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Posts posted by Skippy

  1. 2 hours ago, ThumperJack said:

    I've been having the same issue for about a year now. Llir tried to see what was going on with no success. I'd be VERY interested to see if anyone could find a fix to this issue as it quite literally cuts me off from playing the server unless I thoroughly nuke the chats of everyone on my friend list.

    Yep, it's so frustrating. I see no reason why people from all over the world are seemingly having the same connectivity issues. There has to be an issue with a plugin or something - it's either I get lagged out, giving me the error message in OP. Or, I can chat/play just fine - I just can't input ANY commands (they will not work, and not give any error message.)


    10th of the First Seed, Year 1 of the 2nd Age

    Transcribed by Skippy Irongut II






    • Grand King Jorvin Starbreaker welcomes the populace to the first of many King's Courts within the city of Kal'Darakaan.
      • He reminds all to act with sense, and to not disrupt the meeting. He also reminds all that there will be no interruptions, and that there will be a period of time for questions. Questions are to be taken once at a time via hand raise.
      • In addition, a reminder is repeated that the King's Court follows a predetermined list of topics until its end. This King's Court's topics can be found here: <LINK TO TOPICS>
      • Before the King's Court officially begins, Jorvin Starbreaker asks the populace if they have any questions, to which none raise their hand.






    • Jorvin Starbreaker addresses the populace's food concerns. The King reassures that while a food shortage is a reality of the current situation, levels are nowhere near famine. In addition, he states that it takes time to cultivate crops, and action has been taken to address the overall issue.
      • Hefrumm is currently in agreement with the Kingdom to pay a partial tax of grain rather than coin. Grain gathered from Hefrumm will be rationed to the public, free of charge, as a weekly occurrence.
      • Other proposals are already being drafted for the establishment of further farmland - whether it be public or private land.
      • Overall, King Jorvin believes that the tax from Hefrumm will be enough to solve the food crisis within the Grand Kingdom of Urguan.
        • Norli Starbreaker stands up to add onto the Grand King's statement, respecting and honoring the hard work done by two Khazadmar in creating the foundation of a proper ranch and stables utilizing Grand Kingdom property - Kori Stormbreaker and Snorri Grandaxe. He also touches upon Snorri Grandaxe's wishes to create a stables guild. His final remark is that the Grand Kingdom should begin drafting legislation to lease lands to companies to help boost the agricultural output of the Grand Kingdom.
      • Afterwards, Jorvin Starbreaker slams the bottom of his warhammer to the floor, stating "Silence." He then asks the populace if there are any questions on the topic of agriculture.
      • Anath Grandaxe asks the question, "Does animal hide count towards food or economic contribution?", to which the Grand King responds, "Can ye eat leather, Master Grandaxe?"
      • Gildroc Goldhand asks the question, "Instead of handing out land to everyone, what if land was only given out to the poorest sections of Dwed society - anyone with a Class C house for example, as they are the ones suffering the most under the current food shortage. Food could be delivered by the stewards to Class C houses every week to ensure the poor have an ample supply.", to which the Grand King responded "Well spoken, Gildroc of Clan Goldhand. Your suggestion will be considered, and brought up during tomorrow's council meeting. If you wish, I'd suggest you draft a proposal before that time.
      • Alaric Grimgold asks the question, "If we wish to talk about food, let us talk about the use of the port. My clan and others (raising his hand to refer to the Doomforged and Hammerforges) have a desire to see it up and running. We can supply you all with all the bounties of the sea should we discuss the priority of repurising the port.", to which the Grand King responds, "The port is not what is currently being discussed. I will repeat myself, that you raise your relevant questions at the relevant times. Moving on."


    • Jorvin Starbreaker addresses the status of the Grand Treasury, taxes, and the plan for the economy moving forward. He states that as the clans have gotten themselves situated, taxes have naturally been on hold, but the grace period is drawing to a close. The current tax plan will ensure that all Dwarves will be able to afford a liveable wage within a week's time, while ensuring the Grand Kingdom maintains enough of an income to pay for the upkeep costs in paying for and maintaining the crown land. After hearing multiple groans, Grand King Jorvin reminds all that maintaining a Kingdom is not free, and with the loss of 90% of our horde during the fall of Kal'Evraal, taxes are more necessary now than ever. The Grand King then motions for the Grand Merchant, Dhaen of Clan Grandaxe, to stand and speak her peace on the matter of the Kingdom's current plan moving forward, before the questions begin.
      • Dhaen Grandaxe announces that first of all, it is in the interest of the Kingdom for the individual dwarf to be able to pay taxes. Every dwarf should be able to afford them under the plan. Secondly, taxes will be collected at the close of every week.
      • Svuli Metalfist raises his hand after Dhaen asks for any questions, asking, "If I was to for instance, sleep on a bedroll in the temple, is that legal, and do I need to pay taxes?" to which the Grand Merchant Dhaen Grandaxe responds, "If you have a property from me, you need to pay taxes, otherwise no."
      • Morul Irongrinder asks, "If I may propose a tax cut for the mega corporations of Urguan, so that we only pay the same as the little weak companies? The massive companies such as Dwedcorp supply large amounts of products at a low price to all Dwedmar! If we let them suffer, then the humans and elves will take over the market! We must make Urguan strong with the flow of mina!", to which Dhaen Grandaxe responds, "Thank you for your proposition, Morul. However, we wish to encourage businesses of all sizes in our city and will make sure taxes are a fair playing field for all."
      • Anath Grandaxe asks, "I came here because I'm not the only one who knows that right now until better metals are found we need leather for our many professions. But despite the efforts of the many ranches such as Snorri and the Ironguts, it still remains the Forest Dwarves who own the biggest and they are not trading fair among their own. It's one thing to extort an elf, orc and a long leg but it is another thing to do it to your own king when it's most needed and I just thought it needed to be brought up.", to which Dhaen Grandaxe responded, "The issue of leather is indeed important, and believe the council will soon discuss the role of a stable master that may help with this issue. I will make sure that when we do know a solution, you will hear of it. It is indeed an important resource in our kingdom. Perhaps I would consider joining the Worker's Guild to get easier access?"
      • The Grand Marshal Dimlin Irongut adds, "After discussions with the Grand Merchant, I project payment of three hundred and fifty two mina will be paid towards the Legion for salaries. These salaries being four mina for grunt, eight for Mountainguard, twelve for Ironbreaker, sixteen for Longbeard, twenty for Pridebearer, and twenty four for Thanes. The Legion will also of course supply its soldiers with the required armor needed to maintain the most important duty in this Kingdom - the protection of our way of life and our citizens.


    • Jorvin Starbreaker addresses the status of the Arena, the Grand Championship, and Gladiatorial Games. "As you all know, our city plays host to one of the finest arenas in the land, and is one of the regions in the city in the best-kept condition. T'would be a shame not to use it, wouldn't it?" Jorvin Starbreaker asks the populace. "In the coming months, what little restorative work remains on the arena will be finished, and I will personally begin the arrangement of a myriad of wild and exotic beasts to slaughter within it's halls, as well as being personally involved in the establishment of the Gladiatorial Guild, which fine Master Redwin of Clan Hammerforge wishes to head. Finally, the Grand Marshal will be seeking to host a new Grand Championship in the coming months, as we've not had one since the reign of Grand King Utak Ireheart.
      • Grand Marshal Dimlin Irongut then speaks, "It is my great honor to host the Grand Tournament of Urguan, a tradition brought on since the days of King Urguan. It is my hope for this event to be one of fury and great honor. The Grand Tournament will be held within the next few years and shall consist of the age old tradition of a fist only tournament. No armor. No swords. No drugs... just fists and the physical endurement Yemekar gave you. The rewards for such will be announced at some point soon but they have not been specified yet, of course though the great honor of the position of Grand Champion and a post as the personal guard of the Grand King himself. The event will be policed by the Legion and will see each and every contestant checked for their affiliation and what they're bringing to the tournament." The Grand Marshal would then ask for any questions.
        • Redwin Hammerforge asks, "Aye, will the competition be open to non-Dwed?", to which Grand Marshal Dimlin Irongut answers, "No. Not AT ALL."
      • Redwin Hammerforge is then called upon by the Grand King to speak on the matter of the Gladiatorial Games. Redwin begins speaking, "Thank you Grand King, the Clan Hammerforge would like to invite all of you to a weekly event of games we will be hosting starting next week. Each week will offer different challenges and match ups as well as good entertainment for all onlookers who wish to join and watch. We will be doing a ticketing system that will funnel back into the Kingdom for profits so support the Kingdom by coming to the games," to which Grand Marshal Dimlin responds by stating, "No, it will be free, as it always has been." The Grand King states, "The Grand Championship will be free, the Gladiatorial Games will be guild hosted, they're welcome to charge for admission - anything run by the government will be free though." Redwin Hammerforge continues, "But moving forward the guild hosted arena battles will be ticketed and we will be using the money made to funnel back into the Kingdom and into the prizes for winning. So the more people that show up the more and more better our games and battles will become, so bring your friends and all citizens will have a discounted rate. Non-citizens will have to pay another rate. And just briefly an example of two of our main battle ideas are: Bracket battling the head to head arena, good fights we all love with the winner getting a golden belt and a reward in minas held biweekly. And on the other week the dangerous monster hunter battles, where we send teams out to capture and bring back a monster of deadly strength to fight in the arena against a small team of warriors. The winnings of this is a small mina reward and the monster parts collected from its body. Please keep your eyes open to the walls for our weekly statements on the matter, we will be posting notices around the city as well. I hope to see you all at the next Forged Arena Blood Games! AND THERE WILL BE BETTING!"


    • Jorvin Starbreaker moves onto the topic of Vassals and Guests. Firstly, the Grand King speaks, "As some of you may know, the Crimson Edict has sworn themselves under Urguan. They are a guild of Anti-Slavers whose message resonates quite firmly with myself. They reside in the manor on the coast, and will provide a tithe of manpower to the Grand Kingdom, as well as a tithe of grain to go towards feeding the capital. I ask that you lot play nicely with them, as they were in the past affiliated with Urguan before the fall." Clearing his throat, Jorvin Starbreaker continues, "Secondly, as some of you may have noticed from the ship in our docks, the primary chapter of the Paladins of Xan have anchored themselves on our shore for the time being. Currently, negotiations are still being held, nothing will be finalized until land deals in general are settled upon, though I consider the Xannites and Edict both to be trustworthy," afterwards opening the floor for any questions.
      • The Grand Justicar Dwalin Irongut clarifies, "Vassals of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan will still be subject to the same codex of laws as Urguan. Both vassals within our borders and outside of them. And I also would like to add that an amendment to our codex has gone through the High Courts recently. Everyone who enters our borders are subject to and protected by our laws. Which means foreigners are protected by and subject to our laws, when within our borders." Grand King Jorvin Starbreaker would add, "In accordance with the agreement passed by our council some time ago, the Edict is permitted to operate on their own code of laws so long as they do not contradict ours. 'Course, their laws do not apply to our citizens, when a Dwarf is involved, it defers to our own. This is simply the case because our own laws regarding race and religion do not necessarily apply to them.
      • Morul Irongrinder asks, "Are said vassals considered citizens? And can we cheat them out of their money?" Grand King Jorvin responds, "I would rather you not. Treat them with the courtesy you would as a citizen.


    • Jorvin Starbreaker brings up the issue of land. He begins speaking, "The sale of land is not yet on the agenda, and will not be until pricing is agreed upon. However, what I will make clear now is that we are currently open to suggestions, so that the public may have a voice in the decision. What is agreed upon now, is that all sales of land must be approved by the majority of the council, the office of the Grand King, the Grand Architect and the Grand Merchant; it cannot be done without the approval of all four.
      • Draakopf Doomforged asks, "Blood of my blood... Blood of Urir. That is what makes us and binds us together. And during these trifling times, it is my will to resource our birthright once set in stone by our great predecessors who championed Urguan against the threats within our Ancient Kingdom in the Deep Roads, and return to what once was. I ask all ye gathered today to support me and my kin in our zealous effort to return deep within the mountain, for there we shall stand between what lies deep in the shadows in Urguan. It is our birthright, it is our way. Me and my clan would pay any cost that might be, for it is the wish of all our kin foro us to be returned to where we belong, I'm sure price negotiations can be discussed further after the court though. The last time my clan had stood between the threats deep beneath the shadows even a dwarf dare not venture. We had to reclaim our home with the help of the legion, if some of you remember. It is our way to make home far within the mountain. I hope we could put it up to a vote?" The Doomforged asks. Grand King Jorvin responds, "I've read the history books, Draakopf. We'll discuss it at the council meeting tomorrow. The Assembly is not a place for it. The Deeps belong to all our kin, not one clan will hold claim over them. I will ask that ye remember that. Moving on, your request will be discussed tomorrow. Though I see no issue with it..."





    • Grand King Jorvin Starbreaker stands and speaks, "Now, I wished to cover one more topic, as well as give a common hour... However, we've already run out of time, and so I will instead thank ye all for your attendance, and thank ye for your suggestions and proposals to the Grand Kingdom. Without further delay, I declare this Assembly... DISMISSED!"
  3. Hey!


    I’m hoping to request a skin for a wood elf hunter!



    Reference: 271a13adc9cfe1a1d4ae81cb12351383--charac


    Specifications: Blonde hair instead of brown hair (similar hair color as Legolas from LOTR :p), green warpaint pretty similar to the warpaint on the concept image. Darkish brown skin, typical of a wood elf. No weapons/bows/arrows etc edited onto the skin, just purely the outfit.



    I’m hoping to have this skin made alongside having the outfit as an additional skin file (may want to use it for a hunters guild). I’d love to pay you in USD! Lemme know your rates! Skippy#1354

  4. Mugdor-Dharok lit the furnaces of Kal’Mugdor, as a horde of Dwed joined him in the smithing of new ferrum weaponry. They all cheered while smithing,


    “Narzak oz Urguan! Narzak oz Jorvin!”

  5. pcIu53Z.jpg


    Mugdor-Dharok rallies the populace of Kal’Mugdor, home of the Workers Guild of Urguan. His once tough face has turned to that of weary; the toll of leadership has taken it’s effect on this dwarf.


    “Greetings me fellow workers. Ah’m here tuh announce me departure from Yemekar’s Pick due to burnout from managin’ the guild. Ah admit, me toime spent runnin’ the guild was not the longest, however ah am happy with the revamp ah introduced and the industry brought to Kal’Mugdor. Ah will still continue to be the best miner ah can be, while learnin’ more ov the arts of blacksmithin’ and artistry – however, t’e new Yemekar’s Pick shall be me good friend Dorimnur Goldhand. This Dwed has tenfold the passion ah have, and the ability tuh lead the guild to new heights. Ah believe a future ov expeditions and industry will sweep over the Workers Guild ov Urguan, and ah’ll be roight by all yer sides!”


    Mugdor-Dharok raises his golden pickaxe into the air, yelling multiple times,



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