quit your talk and I’ll be there in a second.”

    As he patiently waited, he looked at the name on the address plate that adorned the house, its walls covered with slime and vines over the years. Suddenly the door opened, showing a man of around twenty…no twenty five years, his messy blonde hair and leather pants and shirt showing in full.

    “Tax right? Let me get my coin purse for a moment”

    As he turned away to look for his minas, Mark took the opportunity to get his dagger out and pin him to the wall.

    “Don’t yell. Don’t move, and answer my questions.”

    “What do you want…Wait, don’t tell me. You’re just a thief aren’t you?”

    “It depends on how you’re looking at it, but idle talk is useless against me.”

    Mark pushed the man into the wall to state his point.

    “Now…as I was saying…what do you know about Alras?”

    “Where the hell’s that? I only live here dammit! Let me go already!”

    That’s odd, he thought as he continued pinning the man against the wall, his dagger glistening like silver against the warm light of the candle. Wasn’t he an merchant for “that”? Must be lying I guess…let me push him some more.

    “Haha. Please don’t lie to me. Would be a shame if one of your fingers were cut off.” He said in a quiet tone.

    “No…no! I don’t know anything about Alras! Honest!” the man said in a scared voice, sniveling like a babe.

    “Don’t.” Mark moved the dagger close to the man’s finger. “lie to me.”

    A –clink- echoed throughout the room. A man, robed with shades of red and black entered, holding a sword on his left hand.

    Mark turned around to see the man, shaded in darkness as the candle burned.

    “Ah. Hello. Just telling this man to pay the tax. He is the owner after all.” He said in an amused tone. “Forgive me sir. Your owner is quite stubborn you see…People nowadays, crying wolf for aid.” He laughed as he directed his eyes on the red and black robed man. “And you might be?”

    “I am the owner of the Scarlet Queen, and that.” He pointed to the man Mark pinned down, breathless from fear. “is my apprentice. He works as a advertiser for me.”

    “Haha. I see. Looks like you take trespassers lightly eh?”

    The owner of the Scarlet Queen just stared at him, the sword raised up high ready to smite him with the blood=thirsty blade.

    “You should not have come here. Alras is quite a dangerous place for someone like you. I suggest you leave. Now. If you want goods from the market over there, then you can wait for your order.”

    “Really? And how long would that waiting time be?” He asked as the dagger came to its ready position.

    “Eternity.” With that word he pounced him with his blade, beginning with a overhead strike as it slammed into his direction.

    Mark dodged as he sidestepped the blow easily, like reeds with the wind. He then attacked the man in the left arm, trying to disarm him and then interrogate him. The man just stepped back as the stab missed its mark, then with his sword try to hit Mark’s left side. Seeing the move, he moved back, but it grazed his hip as the sword tasted the coppery taste of blood. He moved back toward the ornate table to collect his thoughts but suddenly, the man pushed forward and cut Mark at his wrist.

    “Damn. Quite a good fighter here.” He thought to himself as he constantly tried to injure the man but to no avail(er).

    The owner of the Scarlet Queen suddenly fell down, his expression shocked as he crumpled.

    “What?” Mark said as he moved closer to examine the body. “What the bloody hell happened?”

    In the candle light he could see a arrow, adorned with black and white swan feathers, and some broken glass.

    “Damn it. He’s gone.” Mark looked toward the now cowering man. “You. What’s your name?”

    “D-d-daniel. Daniel L-Lamgonial…why?”

    “Shut up and come with me. You’re next on this guy’s list.”


    “You want to die or not? Questions aren’t going to save your life you know.”

    “Let me be! I just want to die already. Why else did I answer the door. Just leave me be…”

    Mark sighed as he took hold on the man’s hand.

    “Just come with me all right?”

    Daniel just took the man's hand and let him chart his course. At least it was better than the life he had now right? Maybe, maybe not.


    Chapter 4: Escapes and Meetings.

    Daniel followed Mark through a myriad of streets and avenues, passing through the quaint architecture that Oren was known for. As the moon extended its cold moonlight down onto the roofs and the walls, it did nothing to warm the cobblestone pavement as Mark and Daniel made their escape.

    “Faster! What are you a fattened pig? Hurry up, otherwise them bowmen will end your life just like your boss.”

    Daniel panted as the years of drinking and inactivity took a toll on his body. “I…can’t do this.” He panted as Mark turned left into a dark alleyway. “Let…me.. Die….already.”

    Mark turned around and looked at him in a piercing glare. “Oh, I get it. You want to die before being tortured by them eh?” Mark asked in a sarcastic tone. “Please do so. I am honored to let you die in a alleyway, filled with rats and the like. I suppose it’s a fitting end for someone like you.”

    Daniel was cut by those writhing remarks “But.”

    Mark retorted. “But what you ask? You don’t want to die? Then follow me you fool. If you run to somewhere else then you’re just prolonging your own death. Come with me, and I’ll give you a home to let the storm subside. Aye?”

    After a pause, Daniel eventually agreed to that remark. How could he turn down a free home, probably complete with food and drink?

    Mark could see his head nod in the dark alleyway, his sweat reflecting what little light remained.

    “Good, now into the sewers mate. We can assume that the folks that are chasing us already locked up the main gate.” Mark pushed on a section of wall and a hatch appeared out of nowhere. After a few seconds the hatch popped off of the floor and a hole large enough for a person appeared. “Now get in. We need to be there by dawn, otherwise god knows what’s gonna happen.”

    Daniel, already tired from the run across town, complacently went into the sewers despite the acidic smell that came from it. Mark went into the sewers afterward, making sure to cover their tracks with a method Daniel could not see while in the sewers. Afterwards, Mark took out a pitch covered stick and lighted the makeshift torch with a match inside his robe.

    “Come on lad, let’s move.”

    Daniel willingly agreed as he followed in Mark’s direction.

    “So…what’s your name?”

    “Just call me Ox for now. Keep moving. It’s gonna be a long trek, especially since these sewers are a labyrinth nowadays.”

    “What business did you have to do with my boss? Was he a target for you?”

    Mark stayed silent for while, looking at the multiple routes that led to either a slow painful death or the exit. “Look, nothing that you should be aware about allright? Just asking him for some information about things around the area, yes?”

    “What’s Alras? Just interested of course, since you asked me that question.”

    “It’s a town. Quiet, just trying to get ourselves out of this mess.”

    A few minutes passed as they adventured through the sewers. Rats scampered away from the crackling fire as they moved through the tunnels, each covered with slime and vines due to decades of stagnant water and filth. The water rushed through the center of the tunnel as Mark and Daniel stayed on the left side, the stench of sewage and rats filled the air like perfume in the markets of Oren. Sometimes Mark/Ox would mutter or swear as he made a wrong turn, trying to backtrack his steps but hopelessly going awry, making them more confused than they were before.

    “You sure you can go through this Ox?”

    He sighed as he turned around, “Would you like to guide me to the exit explorer?”

    “Never mind…”

    A faint light glimmered as they turned right into a long winding tunnel.

    “Well, looks like this is it. Let’s get out of here. See? Told you I could get out of here!”

    Sure. And my boss wasn’t struck by an arrow, he thought as he and Ox walked towards the light..

    The exited the sewers right outside the gate toward Al ‘Khazar, the rising sun just peeking out over the sea where they stood.

    “This way.” Mark pointed toward a inn with green and white tapestry above it. “Just get in there and we are good to go.”

    Daniel hesitated “But isn’t that the VonSchlichten Tavern? What the hell is going to make us safe there? A cup of ale?”

    Mark sighed as he once again turned and looked at him with a amused look on his face “Really? After going through the sewers, running from assassins, and general havoc, which I led you through, you’re not going to listen to me now at a bloody tavern? Come on now. We got things to do.”

    Mark fiddled with a pair of keys in his robe and entered the tavern. “Hurry up now. Ladies first.”

    Daniel sighed and went through the door, stepping on Mark’s foot as he did so. “Thank you Ox. So reliable.”

    Mark smiled as he held his foot while he sat on the table. “You really lay it on thick ey? Anyway, they’re gonna come in now. Don’t worry and let me talk alright?”

    “Whatever you say.” Daniel retorted back, and looked at the tavern which he went a few times by himself to drown his sorrows.

    “Want some ale? I could get some for ya.”

    “But isn’t that stealing?”

    “Look. If I could get the key to the front door then that means I could get a couple of glasses yes?”

    “True. Fine then. I’ll take a glass.”

    “That’s what I thought. Let me get it from the room out back.” As Mark left the room, Daniel thought about what would happen to him. Will I get killed by those bow men…Then again, I’m stuck with him. He looked at the door where Ox had disappeared, tinkling coming from the room inside. Well, he doesn’t seem like a bad guy. Just that his sense of sarcasm is…blunt to say the least, but he was quite skilled with the fight with his boss. Seems like I’m in good hands for now as he rummaged through his pocket to find a small note with scribbled handwriting, the paper worn out from age. Heh, my wife would really look at me now eh? Now stuck with a sword bearing assassin, running from some bowman hellbent on killing me and my friend here, and now having a drink with him? Seems ridiculous eh? Hope the children look at me down from below. Wouldn’t they look at me like a knight if I survive this? Hah~

    “Oy! You want Pale Ale or the regular one?!”

    “Pale Ale please! Want to savor this taste of victory mate?”

    “Aye! Get a glass out front as well,”

    Little did he know of the challenges he must face.


    Chapter 5: Secrets and Introductions.

    Daniel drank his ale in silence, enjoying the subtle notes of cinnamon and ginger the VonSchlichten ale was known for. Mark also enjoyed a mug, although he had to leave on “matters” important to him. Daniel sighed as he looked out at the road, seeing people pass by for trade or for some soup at Dawn’s. It seems like nothing changed has it? I wonder if Mark will come back soon; it’s already noon and he still hasn’t come back yet, he thought as the sun poured through the windows.

    “Don’t move. Come with me” A voice creped up behind him. Startled, he looked back at the bar to see a dagger pointed at his face not two inches in front of him. A medium sized man stood in front of him, his face was covered by a black robe, darkness refusing to show Daniel his face. He was clothed in leather garb, akin to a hunter in the North. A sword made out of a silvery iron was on his right side, and a bow and quiver rested on his back.

    Damn. He’s a walking army, Daniel thought as he stayed silent, afraid that he was going to silence him. Permanently. And how the hell did he get up behind me? The door was locked! Is he a ghost?

    “Get off the table. Now. Come with me, and you won’t get hurt. All right?”

    Daniel nodded as he got off the table and stood there.

    “To the bar. Now!”

    Reluctantly, Daniel turned toward the bar, its cabinets filled with spirits from far off places. Laurelin Wine…Orcish moonshine…Dwarven beers covered in small oak barrels all occupied most of the space as he walked in front of the bar. A small door, probably leading to the tavern’s brewery, was to the right inside the bar.

    “To the door.” He looked around the tavern even though the door was locked, as if spirits penetrated the lock to eavesdrop on their conversation. “Hurry. I don’t have a lot of patience.”

    The leather garbed man slowly pushed Daniel forward to the back of the bar, then took out a key and opened it quickly, as it bugs were around the place.


    Daniel reluctantly entered through the door, going down a staircase as he entered the pitch dark room. He could smell traces of hickory wood as the man followed him down into the darkness. The garbed man then lit a candle, the flame flickering in the pitch black darkness of the brewery.

    Daniel could see multitudes of oak barrels, ale aged for many years. A stamp was on every barrel showing the date it was made. The musty scent of oak wood permeated the air, as if the ale was just waiting to be drunk from the humans, dwarves, and orcs who enjoyed the specialty brews. A table with a unlit candle was in the middle of the room, probably for keeping records about which barrel was to be served to the crowd that occupied the tavern every day.

    “Wait here. Don’t move.”

    As the man walked off, disappearing in the myriad maze of barrels, Daniel began to think about what the man would do. Is hr s thief? No…how could he get the keys for here anyway. Perhaps a friend of Ox, but then…damn it, I hate trying to figure out people’s allegiances. Such a pain in the arse. He heard a rumbling sound as the ground beneath his feet shook. Great. Lightning from those bloody Undead. Wish I could get out of this mess to give them a piece of my malice, he thought as his blood boiled at the lives lost thanks to them.

    “Oy! Stop daydreaming and get over here!” He snapped back as the voice of the hooded man echoed throughout the small, but cavernous room. The faint glow of the candle showed Daniel the location of the hooded man, and as he turned left, he saw a giant hole located in front of him, with the hooded man walking in. “Come on, get in. We have lots to talk about.”

    Daniel reluctantly followed the man through the hole in the wall. The lone flame flickering from the candle gave way to glowing orbs of light as they entered a small room, cobwebs occupying the space above. A round table and five chairs were the only pieces of furniture that was in the room, along with a small drawer made of red oak. The man sat down on one of the chairs and motioned Daniel to sit down on the other chair.

    “Now that you’re here. My name’s Panther. And you?”

    He held his hand out to Daniel, hoping for a handshake. Daniel politely shook his hand, astonished by the strength in Panter’s arms like, indeed a panther.

    “Daniel. Daniel Lamgonial. Nice to meet ya Panther. I suppose you’re a friend of Ox.”

    “Perhaps. Perhaps not. Anyway be quiet. They’re coming”

    Daniel was still mystified who “they” were. He knew that Panther was probably a acquaintance of Ox, as stated by the apparent need to conceal their identity. But is that it? A two man duo who kills for information? There surely must be someone behind them. How could they… His train of thought was disturbed by the same rumbling that he had heard earlier before at the tavern. Four voices stood out through the silence as the same rumbling sound subsided.

    “Damn! Why didn’t we see that coming? We should have gotten him right then and there.” One voice yelled out, then took notice at Daniel. “Oh. I forgot. We had a new recruit. Damn it Mark! Why did you let him in here!”

    “Quiet Lion. He’s a. Recruit. He is not supposed to know our names.” Ox rang out as he entered the room “Hi Daniel. Disregard what he said.”

    The four people that came in were hooded, although in a mottled green and grey coat instead of the usual charcoal black. In addition, one of the four who entered appeared to be a lady due to her long hair sticking out of the cloak. The lady just nodded and waved to Daniel as she sat down at one of the chairs.

    “Psst. Get out of the chair. You’re sitting at my boss’ chair.” Ox whispered as he took out what seemed to be a portable chair made out of redwood. “Sit on this. It’s a long one today”

    As Daniel sat down on the portable chair, a short but able-bodied man sat down in his place. He spoke in a quiet, but imposing voice.

    “All right. Let’s get this over with. Names Everyone?”


    “Lion” in a gruff voice.


    The girl took out a piece of peper and wrote on it with a quill. After looking over the peper, she nodded and put it up for all to see.


    “And Hawk is here as well. Shall we begin?”

    Ox interjected. “Shouldn’t Daniel get a name?”

    Hawk pondered it for a moment, then said in a slow tone of voice.

    “I believe we should. How about…Hummingbird? Yes … That should suit him well. Agreed everyone?”

    Ox tried to hide a snicker as he nodded. Both Panther and Lion nodded, their expressions hidden by their cloaks.

    “All right then. Hummingbird. What we are going to say will not. Be. Said. Yes? Good, because I already had to…silence some of our recruits. Yes?” Hawk said to Daniell before he looked at the council of five.

    “Let’s begin then. Ox. Any information of any threats to us or him?” His voice rang with authority across the room, as if he was a king speaking to his subjects.

    “Not of yet. I’ve seen some Black Cross folk occupying the tavern here and there, but otherwise no threats to us. One of my contacts in Malinor have heard of rumors about the Wardens and the Orcs banding together against him, but they are just rumors. I have a report showing all the works.” A scroll came out of the cloak as if by magic, the parchment a worn brown. “This should have everything.”

    Excerpt from the scroll (Parentheses is for the reader.)

    Informant 22= IP. JUEIAPTDS(No threats.)

    Informant 23= (Had a few fights, but no major threats.)

    (Food and General Supplies: Full.)


    (Weasel. Known Black Cross Agent. Interrogate then Kill on sight.)

    (Cricket: Real name Tatric Cunningham. Known for money laundering. Kill on sight)

    (Guilds for surveillance.)

     (Black Cross Knights. Known for constant threat to him. Keep a lookout.)

    (Wardens of Malinor. Corruption threat. No actions taken as of yet.)

    Fin. Also note that this is all (Unconfirmed Please speak to me for countermeasures.)


    “Indeed. Thank you Ox. This shall be put in the records.” Hawk said as he put the scroll into the small redwood cabinet.”

    “Lion. Panther. Report.”

    “Our force is still ready for that sir.”

    “We have some agents posing as Oren Guard for us regarding corruption. They shall report to us soon.”

    “That’s all? Good.”

    “Kat. Your paper please?” Hawk said to the lady, her brown hair sticking up out of the hood.”

    She nodded as she took out a piece of paper. The paper was crumpled, probably from travel. Realizing that, Kat tried to smooth it out so as to make it readable.

    “No worries Kat. Just hand it over. Time is of the essence here.”

    Kat reluctantly handed it over, signs of embarrassment covered by her hood.

    Hawk looks over the paper, then gave it back. “Good. This shall keep off the hounds for a little while. Good job Kat. This meeting is over. I expect you guys to be over there for our general meeting. Aye?”

    Everybody nodded as they got up and left. In the end, only Hawk and Daniel were in the brightly lit room.

    “So, Welcome to the group.” Hawk said.

    “Thanks…so, what is it that you do here? Information gathering? Assassinations?”

    “Many things, and you are correct about the information gathering. It’s our best…art, of sorts” Hawk relayed the information in a cryptic manner. “Anyway, I suppose you have to join this group. If you leave with out swearing to us that you’ll never. Say.Anything. Yes?”

    Daniel stuttered “Al..all right. I suppose I have somewhere to be.”

    Hawk smiled. “No, not at all. Just keep a eye out and you’ll find us. Now come on and let’s get out.”

    And so a new chapter in Daniel Lamgonial’s life began. The life of espionage,

  5. Chapter One: At a tavern in Al' Khazar...

    Drip...Drip...Drip... The man was drinking his tea as the rain subsided to a paltry amount as he waited for the sun to come out. Dressed in a black robe, he was quiet, only talking to either ask a question or some idle chat with one of the locals. Tall and imposing, his facial features were robed in darkness by a dark cloak, made to cover his face from strangers and the like.

    The man sighed as he looked at the quaint, but small looking bar at the VonSchlichten Tavern and Inn. A little quiet, not like a year ago, but there's a few people here ,the ale addict, the homeless man...a medley of shady characters to create a masterpiece of poverty he thought as he finished his tea, a nice brew of rose and pumpkin seeds. A waiter came up to him after two minutes, his posture slacked and his uniform unkempt.

    "Are you finished mate?" He asked in a vulgar manner, as expected of inns around the area.

    "Yes...And this would be?"

    The man asked in a quiet voice, faint traces of politeness and warmth behind the cold, imposing tone.

    "8 minas please." The waiter held out his hand, waiting for the cold embrace of money to envelop his hands.

    The money was payed, and as the hooded man walked out of the dingy tavern, the waiter called for his name for in case they met again.

    "By the time you knew my name, you'd be in a battlefield." he said as he left the door to its own device, swinging back and forth like the fight between good and evil.

    The waiter stood there, mystified by the comment, then went to cleaning the tables from the muck, ale, and spit left behind from customers.

    As the hooded man walks toward Al' Khazar, he saw the afternoon sun pounding on the outer walls of the glorious kingdom, its solid cobblestone walls impervious from attack. He smiled behind his cloak as he moved on toward the King's Square.

    He was Mark Havirta, and there was going to be hell to pay at the end of the day.

  6. *looks at the man* Ah...Magicks. Quite a finicky thing to control. I don't like to pursue those kinds of objectives. Why shoot a fireball when you can have a nice, beautiful sword like this.

    *takes out a sword, the curved blade shining with white light like the heavens in the man's eyes."

    A little bit bright eh? Sorry, The first time I got this blade I had the ill fortune of looking into it as well.

    *sheaths the sword, the brightness from the sword disappears.*

    If you want to know what this sword is, I name it "Sol" Sun in the Latin tongue. The blade is made out of a special iron known as brightsteel, found only in a specific section of the mountain of the dwarves. Other than that it's quiet ordinary. A dark wood pommel, and a gem, Quartz, to be precise. It's not magical in any way, the light comes from polishing it with zeal and diligence. Anyway, I suppose you must be busy...Tata.

  7. I do believe this is just overblown. I am no ally of them, but that does not mean they should be razed toward the ground. Realize that the suspect in question (Da_Emperors) is already cast from Aegis for murder (t-t-t-t-triple ban!) I do believe that they deserve a second chance, because from what I see and heard from a member, they plan to apologize for their actions and renounce their dastardly actions. Yes, they killed people, but what's done is done. We can not do anything for the departed other that to remember them and to keep them in our hearts.

    Give them a second chance. I am interested to see what they would do and yet.

    These actions that they have committed will not be forgotten from anyone. Let's see how they get out of the hole that thy have dug for themselves.

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