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。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm

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Posts posted by 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm

  1. ((Could a team that wasn't able to participate due to the singles going first so they slowly logged off still get in on it?))

    No, sorry. But if there is a future fight, you can. I'll most likely also have a fight arena in 3.0 []

  2. A poster is posted in various places

    Hello, to who ever might be reading this! My name is Hawk, and I've spent the last few weeks repairing an old arena. I found it in shambles, and have managed to repair most of it. Thankfully, the redstone wiring seemed to be intact when I found it, so that helped expedite the repair process. I do not know of its origin, nor its age, but it seemed like a grand idea to hold some fights in it, to release some stress or have some fun. The arena is very adaptable, with multiple game modes available such as capture the flag, death match, free for all, and many more. I was hoping some people would be interested in participating in the first games in a few weeks [[Probably this Saturday]]. If you are interested leave a note with the team name and its members at the noticeboard at the arena. If you wish to participate in the fight, you and your team must show up 30 minutes prior [[30 minutes IRL]]

    Also, food and ale will be provided!


    Only aim to knock your opponent out, no killing will be tolerated [[Deaths will be RP'd as a knockout.]]

    No shooting at the judges.

    How you recognize your team is up to you [[Remembering their username, custom skin, /setname, etc etc]]

    Teams of 7. No more, only less if you wish to be at a disadvantage

    No personal items. Store your items before you come.

    No keeping of items gained in the arena.

    Spectators: Please be respectful to the fighters. Do not get too loud or rowdy or we will be forced to evict you.

    Have fun!

    Game mode Descriptions:

    Deathmatch: Two teams are pitted at each other, with the objective to wipe out the opposing team.

    Free For All: No teams, be the last man standing

    Capture the Flag: Light the other side's lamp for at least 5 seconds

    More game modes to come!

    In all game modes, the central tower contains random weapons armor food and potions.

    A second note is posted below the first.

    If you show up by yourself but want to partake, sign up as a single. I can throw together impromptu teams.

    A painting of the arena is pinned below the note



    Many of you may have already saw this, as it is only 200 blocks or so south west from spawn. I decided to do this cause I wanted to make a place for players "vent" their PvP desires, and to have some fun. Food and ale will be provided. Hope to see some people there!

    OOC Rules:

    No trolling, such as throwing stuff into the arena

    Teams of 7 only!

    Teamspeak usage is allowed, as it is a small area and would simulate talking to your teammates

    Do NOT bring your own items. /invsee is a very useful tool ;)

    No keeping of items gained in the arena. Each player will be searched before they are allowed to leave the arena

    If you have no where to store items, a temporary chest will be given to you.

    Please show up 30 minutes before the game starts so that matches can be set up.

    Have a team name. It will make matchmaking much easier and fluid.


    Registering your team:

    Post as a reply to this thread:

    Team Application:



    Number of Players:

    Team Name:



    MC names:

    Singles Application:





    MC names:

    Games begin: December 1st, at 2PM.

    Edit: Also, please spread this thread around! The more people who attend, the better the event will be.

  3. How can a player who's been here 4 months be GM? 4 months does not indicate the amount of experience with the community they should have in order to be a GM. She is still new to the server.

    The question is, why her when there are players interested and have been around a lot longer than she has and understand the community better?

    A player with 4 monthes of experience is just as good as someone ith a year of experience in LoTC. Time isn't the only thing we consider when making people GMs.

  4. Nothing wrong with Dusk being an Admin? Well, I can find many reasons. 1) I've heard number of times that she has spawned spiders onto of people whilst they Role-play. 2) I've also heard she went behind the GM's, and Shift's back then tried to remove the Kharajyr. 3) I've barely heard of her doing modreqs, and when I have, people have told me she couldn't be bothered to do it right, the person wanted RP and she wanted to do it OOC. This isn't someone I want to see on the Admin team. I believe that there are MANY more people out there who deserve the job more. Sorry Dusk, I believe you are a great person and all, but I just think that you shouldn't be with the Admins.

    You've heard. But what you hear is not the same as hard evidence.

  5. In my opinion, however, support on a GM application means very little. Its how the staff think that player would do as a GM, not how much support a GM application has. Take Rio coconuts GM application for example, it had over 90 pages of comments, majority support, yet I could say, as many others would, that he was not fit for GM. Just my 2 cent.

    I never said support would mean you would become a GM. I was simply responding to Sorsby's comment.

  6. Tyrion left on his own accord AFTER being confronted by Tythus, which he then got demoted to GM, and you are assuming that he is spreading a lie which I most likely doubt, I also bolded the area you just mentioned and I completely understand where you are coming from, although we also ask for you to respect us which does not happen on every occasion, in order to receive respect you give, you don't bite the hand that is feeding you.

    And if there is so much controversy around SerenityOnyx to the point where people are leaving you cannot just turn a blind eye and say that there is nothing wrong, regardless if evidence provided or not.

    There is nothing wrong with SerenityOnyx in being an admin. If people are leaving because someone was made an admin, that's the player's decision, not the admin's fault.

  7. *Haphazardly injects opinion between heated posting*

    No qualms with these decisions, they can only benefit us.

    Buuuuttt, in my very humble opinion, there is no need for claims such as 'We have listened to your voice' etc... because that really isn't the case, I don't recall any specific outcries from the server for new GM's, in fact I recall quite the opposite request, so please stop sugar coating all your decisions and just say that you chose who you did because...(real reasons go here).

    Good luck to the newly appointed GM's.

    Your point would be valid if we ignored Rhia's 8 pages of support and Braxis' 9 pages of support.

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