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Friendly Guy

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Posts posted by Friendly Guy

  1. Addressing the man be states, I may have not have been here long but I understand what's happening.

    *pulls a poster down

    Read this the council has asked for meetings yet you refuse to acknowledge instead ignoreing them and prepareing for a war.

    A true elf knows their is always another way besides war. Even when dealing with Orcs

    As to the barricades, godfrey did not approve their existence he did not want them their the white rose take advantage of him! He is sick for malins sake.

    You then go and say they have done nothing, this is a true lie, the toll has stopped and per treaty they are only searching for weapons, who do you think did this? The high council did yet you ignore what they have done for the good.

  2. *wonders why the note was pinned when he is standing right there reading the note anyways.

    *will oblige the man by writing a new note

    The treaty still stands, Godfrey has made a

    Statement on the white rose and they ignore his order due to his sickness, when he returns and sees the wall has grown I do not think we will be pleased.

  3. *looks at the man

    You claim not wanting to fan the fire, however you seek to bring a war of nations, you do not understand what war this brings. If you bring a war to Malinor soil the white rose will protect their interests and join this war slaying us all.

    You claim war on a city with no military only a guard force. I do not understand what slaying helpless people will bring. Since aegis we have been a safe haven for those who do not wish for war, you forsake that by bringing death.

    Your party makes claims of restoring Malinor to its golden age of aegis, I would like to see this aswell but you contradict your statement by wishing to remove things that made Malinor great. These are things such as the high council that you wish to turn into a democracy. I urge you to put down your weapons and stop the threats sit down with the high council and discuss what's best. Why must we be divided because of race. In aegis you were distinguished because of achievements not due to being a high, dark, wood elf

    Let us all fall under one banner and deal with issues as the first high prince did

  4. *pins a note,

    Prince Oceas is working on reform and we have hired new guards and advisor myself being one. What you do not understand is that the sentinels due to treaty we are unable to touch the white rose. Aswell due to treaty sentinels are not a military we are a guard force.

    The sentinels are a force to deal with the common bandit and theif. Not fight full scale wars unaided. The sentinels are trained to deal with issues in a attempt to keep the person under question alive.

    Whoever you are sir are clearly misinformed on the duties of the sentinels, I am willing to guess you are an ex sentinel. I have not been around long but I'm willing to wager that you were dismissed from the sentinels. Learn the duties

    Of the sentinels before you begin to post propaganda (without a VA I might add)

  5. *Enters*

    I have come to address claims of the sentinels, Orym has yet to make a statement on them so I will address their issues with you.

    Prince Oceas has hired two people to aid the sentinels. I myself was a warden of Malinor aswell Ebs I have known you since aegis times. Your plans to teach and own a school clearly have left your head since our last meeting.

    I will be the first to admit the sentinels are not a perfect military force, what you confuse is that the sentinels are not a military, they are a guard. They are to protect the people and council of Malinor.

    You claim they are corrupt and vile, however they have followed the chain of command to the letter. You wish for commander Orym to step down when all he has done is protect the city as ordered.

    I've been hired as an advisor and sentinel and work with the new guards, they have ideas of being all powerful and invicible what you must understand is they are not old and wise such as some of you here. I have spent two elven hours straight working with them in one training sessions. They are willing to learn they just need to be taught. I've only been here three elven days and I see an improvement the troops are now more confident willing to die for Malinor.

    I ask a peaceful resolution can be solved. The sentinels do not wish to silence the people nor do we wish for bloodshed. We do not enjoy beheading our kin as you say. Many of us joined the sentinels to defend against bandits and uphold the fair laws set out by the council.

    I ask both party's to work together creating fair laws and terms for if you do march on the city the sentinels will be forced to defend the council and slay its own people. I might also remind you that the white rose as per treaty must defend the council if the war erupts and it will not just be sentimels fighting.

    Now as a citizen of Malinor i must say the malins have their flaws however Mina's can be earned far to easily before coming to the sentinels I would slay these beasts in the wilds earning upwards of 4000 Minas for one elven day of work. Removing malins would cause mass amounts of the work force risking their lives in the wilds for fortune Only to come back and purchase property within Malinor then leaving them vacant as they made fortunes in the wilds. Causeing the city to remain vacant and seeming dead and prone to attack.

    To finalize I am not an advocate for malins but I understand why they are introduced.

    ((done from a iPhone sorry for any spelling/grammar))

  6. *Murthraka returns home to be healed by shamans

    *He thinks to himself*

    "How come pok was no longer able to use the levers in the base"

    "Why did their trebs fire three times in the exact same spot"

    "How did the balista rapid fire like that"

    "How were their flying swords"


    *Takes a nap as he now has a headache

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