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Everything posted by Moradis

  1. Hey sorsby do im guessing even though you havent asked you want me to change my skin, if so can you post me a link to a good ranger skin I dont like the ones ive been finding.
  2. well thats not the problem its that from where i am i dont know how to get to the cloud temple UPDATE nevermind found my way out
  3. um being new to LotC i didnt know what would happen if i accidentally right click on the soulstone/sponge thing and im in oren now and i have no idea how to get out or where to go from there can anyone of you guys help me? also am i allowed to build a home outside the fort up in the trees if i can i want to plant a couple and then turn the tops into a little tree fort type thing
  4. You should play it if you get the chance. Also i have never had a signature for any forums before so when I go to edit Signature what exactly do I do? Sorry for not knowing how to do this by the way.
  5. thank you and DnD is excellent by the way i am currently working on a monk
  6. IGN: dantemoradis Character Name: Dante Moradis Age: Real 17 In game 19 Timezone: EST Race: Human Roleplaying Skill: Well I have been playing serious Dungeons & Dragons for about 2 years now with gorups that arent just teenagers who have never played but very experienced players and the first class I played was a Ranger Fighter mix. Why you wish to join?: I have always loved the whole Ranger ideas and lifestlye. Also I created this character to be a Ranger like character so I figure why not go the whole way with it. Will you uphold every Rule: Absolutely Link to your Application: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=15132
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