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Posts posted by Beneh

  1. KamvK.png

    Bili sat within the tavern. The desolate , cold and dank excuse of a Tavern. He'd been here for years, cutting logs and occasionally assisting the bartender in removing troublesome folk. It was a sad life for a Dwarf , yet somehow Bili had put up with the life for years whilst abandoning all he knew. His family , his clan... His honour.

    He gripped the tankard firmly as he pondered once more. It was no different from any night at first for these thoughts were common within his dulling mind yet this night began to seem different for no longer did he desire this life. No longer did he desire the pathetic ale , the far too soft beds , the rusted axe or the foul travelers whom oft passed by. No , he desired change. A return to his life of old , a return to the once prestigious clan.

    Bili was not to suffer the same fate as so many others. He would not waste away in a bed of a building he did not even own. He would not waste away with no legacy or meaning. A sad fate for that of a proud Dwarf , an unacceptable fate even. He had no belongings aside from the clothes on his body and the rusted axe on his waist yet that was all he needed.

    The cold winds snapped at his face as his beard was tugged by the gale whilst the wind howled in his ears and the snow rested upon his face as he stepped outside with a purpose , for the first time. He knew of Gorum and Moruk and his first destination would be them , perhaps the only family he had left. Bili trudged onward through the snow , his boots engulfed by nature with each step as the storm worsened. Yet no blizzard would hold him from his goals , no axe would fell him like a log before his time and no sickness would take him to eternal rest before his due. For he was a Frostbeard , but not only that , he was a Frostbeard with purpose. No matter how hard the elements fought against him , he would fight back with each step. No matter how many gales of wind charged against him , he would fight back with each forward push.

    The soft glow from the torch lit the ground ahead as he marched forward towards the place he once called home. The memories of the underground city flooded back to him. The sound of the blacksmith , the noise of the market and jeer in the tavern. That was the life for him and it was but a journey away , waiting for him to reach out and grasp it.

    As he continued marching over the hills , through the once fertile fields and past the collapsed mines , the glow from his torch was not the only glow that could be seen within the night. A soft , warm glow appeared in the distance. The journey was almost over , his life had almost been returned. The soft hammering of the blacksmith could be heard , the singing and dancing of the taverns echoed throughout the hills whilst the barking and shouting of dwarves could be distinctly heard. He took the final steps of the journey as he approached the mountain and the grand entrance to the city. The entrance to home.

  2. I feel as though I should leave a serious comment , due to my previous one.

    Firstly , I'd like to say I've never seen such rudeness and disrespect in the LOTC Community against a newly promoted GM. The GM was promoted because the Admins feel as though they have the potential to do well in the server , not because of ' Nepotism ' or ' Favoritism. ' I think you all just need to take a bloody big step back and remember that this is a roleplaying server in which we have fun , not the bloody meeting rooms of the Cold War filled with conspiracy's and favoritism.

    I think most of the community here is just acting on the spur of the moment and having a go because many others are in mass numbers. I'll repeat myself in saying that this is a roleplaying server and that some members of the community whom repeatedly moan and argue against almost every decision made in LOTC need to take a step back and find something better to do in their life other than moan. It's really just irritating now , it happened when Vaq was here and it's happening again now.

  3. Some suggestions ;

    ' The Grey Mane Inn '

    ' The Toadsfoot '

    ' The Burning Pipe '

    ' The Brewing Pig '

    ' The Drinking Elder '

    ' The Weedpatch Inn '

    ' The Sea Monsters Retreat '

    ' The Cackling Fire '

    ' The Magical Mushroom Inn ' ( That's a reference to the Mushroom tree we have , not the drug :b )

    ' The Winking Mouse '

    ' The Waterfall Inn '

    ' The Stout Oak Inn '

    Just some suggestions off the top of my head in a few minutes.

  4. Infact. I'm going to bring up a different side to the argument here. Whilst I dont believe this , nobody is paying attention too it and are only paying attention to religion vs atheism , yet there is another poll option ;

    ' Aliens/Unkown Life Forms ? '

    Maybe your all wrong here , who knows 'eh.

    Now once again I'll say I dont believe it , albeit there are some really interesting things regarding this viewpoint and I thought I'd mix it up as only two viewpoints are being shown here , whilst there are quite a few poll options.

    I'll start with Egypt.

    Egyptian Models & Drawings.

    I'll start off with this video , which gives quite a nice overview of it all

    Now. This video is only the tip of the iceberg but take a look at those drawings , on one of them a clearly defined rudder is shown and wings are located at the bottom of the objects wheras on insects , they are located at the top.


    That's also quite an interesting photo isn't it , having a similar look to that of Modern Day Space Suits.

    These two pieces of evidence alone beg the question if the Ancient Egyptians really were visited by an unknown species whom acted as Gods amongst them. I also saw some interesting models that had almost the exact shape of modern jets today , albeit the video was 7 minutes long so I decided to just leave it out , however feel free to look for yourself.

    Remember , I've given two pieces here and there are many more out there. And I mean many.

    I wont be discussing the Pyramids as there are many more intersting things I want to move onto , but dont forget the pyramids !

    Mysterious Structures that are not possible for mankind to have created [ At that time ]


    Now this is very long. I dont expect you to watch it all , but even within the first 2-5 minutes , you get a glimpse of some of the structures.

    Now for one of these , 100 tonne , 200 tonne and even 300 tonne rocks were carried for miles. They were then supposedly cut and articulated with ancient tools , yet we need diamond to articulate such tools today and it's almost physically impossible for these people to have done what they did , given their time period. Bear in mind , there are hundreds of rocks here and no , there is no physical explanation officially accepted as to how this was made.

    I've talked about two sites here. There are many more out there and in that video over 3 are looked at in great detail , one of them being the site I gave a very brief explanation of above.

    I made this post just to get you thinking really as for many of these sites , there is no accepted explanation.

    And last but not least...


  5. The truth is your never going to get an answer on this thread because not one point that is made here can prove or disprove the existence of God [ AKA : Creation ] or evolution.

    Scientists nor Atheists can prove or disprove evolution/the big bang because of the one question that simply cannot be answered regarding the big bang which is ;

    ' How can you get something , from nothing ? '

    And that leads me on nicely to the part about Religion. People that believe in a God , I believe do so because there is not an explanation to that question so far and thus , they turn to Religion in order to make sense of life and to understand why we're here and all that jazz and fill in the void in knowledge that is present.

    Whilst I , personally , dont believe in God or any Religion and I dont believe turning to Religion to fill the void in knowledge is the way forward , I dont get bothered at all by those who do because it's quite easy to see where they come from and the points they make and they could even be right or scientists might be right , nobody officially knows and to be honest , I dont think anybody ever will.

    But then again , I'm not a Scientist nor do I know particularly much about Religion. I'm just going from my opinion on it all and the basic things about it all I've learned during my life.

  6. Lobo leans in by the fire , looking to Richard , shaking his head as Richard makes a rookie mistake within the Vale

    " Oi , Richard. 'Eres a tip , if yer' spendin' time with Tibb , don' tell any'un or they migh' think yer' is friend which be' a mighty load o' bad indeed ! "

    Lobo relaxes his previously tense muscles as he casually leans back against the soft chair , the glow from the fire lighting up a side of his face as it cackles in the background eerily as the group remain quiet , with nobody particularly interested in telling each other stories Lobo throws his arms in the air and springs up before proceeding to the brewing room to have a cheeky drink of some ale.

  7. MC Name:


    Duty you'd like to apply for:

    Fixing up tha' landscape , making the Vale prettier.

    I would wish to specifically assist with working on the Vale. Those two nutcases Dalek and Sorsby are going to need guidance here ;)


    Long-term resident of the Vale.

    Understand Vale Architecture.

    Know how to build burrows ( If needed , for ruins etc.. ) and make the landscape beautiful , just as it should be for the halflings.

    Other works:

    Cant really say I've got any in all honesty , I've never had any real reason to terraform and construct in Asulon as a halfling as it's mostly been done.

    Do you have teamspeak?:(Microphone not required.)

    I have teamspeak and a microphone :)

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