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Xerxes_XIII 2

Gold VIP
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Status Updates posted by Xerxes_XIII 2

  1. The best scene of any movie... ever:

  2. Farewell Maeghan, I never knew a truer friend. May you rest in piece.

  3. Is pleased with his new title

  4. Seems like everyone is getting sick lol, heres hoping that I dont

  5. 2k Profile views... this pleases me :3

  6. (Insert mildly amusing and sarcastic status here)

  7. Just did a typing test. 81wpm... not bad.

  8. Grats on getting into the app team!

  9. Alys, y u so male?

  10. RIP Maeghan, you were a great friend, and will be missed by many.

  11. pokepokepokepokepokepokepoke-SHANK

  12. You're username, sir, I approve of it.

  13. Wondering if someone could change my forum rank to Total Tophat instead of gold donator. Fairly sure I have the requirements. If not, nevermind~

  14. Woop. Signature re-colored and edited mildly.

  15. Just bought myself a Filco Majestouch Ninja... Yesssssss.

  16. So, wanderin' the Palace rafters as I do, and I find a birdsnest with Ari's stolen treasures.

  17. Woop :3 summoned my first flame. Progressssss.

  18. Possibly one of the best drum&bass songs I've heard. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALNvkXPgA9g

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