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Friendly Guy

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Posts posted by Friendly Guy

  1. Mechanical standard doesn't apply when you are in RP combat. And if you ignore your character's height when his height would be a downside, expect people to ignore your character's size and strength when it becomes your advantage. Emote combat is give and take. If you expect to take, you must give.


    Lets be real which orcs are RP fighting? (JK)


    But in all seriousness mechanical standard kinda goes out the window in a RP fight as simply you can go into alot more detail and again we come full circle as in that case its the player at fault not the race so BR the orc for power gaming and move on dont typecast the race for it.



    Thats like removing magic from druids due to one druid power gaming, 

  2. And if we PVP default orcs and win, then forum topics will come up because you guys are upset that humans can take you down in 1v1.



    That has literally never happened when it was "true orcs" remember when it was RP default? After Rp default orcs had a flood of people that wanted to more or less legally powergame and then the switch to PVP default and they left.

  3. What are you talking about Hellfiaz?

    There is absolutely no reason why orcs have grown so much since Aegis in only a few centuries. Evolution doesn't work that fast. The only Orc I know that has legit reason to be as talk as he was is Bog, but he's dead.


    From my memory it was in aegis we made the rule where no orc was allowed to be over 10ft under any circumstance due to the fact orcs were commonly 10-12ft and going upwards until mogroka put a stop to it. And if i remember correctly Krug was massive and since we were descendant of him its highly possible we could have been his size however it was chosen that we would not be.

  4. A degree of realism needs to be maintained. A very basic degree granted, but physics is among which needs to be regulated.


    Otherwise I'll just take my character and :jetpack:

    No complaining! He can fly, Physics shouldn't apply in a fantasy realm after all.

    Ducking through a doorway is an opportune moment to get your head chopped off in a fight.


    Taiwanese aboriginals built their huts with specially low doors so when raiders from other tribes would invade they'd have to bend their heads down to pillage their homes, leaving them open for beheading.


    Also, height can be a disadvantage in combat. Ever played against oddjob in goldeneye 007?

    The Mechanical Standard:
    Our in-game server runs according to the 'Mechanical Standard' rule. This means that we base our roleplay off of the possibilities available to us mechanically (whether or not they can be done in vanilla minecraft). This means that, if you can't do something mechanically, you can't do it in roleplay, while if you can do something mechanically, it can be done in RP. Climbing up waterfalls is thus perfectly alright, while RPing ropes to get over a mechanically impassable wall is not. The following rules outline the exceptions to this standard, collectively creating a rule known as “abuse of mechanics”.
    This is why we dont have to emote "Ducking through doorway". Because it would break the rules of the server. ((Hold on batman lemme explain im not totally crazy read through the whole post))
    Example. Say the door was a 1 block hole could a dwarf not emote "Ducking through doorway"?  While yes its agreeable that they could in realism terms they could easily crawl through said hole. BUT it would give them a unfair advantage just as making orcs emote *Ducking through doorway* would give them an unfair disadvantage even though in reality they would have to duck through the doorway. 
    Tdlr, Its minecraft not real life
    It is also why you may not fly as you can not do it in survival mode
    Now please stop trying to argue. Your explanations and arguement is based off of a really a non issue. And while it would be really cool to have that amount of realism its not possible in MC
  5. Height inflation makes sense when were talking Ologs, as they are more or less based off of Tolkin Trolls/Warhammer Orcs.


    Uruks would usually be around seven to eight feet tall which is reasonable as they are big hulking barbarians


    MM aswell Ologs live a short lifetime anyways and can't do very much other than breath and drool on them self's

  6. Those same 9ft orcs don't seem to have issues walking into human buildings and through human doors without crouching or slouching due to their height. Hm.


    A block is one meter, So a standard door is two meter's tall which is just over 6 feet. most homes built in MC have at least 3 blocks before the roof which is now over 9ft making it fine for an orc, So while yes we would have to duck, so SORRY if we dont emote ducking into a doorway. When was the last time you emoted breathing? How many times have you RP through a night when you should have been sleeping, This isnt realism sim 2014


    Now the largest orc in theory is a rex and he should max out at around 9-10 ft AT MOST all other orcs should be in the 6-8ft range ((6.8ft-8ft being a standard orc, 8ft being a general))

    But then again how many times do i see humans and elfs being super tall. I dont go around complaing its a fantasy roleplay server. We have mystical monks who magically revive people so why again can't my orc be 8ft tall? T

  7. yrBryoK.png

    1.  Your character must be at least 18 years of age

    2. A few small error's to correct "Lose" not "loose"

    3. Add a few weaknesses such as "Is your character scared of heights" "Can he swim" "Scared of heights"?



    You have 24 Hour's to edit your application after the changes have been made please Message me for another look over. Failure to do so will result in a Deny.

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