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Xerxes_XIII 2

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Everything posted by Xerxes_XIII 2

  1. Brief Character History: I grew up on a farm with my parents, a fairly basic halfling life, by the time I turned twenty I wanted some change, so I set out to join the Holmes. I worked there for about three years, I made many good friends there, but one day my life was changed drastically, here is the story of how it happened: T'was a beautiful sunny day, I was going about my usual patrol of the streets when I heard the screams of an elf, running quickly I caught up to see that the elf was tied up and being dragged along the road by orcs. Going into the trees I made haste to get in-front of them, as I stepped out of the greenery I noticed that an old friend of mine was there too, Vargon, as I started to say "Halt!" the orcs merely pushed by me, I continued to try and stop the orcs until we got to the walls of Sanhar where they threw the elf into a cage. I, seeing no other course of action, punched one of the orcs and tried to lead them all away from the elf so he may escape. I failed, before I even got to the Holmes base I was shot down and torn limb from limb... it took me at least thirty minutes to finally lose consciousness and fall into the black abyss that is death... I awoke what felt like years but may have been just seconds later, as I slowly regained my memory I started to wonder how I could possibly be alive, the answer came instantly, I wasn't. ((at this point I edited my skin so it was white and i rp'd like a ghost for a while, wandering aimlessly, not speaking.)) After days of wondering I noticed that my spectral feet had carried me back to the Holmes base. It seemed for some reason my old friends could see me, they were greatly dismayed. Eventually we headed to Oren under the shade of night and went to the chapel, where we found my friend Vargon again, he had been waiting. He said he could bring me back, and, seeing to better solution, I agreed. It took hours, but it worked, I was alive, there were some changes, my hair was lighter, my skin paler, and most of all, I felt an odd power within me. I traveled far and wide searching for answers as to why I had been spared from death, I started to fear I would never find an answer, but just when I was going to give up I saw a preacher, speaking of a deity called Aeriel, his words touched me, I knew my purpose. And now I wish to serve Aeriel in the only way I can, by joining the FOA. ((Alright, since I dont really understand what powergaming is hopefully this bio was free of it, if it has some in it I beg you to excuse it so that I may join your ranks.)) Character Name (I.C.): Lyle Greenburrow Character name (O.C.): Dr_Lyle Race: Halfling IC Age: 24 Will you be a FOA soldier, or s preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus): Preacher as I lack skills in battle, considering a sword is about the same height as me and a bows pull back weight is about the same as mine. Goals in the FOA?: To help defeat the undead and do my best to aid the ascended. Good deeds you have done?: Attempted to save an elf named Alkenaar by leading the orcs that captured him away, thats how I got eaten, later I found him and healed him of being possesed and showed him the light, helped multiple people as a holmes (cant remeber specifics) and last but not least I rid the FOA recruit Krashiun of demon that possessed him by destroying the evil gem he carried around. Have you done any bad deeds?: As I am the interrogator for the Holmes, some of the things I have done may be seen as bad, but no, nothing that is truly evil. How did you hear of us?: I spoke to the FOA Recruit Krashiun who said I would be a good addition. Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: Of course I am, they are the bane of all life and bringers of evil, they have caused far too much trouble and must be exterminated at once. What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.): I do not use weapons, my only weapon is my eyes. (Rp weapon so if im doing anything serious I roll out of 20, also one must look into my eyes for it to have any effect.) Are you a capable builder?: Only basic shelters. Can you wield any other weapons?: a fishing rod. Any special skills?: My eyes. Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain.: After speaking with Krathiun and reading about Aeriel my faith has been greatly increased and I think it is important for all others to be as enlightened as I am, so yes of course I will spread the word. Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: I will assist in the fight against the undead using my interrogation skills and diplomatic abilites, I will spread the word of Aeriel wherever I go and will help with the struggle against evil wherever it may lie, in the smallest squabble to the biggest war. Thank you for reading and I hope that you see me as fit to join yer ranks. Sincerely, Lyle Greenburrow
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