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Friendly Guy

Diamond VIP
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Posts posted by Friendly Guy

  1. The point of a claim is so everyone is on not just attacks raiding a empty town and I feel u should be ashamed of not trying to make a time available for everyone. I realize that we can not please everyone all the time but if I just attacked a empty town it wouldn't be good RP an frankly boring))

  2. You corrupt swine How dare you kick Out Ebs For that corrupt Quazzar *Spits This man is a destroyer only leaveing Reckage in his path. This is an outrage Laurlin will fall because of this man.

    Finally James Yells *May Ebs Live On And become High Prince *Leaves to sharpen his sword but stops and realizes Ebs does not want violence and then continues down the road

    ((<3 Quazzar but My char hates you May My OOC Opinion Differ from My char))

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