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Posts posted by Kirrekith

  1. Name: Kirrekith Reffahc
    Age: 660, or so I believe, give or take a few dozen years.
    Race (If not mali'ker then an interview will be required): Mali'ker
    Notable Skills: I'm an able bodied stonemason, and a sub-par metal worker. On occasion I've been known to prospect for minerals.
    How many will be moving in with you?: Myself.
    Do you accept the laws of Ebonglade and by extension Laureh'lin?: Yes.
    MC Name: Kirrekith
    Skype: (Already in Ker'nor skype chat)

  2. MC Name: Kirrekith

    Character's name and age: Kirrekith Reffahc, 636

    Character's Race: Dark Elf

    What magic will you be learning?: Fire Evocation

    Who will be teaching you?: Kypris'dionne Thylsealaes
                                        (Forum name: Luv)

    Do you have a magic you are dropping, due to this app? If so, link it: None

  3. -={The Dwarven Library}=-


    As you enter the Dwarven Library, you sense the peculiar smell of old, dusty books enter your nostrils. Looking around the room, large stacks of books, both new and ancient, line the walls as far as the eye can see, lit up only by the dancing flames of melted candles of stearin. A middle-aged fire haired dwarf sits behind a desk, his eyes carefully following the motion of the quill in his hand, as it leaves a trail of ink inside the book in front of him. Only the faint crackle from a nearby brazier can be heard, and the occasional murmur of studying dwarves.


    Here you may learn from the past, and the uncover the limitless knowledge contained in these halls.


    Dwarven History




    http://wiki.lordofth... Great Collapse - The Great Collapse


    http://wiki.lordofth...of the Ironborn - History of The Ironborn


    http://wiki.lordofth...t/The Blood Age - The Blood Age


    http://tinyurl.com/otyc7hg - The Fall of Kal'Bryst


    http://wiki.lordofth...f the Grandaxes - History of the Grandaxes


    http://tinyurl.com/l85ll5p - Tunnelsmasher Tome


    https://www.lordofth...ice-melts-fire/ - The Fall of Ondnarch





    Dwarven Lore






    Battles & War





    Dwarven Scripture




    http://wiki.lordofth...e Brathmordakin - The Dwarven Religion


    http://wiki.lordofth...roverb of Greed - The Proverb of Greed





    Economy of the Grand Kingdom



    https://www.lordofth...ilds-of-urguan/ - Guilds of Urguan









    http://tinyurl.com/lwt7pea - Carry on My Wayward Dwarf

    Miner's Faith






    Tales of Dwarves





    http://tinyurl.com/qxtm5cc - Frey Upon A Hill


    http://tinyurl.com/p36cw7l - The Beast of The Forest


    https://www.lordofth...279-the-voyage/ - Voyage





    Tales & Legends







    -={The Tomes}=-


    Of all books contained within the great dwarven library, four particular massive tomes are the most important to the Kingdom of Urguan. These gold-inlaid books remain under constant protection by the Legion's most stalwart Ironbreakers, locked and stored away behind an iron-reinforced door that only the Lords, High Remembrancer & Grand King may access. Only those with their permission may touch them.


    The Book of Grudges


    The Book of Grudges is kept for the sole purpose of remembrance of those that have wronged us Dwedmar so, that we may see to that their mistakes are corrected, and remember their dishonourable acts. Once a grudge is placed, the only way for it to be removed is by the completion of the grudge. When a grudge is removed from the book, it is to be crossed out with a single line, so that it is still legible. Grudges can be written by any of Urguan-kind, for any purpose that is big or small, although one must receive permission from one of the Lords or the Grand King to write.


    The Book of Law


    The Book of Law contains all official laws and customs of The Kingdom of Urguan. It is Urguan's Will that no one but the Grand King and his Lords are to lay their fingers on the foundation of his descendants nation.

    [book here]


    The Book of History


    The Book of History contains the whole history of the Dwedmar, written down and expanded throughout the ages by different generations of loyal descendants of Urguan. It is constantly updated with new lore, yet all which is added must be permitted by the Grand King and his Lords.

    [book here]


    The Book of Art


    The Book of Art is undoubtedly the most intricate and beautiful of all the four tomes. It contains various sketches and paintings from creative and skilled Dwedmar artists, collected over a long period of time, some dating back to the oldest of days, when Urguan still walked the lands.

    [book here]


    -={The Remembrance Guild}=-


    The Keepers of Lore, The Conveyors of Knowledge, The Preservers of Memories


    These are all names used to describe the Remembrance Guild of The Kingdom of Urguan. Knowledge is a powerful tool, and only the wisest will prove superiority over all others, in the closing days of what we call the world. It is thus that the most important task of the guild, is not only to preserve and study what is already written, but to convey knowledge and truth for the greater of the Kingdom.


    The Remembrancers of Urguan venture far and wide in this world, revealing ancient lore and discovering lost ways. All is written down and preserved, so the nation may prosper from the knowledge in the future. As the old saying goes: "It is only through history one can learn from their mistakes".


    The duties of the Remembrance Guild are many, although the most note-worthy are:


    • To preserve all lore and knowledge in the possession of the Dwedmar

    • To venture out and uncover new lore & knowledge

    • To write down all lore & history for future generations

    • To convey knowledge to fellow Dwedmar, and educate new Dwedmar who join the Kingdom, so that they may know of our ways.

    The Remembrance Guild is still under reformations, and

    more duties and responsibilities may arise in the feature.


    Each week members are required to deposit a book to a library where the High Remembrancer shall review and seek fit a reward for how good the published work is. Then the book shall be added to the Library.


    -={Roster of the Remembrance Guild}=-


    Head Remembrancer

    The Overseer, He whose life is dedicated to the prosperity of

    the Remembrance Guild, and the education of Dwedmar.


    Kirrekith (Reffahc) Grandaxe [Kirrekith]


    The High Remembrancers

    The Learned, Those who know of the old and present,

    the ones Gifted by Ogradhad himself, they guide


    Grungron Irongut [James27049]

    Azkel Frostbeard [BudderBacca247]


    The Remembrancers

    Those who’ve proven themselves, knowledgeable and able to guide Scribes in their paths, though this is but the first step.


    Thereon Ireheart


    The Scribes

    Those who dedicate their lives to the art of writing, those who save fading knowledge, so others may learn, and those who strive to one day become Learned.



    Sharr Irongut

    Spardin Grandaxe


    Honored Members

    Those who in life have accomplished extraordinary feats in the Guild or in the service of Ograhad,

    those of which in death will be remembered for it.


    Kardel Irongut

    Kilgrim Irongut

    Bazian Grandaxe

    Wulfric Grandaxe

    Dominic Irongut

    Dun Irongut



    All who seek to uncover lost knowledge, convey truth to the people of Urguan, or write down knowledge that will last for the ages to come, should most certainly find the courage to apply for The Remembrance Guild. If you are yet unsure, and that the Remembrance Guild has piqued your interest, do not hesitate to speak with the High Remembrancer, or any guild member for more information.


    In order to join, all applicants must fill out a form and bring it to the High Remembrancer. You will find said form below:



    ((MC Name)):



    Published Works:

    What amount of time can you dedicate to the Remembrance Guild? ((How active are you, on a scale from 1-10? Please state timezone as well)):


  4. A Disappearance of Dwarves and Snow Elves

    The mountains linger in freezing winds, and the snowy fields of the Elves smother all sounds into complete and utter silence. The city structures once called home become blanketed in snow and frozen beneath layers of ice.

    The Dwarven city gates are sealed, and with no guards on post the sounds and shouts of those outside go unheard, and for the few skilled enough to find a way into the lands they’d find a ghost town.


    The cramped corridors are dark, the street lights out and even the redstone engineering fueling the alternative lighting begins to die around you. The Grand King is gone in spirit but his body can be found floating down the city’s central river in its naked glory, the Dwarves gone, even the non-dwarves have vanished.

    The city echoes in its silence, stalls empty, window shutters swinging. Women, children, and men are all gone. With this in mind, where could they have gone?


    A culmination of bad decisions, bad staff members, and overall inability to be able to properly manage a community of people has resulted in the sizable change. We cannot see ourselves returning to this mess, at least anytime in the foreseeable future. The server has been going downhill from the initial fun that it has brought to us. Most of us have already left, and many of those yet to leave will follow. People are already PKing, and going. To those still to go, reply to this post to state your leaving. If you don’t want to go, that’s fine. But the majority of us have been unhappy in this server a long time, and we can no longer stand to be so miserable here. Those who still enjoy the server, continue to do so, we are not saying you have to leave. Only saying that we ourselves choose to.


    Sorry for wasting your time.


    Grand King Midgor Ireheart [Charles_Grimlie]

    Grand Prince Aelthir Tundrak [ww2buff99]
    Loremaster Kirrekith Reffahc [Kirrekith]

    Sylen Drayzont [Silent_Slayer]

    High Ambassador Robert Fenwick [gangrel1230]

    Xyra Xanexes [SensibleOvis]

    Jorik Grandaxe [joenaj]

    Thorgran Ireheart [Yemekar]

    KBR - Leaving as a Dwarf

    admiralwalrus - Ziko

  5. 1257399683jewish_golem_carving.jpg

    The sounds of hammer and chisels would be heard deep in the archive, though locked to those seeking knowledge the sounds would emanate from beneath the lift. To those who'd have permission they'd find deep within the study room a large block of stone was being worked upon. A dark elf stood a huge block of stone, many more similar in size from the expansion of the library.

    With each landed blow the creators chisel cast away impurity, smoothing stone and carving odd symbols. Though the creator seemed to act with skill, as the blow hit a final time a curse and shout of anger left his lips, a cracked symbol all it took to make him throw the large stonework in a pile of other perfect stone, the stone smashing into the others as small off cuts fell off, littering the floor.

    With the sounds of work ceasing, all that remained was the heavy panting of the creator, the dark elf scowling as he looked to his work, all he had mustered in his weeks of work, was a single set of feet for his creation, his gaze one of exhaustion and anger. Letting out a long sigh he ran his dust cover, bruised and cut hands through his bedraggled hair.

    "Once more into the breach..."­ He'd murmur, with a shake of his head moving to the purestone onto the carving bench, his hands taking to the chisel and hammer once more, as he tried to perfect the shape and runes again.

    ((Making a Golem inside the Archive of the Dwarven Library, wanted to make a post to begin its creation and hopefully as time and roleplay progresses it will be completed. The Golem has a player in mind to play it, and so if you ask to play it I will have to say no.))

  6. With the news of the plague ending he'd let out a sigh of relief. "Thank Yemekar, now the legion can help to end this cave chicken infestation." He'd speak, his head turning to the door of his home as the scratching and clucking started once more.


  7. ((This is a on going event series inside Kal'Akash, ET members are being helpful with setting up the attacks on those inside, your more than welcome to come and visit, however don't expect to be immediately dropped into a event. Thanks to all the ET currently involved as we develop the storyline for this current infestation, it wouldn't be possible without you <3 ))

    ((Should anyone wish to help in the development of this mini-event series please feel free to message me and we'll see what can be done.))

  8. A warning paper would be wrote in quite clear letters, and many of them placed onto any surface and nailed onto wooden walls and billboards.


    This is a WARNING by the Loremaster of the Remembrancers. Due to the rampant breeding of chickens in the cave a new breed of pest has emerged, one that threatens the lives of the Dwed inside Kal'Akash.

    It was only discovered recently the depths of the pests ability when we found the first dead beardling, they've changed their diet from the pests of our caves, slowly moving up the food chain. To begin with mice and rats, then cats and dogs. Now not even our children are safe.

    To any who'd laugh at the notion of a dangerous chicken be warned, a flock of these CAVE CHICKENS recently assaulted the throne room, LED by a 3ft tall chicken, and even with three capable warriors it was a hardship to fell this LEADER.

    To any of those still weak from the Dwed Flu ((the banned)) I advise they stay in doors, bolt their windows and lock up. To women and children, make sure they travel in groups, and to those able fighters still amongst the uninfected, we have great need of you.

    If you need to travel the city, make sure to move around in groups, stay in well lit areas, and if you believe yourself to be hearing clucking then find shelter in any Dweds home or run. By all accounts the "Cave Chickens" only have one weakness, they cannot come out into the light.

    To those warriors able to assist us, make your way to the Remembrancers Archive, the Remembrancers there are to be using their knowledge to help find the nests of these "Cave Chickens" so their threat to our families and friends may be put to an end.

    Thank you,
    Kirrekith Reffahc (Grandaxe)
    Loremaster of the Remembrancers

  9. Name: Kirrekith Reffahc (Grandaxe)
    ((MC Name)): Kirrekith
    Titles: Founder of the Remembrancer's
    Age: Old for an Elf
    Published Works: Worked on the Dwarven Language, Lightning Bound Golemancy (
    Voided lore), and a great deal of the initial works the Remembrancer's have.
    What amount of time can you dedicate to the Remembrance Guild? ((How active are you, on a scale from 1-10? Please state timezone as well)): I am gmt+0 and can give likely a hour or two each day (
    more dependant when I am on an off work). Never left the Remembrancer's, just making this post so I am known to still be alive, and not of the honoured dead (You'll never take my rank away! *hiss*)

  10. The sound of extensive cursing and shouting coming from the Dwarven Library, if tempted to see the disturbance you'd see an elf by appearances moving between the different shelves, pulling book after book off the shelves, throwing them to the floor.

    Gailuk! Gilthok! Blank books?!” The elf would shout in anger, seeming to be in quite the fury over the spectacle. If anyone looked to the books, to their surprise they would find a great deal to be blank, seeming to possess a cover to seem as though they did possess words but each page clear of knowledge.

    As the elf cleared the last shelf of its contents he’d pace around the room, minding his step as he tried to not stand on any of the books. As he’d gather himself he’d look onto any onlookers with a shallow glare.

    Tell any Dwed with any brain left to make their way to the Library, time to fill in these books with at least SOME words.” He would grumble, beginning to tidy up the mess he’d made, piling the blank books in front of the shelves.

    I am Kirrekith, first and former Head Remembrancer of the Dwed, pass this message to anyone and any person who knows of any of the subjects in this library, it is time we found our history. Once again.” He’d sigh, taking out a quill as he’d begin to mark down the names of the different sections of the library, and when done would place it to the entrance of the library.

    ((The OOC to this. The Dwarven Library is barren and with not a single relevant book: To anyone who knows anything, I ask that you send me PM's and we can have an RP meet up to discuss information, or that we can rp via mail being sent to and from us. The Library should not be this empty, and with all of your help I should have a majority of it wrote up in not too long. Any information in regards to the following topics:))

    1. Clans
    2. Artefacts
    3. Professions
    4. Miscellaneous: Fiction/Non, Languages, poems etc.
    5. Brathmordakin
    6. Religion
    7. Dwarven History
    8. Journals
    9. Anything else!

    ((Any information will be greatly appreciated.))

  11. I honestly love this idea tbh, been asking for it (in my head) for a while now. Dwarves operate in a VERY Roman esque way. Consuls, the military, rivalry between families to be consuls all add for a dynamic rp experience. Rome had houses and familes, dwarves clans, rome had a military near seperate from the political system, legions status is very much seperate from politics. But yeah, consul's are also very good for having multiple leaders to talk to for information, or having a higher chance for one to be online/handle issues.

  12. MC name:
    Character's name and age:
    Kirrekith Reffahc, age unknown to myself (I don't know how long IG time it has been since he joined in Aegis)
    Character’s Race:
    Dark Elf 
    What magic/s did you learn?:
    Who/how did you learn magic/s?:
    Kirrekith learned his craft from a variety of people, though none more key than Lagomorphia, which was done by Kirrekith assisting in the creation of the first Golem, safeguarding the written knowledge of Soulbound Golemancy back in Aegis, followed by the writings of Lightningbound Golemancy in Asulon (now a voided in lore). This was expanded upon for Kirrekith during his time as Head Remembrancer for the Dwarven nation where he spent a great deal of time researching into Golems, be that via texts and carvings or examining animate and inanimate golems.
    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned:
    Golemancy is the construction or animation of materials that wouldn't otherwise do so, something inanimate. A Golemancer can be of any race able in mind and body able to understand the processes required to form and bind a Golem (a form of runesmithing). These formed beings are not sentient, and live to serve the will of the Impera, however it has been seen on some occasion that phrases or command words can bring a Golem out of the Golemancers control. The state of a Golem is referred to by either blue or red state Golems, Blue Golems are compliant and loyal to their Impera, however Red state are often misunderstanding of orders (knowingly) or becoming berserk in nature with the intention to inflict harm on others and the Impera.
    To forge or make a golem you need selected materials to create the body and internal components. These materials can vary in nature dependant on the Golem being constructed, though nearly all are made from stone as it is the only material capable of handling the heat generated from the internal heat of the Golem as wells as providing a material of a light enough nature to not pull to larger drag on the Golem core; any material to heavy may lead to the Golem core draining its power too quickly and falling apart and destruction of the body, or worse still the core. The core is the brain in many ways of a Golem, even if it is limited to near blind obedience to its Impera, this core the power source for the various runes over the Golems body binding them together however are the  key in the variation of the Golems, be it a Soulbound, Thanic Golem or Lightningbound.
    Image of a Golem, the future Elgi'Grungron, a Soulbound Golem:
  13. ((You'd notice a small flier blowing around the Dwarf City or pinned to various trees, fences, signs and anywhere it can be pinned onto.))

    The Dancing Igor Open for Business!

    Open all the Stone week, Open from 12:00 to 00:00, food served from 18:00 to 20:00
    Locally Brewed Beverages! Quench your first on a Skycastle Lager, or enjoy a range of light drinks such as tea. 

  14. -Greyhaven Hold-

    Greyhaven was known to some to be a Town once ruled as a keep more than a settlement, offering little in the way of commerce or even purpose other than a living target. Of recent times it came under new leadership, and following a months or two after that the King and Council declared the proposal for it as a Hold, and with remodelling has showed its new potential. Now the land is open to settlement, farming, fishing, sea and river trade as well as a surplus supply of spruce wood to harvest.


    The Hold is controlled by the previous leader and now Jarl of the settlement the Honoured Dwarf Kirrekith. The former member of the Dwarven Kingdom was known as the First Remembrancer, the first elf to become member of the Council (of the time) and has taken part in numerous Dwarf wars and protected Dwarven interests into Lore and Knowledge.




    -Laws and Legislation of Greyhaven Hold-

    Like with any settlement Greyhaven Hold there are laws in place to maintain the peace of the town. Though our hold can hold no Military force to counter forces we do possess access to the Dwarven Legion as well our own personal militia and town guard. Failure to comply with laws will bare its own penance for those found guilty.

    In regards to law we must follow the Grand Kingdoms laws and ways, as we are part of them and are in turn representing the Grand Kingdom, if you wish to see the laws they are documented here:




    -Labour Force-


    Labour Force

    These professions can take place alongside official work. Such as guards can take on work as farmers or woodcutters if they feel they want the extra sources of income. However guards be warned, if they do no fulfil their roles or they do no protect citizens they will lose their access to pay and guard privileges.



    Alchemists - These alchemists work in multiple fields, their chemicals and compounds both miraculous and deadly. Again this is a profession like tinkers where they often need to seek work outside of the town to establish trade. However never forget the kingdom we serve, there will always be customers amongst the Dwarves.

    Present Alchemists

    • Lillith
    • VACANT
    • VACANT
    • VACANT



    Miners – These men and women turn minerals into fine armours, weapons and all manner of creations, these people will always find work in the town be that in repairing tools, forging new or preparing armour for the guard and also for war.

    Present Blacksmiths

    • Gileandra
    • VACANT
    • VACANT
    • VACANT



    Cooks - These people work on preparing food and having them ready for both the Town, the Kingdom and to external and internal sources. With this role you may find in the town little or lots of work, though it would be recommended to establish your own trade agreements with the kingdom and outside of it.

    Present Cooks

    • Lillith
    • VACANT
    • VACANT
    • VACANT



    Enchanters – The enchanters are valued members of the town, making weapons, tools and armour of a supernatural nature. This skill set will land you in many different positions and places of work in the capital as well as in our own town.

    Present Enchanters

    • Menarra
    • Asarielle
    • VACANT
    • VACANT



    Farmers - Men and women bring in the food into Greyhaven and export it across the realm as well as fuel the Dwarven Legion with its war machine.  Workers can be paid by the state for certain gathered resources, and they will be informed for what material is desired, though wheat will always be desired.

    Present Farmers

    • Lillith
    • Vailoen
    • VACANT
    • VACANT



    Fishers - These women and men will be expected to fish the lakes and rivers around Greyhaven either on the shore, the piers or on the boats around Greyhaven. To use the boats around Greyhaven talk to those who own them before simply leaping onto them. The Town will buy fish and materials found during fishing dependant on what they are as well as the freshness of the product.

    Present Fishers

    • Ruby
    • Alexander
    • VACANT
    • VACANT



    Leatherworkers – These men and women work leathers to make fine armours in all sorts of varieties, even some household objects. This skill may be sort after by the militia of the worn and guard due to the predominately archer based fighting force, there will always be a need for fine works of leather.

    Present Leatherworks

    • Menarra
    • Yvette
    • VACANT
    • VACANT



    Lumberjacks - These are essential men and women in cutting down lumber and placing saplings to bring more lumber to us. Workers will be paid for any unworked lumber, such as logs. These will be paid for per stack as with inflation or deflation in price (as to be assessed) as well as lumber types. However it is the workers choice to sell to the Town or to sell privately, however use of Greyhaven land does mean that some funds must go to the Town if sold privately, though it will be small and not extortionate (under discussion on value).

    Present Lumberjacks

    • Kirrekith Reffahc ((Kirrekit)), also Jarl of Greyhaven.
    • Lheara'sin
    • Asarielle
    • Alexander
    • VACANT
    • VACANT



    Miners – These men and women mine minerals from the earth, varying in the type that could be presented to you from simple stone to the finest diamonds. Inside of the town there are no mines, however the kingdom is always seeking keen miners, and so though you may find no work in the town, there will always be work outside of it.

    Present Miners

    • Gileandra
    • VACANT
    • VACANT
    • VACANT



    Stonemasons - These men and women craft stonework that range drastically in their uses, one day you could be found making walls, towers, castles, wells damns houses; anything is possible. Within the town and kingdom you could be finding yourself widely needed, be that in the town’s expansion, or if the buildings are renovated or even if defences are needed.

    Present Stonemasons

    • Kirrekith Reffahc ((Kirrekit)), also Jarl of Greyhaven.
    • Lheara'sin
    • VACANT
    • VACANT



    Tinkers - These people are dedicated to making the weird and wonderful, a lot to do with mechanics and circuits. This profession is sort after for the difficult and wonderful. These are your fellow tinkers that you may seek to work alongside or discuss work with. However never forget the kingdom we serve, there will always be customers amongst the Dwarves.

    Present Tinkers

    • Lillith - Veteran Tinker
    • VACANT
    • VACANT
    • VACANT



    Woodworkers - These men help to design and pieces of art and structures surrounding us all, our own large Elk statue would of needed woodworkers to produce. In the kingdom there will always be a use for a woodworker, be the bows they make and the arrows they produce all the way to the higher tier weaponry, tools and buildings they can make.

    Present Woodworkers

    • Kirrekith Reffahc ((Kirrekit)), also Jarl of Greyhaven.
    • Lheara
    • VACANT
    • VACANT


    Town Guard

    Guards- these men and women protect the town and make sure to regulate the town to ensure everyone is safe. As guard you report to your officials and must not overstep your mark. Dependant on your rank and also provided documents will utterly depend what you can be done. Guards will be paid by a stone week, and the sum total is presently being discussed.

    Present Town Guard

    • Captain of the Town Guard Variance (thefireace)
    • VACANT
    • VACANT
    • VACANT



    Within Greyhaven there are a many varieties of housing and accommodation, be that from the rented rooms of the Inn, or the rentable houses that vary in size around the town. The price really depends on what you are looking for in a home. As well as that there are various buildings around the town such as the blacksmith as well dock shops.

    This section of the Hold outlines who owns what buildings or rents which buildings, these range from as stated before, simple homes all the way to ships, blacksmiths, farms etc.

    Taxes are paid for by buying tax papers from our vendor in the under passage of the castle and you will need to buy the relevant amount for the home you live inside of the town or shop you own.


    Small House

    Small houses are taxed at 50minas per stone week.

    House 1 Small

    House 10 Small OWNED


    Medium House

    Medium houses are taxed at 100minas per stone week.

    House 2 Medium

    House 3 Medium

    House 4 Medium

    House 5 Medium

    House 6 Medium OWNED


    Large House

    Large houses are taxed at 200minas per stone week.

    House 7 Large

    House 8 Large

    House 9 Large





    Dock Shops

    Dock shops are taxed 50minas tax per stone week.

    Dock Shop 1

    Dock Shop 2

    Dock Shop 3

    Dock Shop 4 Owned

    Dock Shop 5

    Dock Shop 6

    Dock Shop 7

    Dock Shop 8 Owned

    Dock Shop 9



    Blacksmith 1 No tax public



    Farm 1 No tax public.



    Inn/Tavern 1 Tax under talks.

  15. A New Hold

    Recent events have pressed the former town of Grayhaven into new leadership, which has now led to an even more drastic change in its identity and also leadership. You may be asking, how this affects any Dwarf or even the Dwarven civilisation. To put the answer simply, it is now part of the Dwarven Nation.

    As of perhaps a month or two discussions and the town is now a hold of the Dwarven Nation, and under such laws, requires a Jarl to lead it. It was decided by the Grand King and his Clan Council that the present and recently appointed leader for the townsfolk, and honoured Dwarf Kirrekith would be a suitable choice for such a position, and offer the nation a reliable choice of leadership for the hold.

    The hold itself is as a majority non-dwarf, as the previous settlement was established by those not of the kingdom. To be put simply, do not expect to meet any dwarves whilst there, though it is not a cause for concern, the town is loyal to the Grand Kingdom. To those who have been there before you may have remembered the town for its large fortress, lack of an entrance and rather… Cold appearance, with the remodelling presently under way with the current leadership has taken away the oversized walls and allowed for the development of housing, farms and storage facilities as well as a single fortification that will be their keep.

    Impact on the Grand Kingdom

    What does this mean in regards to its effects on the Nation and its people? To begin with all holds have to pay the Grand Kingdom in a percentage of its taxes amounting to a certain volume of money that the Council deems fair for the hold and its people, as well as this during times of conflict they are required to form militias or to have members of their populace inside of the Legion, however a hold may NOT have a standing army, and so Grayhaven will not have men to oppose the Grand Kingdom, merely organised and armed citizens should they be needed by the state. If there are any need for people to learn more about how a hold works. Reference Article VIII of Dwarven law, as located here.



    The location is south east of the main Dwarven city. This town can be accessed by not taking the road into the main dwarf city but following the path that leads over the Kjell Path, then take a left at the end of it through the mountain pass, once through the trees you will be met with the image of their keep, presently being downsized to serve the Dwarven interests, the land is uneven and poor for farming goods and its access to lumber is moderate but not perfect for a town of its size. However I controls the access from one side of the world to the other by placing its town at this choke point of the river, offering a place for the Grand Kingdom to have secure and safe docks for the building of commercial and military ships.

    If anyone possesses concerns or wishes to learn more, you can direct questions to the Clan Council, the Grand King or the Jarl of Grayhaven, Kirrekith.

    ((May be updated if any relevant information is brought forward to be added onto this.))

  16. As you walk into Karik, you can hear faint cries echo down the halls of the Dwarves. Moving further inwards sounds gradually become louder as you would assume someone to be in pain from the cries and shouts that seemed to echo. Slowly you begin to make your way into the main of the city, the sound of the screaming slowly dying down as you go. You search near an hour for the screams origin believing the person to be in some form of peril, however as you move deeper in you come across a woman with a few dwarves helping her. Taking a look towards the woman you see in her arms a small bundle of cloth. Looking with more intent you can see that the bundle of cloth is not as it would seem from the sight of small hands sticking out, then it all makes sense.

    The woman notices you looking and simply smiles to you before returning to her child’s attention, she was an elf that had been around and helped the Dwarves on rare occasions (if you knew) and her skin was pale for a dark elf, her time in the dark had lightened the usually dark grey skin colour she’d bare. The baby in her arms shared her mother's skin colour, but that is as close as you come to seeing, soon ushered away by a few Dwarves they leave the woman in peace with her new child.


    ((Sara’Lyne Kirrekith’s Daughter has given birth to a child, and will be RPed soon, was letting anyone within the Dwarven nation ‘who would know’ know. This is also a message to anyone who sees her RPing with Rai’Alyr (MC Name) that this is in fact her daughter, just a heads up before I see someone run up to me and go “Hello Ladies how are you both this fine evening”. ))

  17. Blue Fox moved past the notice, but at the mention of 'Dark Elf' stopped and looked at it in more detail, her lips turning to a smile as she went up to the notice and took her charcoal out of her bag, the piece of coal was covered in thin pieces of wood and then had been wrapped in cloth to make the user not dirty their hand. Quickly scribbling the note she looked around, her strange fox mask hid her face as did her hood, pulling the cloak tightly around herself she scurried off into the night, moving nimbly out of sight and out of mind. Anyone reading the notice now could see at the bottom of it.

    "We are interested, await us"

    However as to who wrote it would remain unclear, she had moved in during the night when no one was around, and anyone trying to spot her would have had a hard time with her body masked by the dark black cloak.

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