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。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm

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Posts posted by 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm

  1. dTP0w.png

    Welcome to Asulon! Your application is very good, one that I really enjoyed reading, and I can see that you put much effort into making it, which shows some kind of commitment. Don't worry about the server being too MMO. Stick crafting requirement has been removed, and feedback is always welcome.

    Here are a few helpful guides:

    Settlements Of Asulon

    Simple Advice! Getting Off The Ground!

    The Proper Usage Of The Reputation System

    Forum Etiquette

    Offenses One Can Commit

    Metagaming - A Guide To Avoiding It

    Character Creation 101

    How To Avoid Making A Mary Sue / Gary Stu

    Titles: How And When To Show Them

    I highly advise you read them.

    Please wait for a GM to implement you. While you wait, read the guides and wander around the world as a Wandering Soul, so you aren't completely lose :)

    And just a note, might want to watch your text coloring. Dark text on a black background is very hard to read

  2. dTP0w.png

    Congratulations! Welcome to the Realm of Asulon. I see that you have actually read into Asulon, including actual locations in your bio. Not many make it on their first try

    Here are a few helpful guides:

    Settlements Of Asulon

    Simple Advice! Getting Off The Ground!

    The Proper Usage Of The Reputation System

    Forum Etiquette

    Offenses One Can Commit

    Metagaming - A Guide To Avoiding It

    Character Creation 101

    How To Avoid Making A Mary Sue / Gary Stu

    Titles: How And When To Show Them

    I highly advise you read them.

    Please wait for a GM to implement you. While you wait, read the guides and wander around the world as a Wandering Soul, so you aren't completely lose :)

  3. I was talking more weapons like a "beaked" (Is that the term? for a hammer with one end pointed?) warhammer. ...Theres a video around somewhere about it. Used some sort of gel thing to represent flesh under the armor. The armor had a massive dent in by the end, and the gel...well...no one was getting up after the state it was in.

    That's a hammer. You can't compare apples to oranges.

  4. Well I'll be damned. The research I did was on the heavier plate. What I read was that the katanas of the time they were most heavily in use were designed to cut through wooden armor and flesh, but didn't do as well as heavier weapons when it came to full plate. I just assumed it was similar for all metallic armor. My mistake.

    Depends on the heavier weapon you speak of. A lance on a galloping horse would penetrate any size plate armor.

  5. Actually, thats incorrect. Japanese armor mostly consisted of wood, rather then metal. Katana's can't do anything at all to metallic armor.

    You'd be better off using a shovel against armor then a katana. At least the shovel can be used like a makeshift mace. All a katana can do is look cool then break if you hit your opponents armor too hard.

    Please, please do your research before spouting nonsense. Katanas are much, much more power than a longsword, meaning it can cut into metal armor even more . Katana break if it hits armor too hard? You don't know anything about Katanas.

    • Diamond tools require level 90 durability to create, as a result, a value of 0-10 (90-100) is added to 40, which is then added to a random number between 1 and 50. So if I’m level 100 blacksmithing, it’d look like this: (10 + 40) + random(1-50) = durability %.

    Vaq, what is level 90 durability? And could you give us a more clear example, that actually shows us the end durability?

  6. Want to hear my opinion?

    Do something that will actually help new players that could be entering our server. Because these are those types what this patch is hurting.


    LoTC has an -extremely- steep learning curve atm.

    Just because we have a skill cap doesn't make it different at all, you require skills to require your every day needs. Runescape is complete grind which is why no one enjoys skilling on their game.

    It does make a little bit of a difference, as there is a lot -less- grinding.

  7. I do not like the new patch, it adds grind to the game which is something LotC has never had.

    Like Runescape, it seems like it's too focused on skilling

    I will probably get over it within a day or to, but the... Gold axe... D:

    Runescape didn't really have a skill cap. You could be 99 in everything, so its different here.

    The bug I've found is crafting time. It took me 30 seconds or so to craft 2 stacks of sticks, because with every click, I need to wait for the server to register that I've crafted that thing, and lag makes it really annyoing.

  8. Personally I feel that this crosses the boundary for me between realism and a game. Having to sit around and do nothing while waiting for someone who can isn't fun and it makes me want to log off at times. The best way I can think of having both is to set it so that this part of the skills is only activated when we have 125+ players on. That way you are sure to find a blacksmith somewhere.

    I fear for the Asian and Australian playerbase.

  9. Actually if you want to go in detail it takes a good Fletcher not a good archer to make bows. In the medieval ages the archers never made there bows from scratch only maintained them as bows where either bought or passed down from father to son they might pick up skill in making arrows but that was just piecing things together.

    And I can also say, a good fletcher is not a good lumberjack. In the medieval times, lumberjacks didn't make the bows.

    It [usually] takes a good archer to be a good fletcher. If the king orders a bow that can penetrate thin plate armor, the fletcher would most likely have -some- experience in archery, so that he would know what realistically can and can't penetrate thin plate armor.

    Edit: Martin Archery disproves your whole argument. He was a good archer before he even began feltching.

  10. On next restart, arrows are now archery affiliated and bows are lumberjack. Otherwise the argument could be made that swords should be for swordsmanship which defeats entire purpose of this patch -.-.

    You can't compare apples to oranges. A swordsman only needs to know his sword is sharp and strong, something only a smith can confirm. The swordsman only needs to know that it is well balanced and how to swing it. But archers are a different story.

    Does a lumberjack know this:

    What size a bow should be?

    Should it be a recurve or longbow or shortbow?

    What poundage is it?

    Does he know how to make a recurve bow?

    Making a bow isn't as simple as tying two ends of a stick together. It takes a well trained archer to know how to make a good bow, not a lumberjack who spends his life felling trees. In real life, we don't see lumberjacks running around making top notch bows. No, often times, the best bows are made by the people who -shoot- the bows. Look at one of the most regarded archery companies, Martin Archery. Was it started by a lumberjack?

    After returning home from WWII, Gail Martin rekindled his passion for archery and

    bowhunting. In 1951 he and his wife, Eva, made the decision to turn the family

    hobby into a full blown business. It has been 61 wonderful years and they haven't

    looked back.

    Edit: As an ex-avid bow hunter, I don't know a crap about felling trees, but I sure as anything know the difference between a bow that will take down an elk and a bow that can't take out an ant.

  11. I have two things. Why would lumberjacking make you more experienced in fletching? Shouldn't -archery- make you more experienced in fletching? A lumberjack in real life probably won't know the difference between a shaft and vanes on an arrow. Archers on the other hand would know what they are, and actually know how to make bows and arrows.

    Another thing is the glass block thing. The way it is right now, it can be abused and makes, quite frankly, no RP sense. A better way is to make it a "breathing rod" that only works up to a certain depth under water, such as 10 blocks. Under that, air applies again.

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