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Posts posted by Beneh

  1. House Baelish Guard Roster

    Join the House Baelish Guard force today and get the glory and fame that you have always wanted !

    Just a few of the advantages of becomming a Baelish Guard are :

    • Free Armour , Weapons and Food
    • Shelter
    • No day is the same !
    • Adventure and Excitement
    • Glory and Honour.

    Your duties as a Baelish Guard are :

    • To protect the Baelish Family
    • You must always try to save my daughter and sons first
    • Guarding Gustaval
    • Patrolling to other Villages
    • Teaching bandits a lesson

    Captain of the Guard : Captain Adorellan

    Current Guards :Alex



    Sergeant Vanus

    Sign your name , should you wish to join one of the best jobs around !

  2. OOC - Looking For Daughter

    So , yeah , pretty self-explanitory , I'm looking for a daughter in RP.

    [ And yes , I've seen people say " Find one in-game " an' stuff , but I didnt know who to ask and saw some other posts like this , so I just put one up here ^-^ ].

    Benefits of playing as my Daughter.

    • You will be part of a Noble Family of Renatus.
    • You will have a nice , wealthy life.
    • You will have an active family [ 2 Brothers and a Father. ], RP will always be available.
    • You will live in a Large Keep.
    • You , yourself will become a Noble of Renatus.
    • You can do anything you want with your life. For example , one of the brothers hate's being a noble , while another loves it.

    If you like the sound of this , leave a reply here or send me a PM and hopefully something can be worked out.

  3. House Baelish

    " With the power of Knowledge , we cannot be stopped. "


    House Standing : The Baelish's are a Noble family that control the small Hamlet just outside of Indelwood , named Gustaval.

    House Lands : House Baelish controls a small Hamlet named Gustaval , just outside of Indelwood in the name of House Tarus.

    Greater Liege House : House Baelish's Greater Liege House is House Tarus. [ Members of House Tarus can be seen in Ezekiel's post. ]

    Members of House Baelish :

    Renly Baelish - Head of House

    Cailean Baelish - Son of Renly

    Percy Baelish - Son of Renly

    Edmund Baelish - Son of Renly

    Fae Baelish - Daughter of Renly

    Gisborne Baelish

    Saren Baelish

    Robert Baelish

    Jared Baelish

    Important Members of House Baelish :

    Janos Baelish

    Janos Baelish was born in Oren , under the rule of King Edmund Sheffield. Janos was an only child and the last member of House Baelish after his parents died when he was 20. Not much happened in Janos first years , only when he reached 20 did his life start to get interesting. When Janos reached the age of 21 , he joined the Oren Guards and was the fastest member to achieve the Sergeant rank in the history of the Oren Guard. Within his first week , he was promoted to a full guard and after his first year , he became a Sergeant. For his first few years , Janos was regarded as un-corruptable in his quest for justice. However , Janos's goals changed as he gained more power and this started when the reign of King Enor began. Janos became King Enor's personal agent , informing Enor of his schedules and organising meetings for him. Janos began to grab more and more power before he was slowly gaining almost as much power as the King himself , however , Janos knew he had to make it official , he HAD to become Seneschal.

    According to the stories , Janos went around gathering a massive amount of support as the posistion of Senechal by lying to the innocent peasants and promising them things that he would never do. Not much is known after this , all we know is that when Janos went to the King to speak about becomming Seneschal , he was made a lord and he became the Earl of Talun while Khronos became Seneschal. Some believe a secret deal was made , but nobody is sure.

    In Enor's last years , Janos is known to have been involved in a rebellion that was put down when a man on the inside revealed what was happening , however , yet again Janos managed to wriggle free and make Khronos take the blame. Khronos was removed from the posistion of Seneschal for being suspected of being involved in being a rebellion and when he spoke out against Enor , it secured Enor's decision.

    Not much is known about Janos after this until Janos became a Knight Sergeant for the Kingdom of Renatus under the rule of King Ezekiel Tarus. Janos was a Knight Sergeant for years and it is believed that during this time , he secretly had a son , Renly. Eventualy Janos's greed got the better of him and he attempted to murder the Knight Commander , Gideon. According to reports Janos launched a full-scale assault on the keep of Galahar , trapping the Commander and injuring the High Constable. Janos's forces were cut down and Janos was captured. However Janos managed to run and escaped justice. Nobody knows what Janos did after that , most say he died of old age , living in a forest with his only son.. Renly.

    Renly Baelish

    Renly Baelish is the current head of House Baelish. Renly lived in the forest with his father , Janos , when he was young , until his father died when Renly was 15. Renly got a job as a Blacksmith's Apprentice at this age , although he despised it. Renly was far more into politics than he was into Blacksmithing for fighting. After 5 years of working in a Blacksmith , Renly decided enough was enough and quit the job. Renly headed for Arethor , Capital of Renatus to start his new life as a politician. By luck , Renly came across a man known as " Ezekiel Tarus. " who gave Renly the job of being House Tarus's Ambassador.

    Renly went about the buisness of getting recruits for House Tarus , making sure House Tarus was on good relations with the other Noble Houses and accompanying Lord Tarus to meetings. Renly performed well in these tasks and thoroughly enjoyed it. Soon after Renly started working for Lord Tarus , Ezekiel became the Grand Marshal and was granted land. Renly immediately headed to Tarus's future city and began to gather what resources he could and recruit what people he could. However , Renly was in for a suprise.

    Due to Renly's hard work and dedication , Grand Marshal Ezekiel Tarus , knighted Renly and granted Renly a Hamlet , just outside of Indelwood. To this day , Renly manages the Hamlet while House Baelish continue's to grow and prosper.

    House History : House Baelish has been going for a long time and Renly is still researching the House. As Renly finds out more , Renly shall add more to the report on House Baelish.

  4. Stands behind Tarus beside Trygvvi , grinning slightly at the arguing , clearly , he is one of the few there enjoying himself. Renly mutters to himself and those around him while still grinning slightly.

    " Well , this meeting has been extremely entertaining , politics , eh ? "

  5. [ RPly , why would the nations give away what their men DIED for to some random city that wishes to be a nation ? This isn't me bashing , this is me giving my honest opinion , I do not mean to try and completely bash the idea , but I really dont see it happening , sorry man. But if you manage to make a deal , power to you and good luck. ]

  6. [While I do not wish to put your spirits down. I just wish to say that it is highly-unlikely that this will happen due to the Nations taking and splitting Salvus between themselves I believe as the Orcs already control the outer city , I may be wrong , if I am , then I apologise and the best of luck to you.]

  7. Where does it say that halflings are thieves? Its halflings they don't really do anything evil, thats why people are supposed to be able to trust them.

    This aint Lord of the Rings pal , read the lore before making guides about halflings or read Petyrs guide.

  8. Some Halflings do need a VA. Halflings are mischeivous aswell as Jolly and are known to be great thieves. Halfling's are jolly , love to play pranks and most Halflings are good thieves , Halfling's arent all Caring , loving creatures , they just know how to have fun.

  9. [ Hazarin is dead and you should hear about it ICly soon , but his body would be in the den RPly , so you would probably know anyhow.

    While I am sad he is dead , it had to be done due to an increasing workload , meaning I can no longer be on LOTC as much as I would like to be on , so at most , I would only be able to have one character instead of the usual two. ]

  10. - Sheriff Clearwater -

    Clearwater looks as the other man decides just too walk away as things dont go in his favour. Clearwater ignores Johnny and follows the other man while saying.

    " I ain't wastin' my time takin' this idiot back to a cell. He'll probably die anyway , he knows not 'ta mess with the law anymore , but that bastard doesn't. "

    Clearwater walks after the man in the tavern and silently takes out his revolver aiming at the man's hat. Clearwater stands behind the One-Eye'd man and shoots a shot into the man's hat before saying to him.

    " Take that as yer warning boy..If ye' try anything again , it'll be yer head that gets a bullet. "

    Clearwater chuckles to himself and walks back out of the Saloon to his office , whistling before turning around.

    " Oh , one o' you Deputy sods get rid of the other Deputy's body , eh ? "

  11. - Sheriff Clearwater -

    Clearwater looks in shock as one of his Deputy's hits the floor , injured. Instinctivley , Clearwater and all the other Deputy's fire random shots at Johnny. Two of around four bullets hitting Johnny in the chest.

    " Son of a... "

    After Clearwater and the Deputy beside him have fired bullets into Johhny , they begin to ignore him and turn their attention to the other man , who now has a deputy hostage.

  12. - Sheriff Clearwater -

    Grins slightly.

    " I could do that..Or I could let you rot in a hole for the rest of your life until you are on your knees , begging , just beggin' for me to end your pitiful little life. "

    Smiles again as he looks to the Saloon. Another , final Deputy has exited the Saloon with his rifle aimed at the troublemakers.

    " You got almost all the law enforcement in this town aimin' at you now boy. Your already injured , as is your friend. The other one was smart. I'll tell you one last time , just lower your weapons , head in the Saloon an' 'ave a nice time , surely your smart enough to tell you cant win this fight today. "

  13. - Sheriff Clearwater -

    The Sheriff has watched for long enough now. He throws his cigar to the floor and then whistles. As he whistles two Deputy's exit the Sheriff's office and stand on either side of the Sheriff. The three of them walk towards the trouble-makers. Clearwater draws his highly decorated revolver and aims it at them , while his Deputy's also aim their rifles at the trio of men.

    " Well..Well..Well. Looks like you boys forgotten the rules 'round here. Now your gonna' have to stop playin' with each other , an' play with the big boys , with big guns. "

    The Deputy's chuckle slightly as the Sheriff grins.

    " Infact , I'm feelin' nice. I'ma give 'yall a chance 'ere. All of you put the guns away an' forget about this , or you'll be in some trouble , got that ? "

  14. - Sheriff Clearwater -

    Clearwater is standing on his porch when he see's the two men leave the Saloon and stand opposite each other on the street just outside the Saloon.

    " Blimmin' Maggots killin' each other everyday... " He mutters before sighing.

    Clearwater notices one of the men dueling was one of the bandits studying the bank. Clearwater smirks a little , silently hoping the other stranger kills the bandit while putting his hand on his revolver gently , preparing himself incase the duel gets out of hand.

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