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Seventh / Ryan

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Posts posted by Seventh / Ryan

  1. I've been staring at this blank field, thinking of what I'd say. I think I should start with dedication. Many of the players here have set their mindset on the fact that Juno "Left to make another Server with the Sages". This was not the case. I, personally, talked to Juno through Teamspeak, on how he is able to juggle, Real life, CD, and Lord of the Craft. He was a Global Moderator, a great one at that, for LoTC, as well as an Admin for CD. I am absolutely certain he spent as much time as possible, caring for our Community, and has dedicated more than enough effort for me to say that he is more than suitable for the role. Dedication means you're willing to give up your time, helping and developing our community, and that is exactly what Juno has done from day 1. Is it such a crime that he is able to make another Server? Fact of the matter here is, even while he was working on CD, he was still helping as much as he could, for a while.

    His experience, well, that's out of the question, he's fully aware of all the rules, even helped implement lots o' them! Spending quite a while in the GM position at LoTC, I'm certain he has a feel for how the server runs.

    I, without a doubt in my mind, support his Re-implementation to the GM team. Good luck, Ol' pal.


  2. My faith in Lotc has been restored. I was disheartened after Availer left again, but having a fresh tech team that knows what they're doing, understands roleplay and don't let their own desires interfere with their work is fantastic.

    Super excited.

    Oh, your faith in us? Hahaha, you mean when you attacked the server and staff on seperate forums? Yeah, I recall, I'm glad it's been restored, though.

    Back to the Skill System, by profession system, we mean you won't need to grind your way to 100 swords, your professions should expand along your character.


  3. I like some of your rp rhia. But i do not think you would be a good gm. Mainly because i have failed to see you almost ever on the lotc teamspeak anymore to speak to any other players that are not from oren which really concerns me on biased opinions. If you come onto the lotc teamspeak more (and not just go mute in a gm channel) and communicate more with every player i would be more happy to +1. But as of right now i am high on drugs from the hospital. So i might eat your face.

    A lot of Administrators/Global Moderators do not see the need to go to Teamspeak as it is not essential. I don't understand why she would need to have spoken to you over an OOC communication software to have your support as a Moderator? Hmph. Maturity and Responsability are factors involved in a "Biased" opinion. She has both, Maturity and Responsability.

    Multiple GM's/Admins do not check on Teamspeak regularly. In-Game and forum moderation are far more important than teamspeak.


  4. Alright, firstly, for those who do not like to read long posts, I’m going to say from the start, I support this Application all of the way, and have actually asked her to make an App, as I think she’d be an absolutely incredible GM.

    I’d like to start with her responsibility. She has always seemed to be, from my observations, a very responsible player, who cares very much for the development of the server and the community. She’s aware of situations, and is able to handle them to a mature and reasonable solution. Rhia is aware of the rules and follows them accordingly, and is able to recite them when questioned, showing her dedication towards the server. Her maturity is what is needed, and a looked for in a Game Moderator, therefore she would be an optimal choice. This player is very active, and is willing to dedicate her time towards the improvement of the server. I can say, from the time that I’ve had with her, she’s very responsible, knows how to make decisions, and is able act appropriately in times when a voice of reason is needed.

    Her dedication and love towards the server is out of the question, considering the fact that she’s an active player, and has been helping out with the development of the server behind means of which most are not aware of. She’s acts like a professional, but is caring and is understanding, which is what is needed in a Game Moderator. The fact that she has told me, personally, that she’s willing to dedicate her own time towards helping facilitate an appropriate environment for the server proves that she would be a perfect choice for this position.

    Now, one of the most important factors of being a GM is Experience. Of course everything I’ve said prior to this point is also very important, however experience shows us that this player is aware of the conditions, and has developed communities before, making the switch from player to GM less of a hassle. Experience in this line of work means this player has knowledge of what will be required of her. Some of these things include creating an optimal environment for Role-play, communication between player to GM roles, and knowledge of multiple server rules, commands, and proper moderation.

    Maturity. One very important factor to a GM is maturity, and knowing how to deal with people in very harsh conditions/situations. I can tell you, she’s very mature, and she knows how to make the right decisions. It comes naturally to her, and I’d have to agree that she’d excel in the role of Game Moderation. With Irene, you can be as open as you want, she knows how to deal with situations, not only in-game, but with OOC disputes and personal issues. This is a vital factor that is required in a GM; To handle a dispute maturely and appropriately.

    I could continue on for hours of how incredible and amazing she is, however I don’t want her to Blush (Too much ;3), and I don’t want you, the reader, to feel as though your eyes are bleeding from the text. Therefore, I will finish off with this statement.

    Good-luck, Rhia, and I support your Moderator application 100%.



  5. I'm voting no. I have nothing against you, and I don't hate you.

    We have too many GMs overseeing Oren, it's ridiculous.

    Ehh, lassy, we don't actually have any GM's overseeing Oren other than me. Mog is part of several other races, and teams, and focuses more on game and roleplay development. If you've actually been wondering who does the important, nation regioning for Oren, or has been solving most issues discovered within Oren, it's been me. Technically, there's only one GM overseeing Oren, and I'm not as active as I used to be, sad to say. Braxis, on the other hand, has been very helpful to me. He's constantly solving OOC problems with me, and he's shown maturity, and focus. He has what it takes. And, as he said, he is also part of multiple other races. (Orcs, he has a Dark Elf, etc. . .)


  6. Mmm; the RP is fine. And, Nico paused this war claim, yes, because hw posted the RP thread. So; this shouldn't be nulled. If he makes a new warclaim, it'll be with the same time. So. . .

    However; to save the QQ'ing of people, I'd like to see this pushed back to an appropriate time.


  7. Boatman walks in, his pipe in his mouth, his eyes, blue as the waters, and he smells of the breeze of the soft seas.

    "Mi am boatman."

    He glares around the room, seeing if anyone would challenge him.

    "Mi am da skaha dat wyll lead da Dalghai. Mi am boatman. Mi am hunourable Uruk fur mur den mozt urukz here be alyve fur. Mi am elder uruk uv da Gorkil's. Mi bled, mi pissed on skullz, mi ate halfling. Mi am Uruk. Mi am Boatman. Mi myke many shinie boutz fur uruks, agh me get latz cannon. Wub dah skah, iz dat nyt enuff fur Boatman tu be dah Skaher uv dah watyr? Mi am da proud Pral'Agon."

    He stomps his foot.

    "Mi am elder uruk, mi hab ulvays respected mi famly. nuw mi ask lat tu myke mi dah Boatman, uv dah Dalghai. Mi am redy tu myke lat peep dah pawah uv boatman."

    He roars, glaring at the Rex, awaiting a responce.


  8. *You notice a Large, Fancy scroll pinned to the Notice board of every major city within the corders of the Holy Oren Empire.*


    [[by Orders of His Imperial Highness, all are invited to a truly trandescent event, in which His Imperial Highness, Richard Horen, and waiting crowned, Imperial Princess, Catherine Horen, and whom generations have disunited, wilt be again, coalesce through wedlock.]]

    Anyone is free to accompany, as the two nobles take on the rights of wedlock, and unite a family that has been split through multiple trees of generations.


    The Wedding takes place in 5 Elven Days, at the Arethor Church. Attending, will be his Imperial Majesty, Godfrey I.

    Following the Grand ritual of Wedlock, all Lords and Ladies are invited for a royal feast, to celebrate, at the Arethor Palace.


    The Feast will be provided by the Royal Kitchen, and servants.

    [[Wedding is on Sunday the 19th, at 6 PM EST.]]


  9. Richard arrives back home, to Marna, the Archduchy of the West. He observes the workers, building upon the great Keep of Marna, and the farmers, lovingly attending to the farms.

    Richard notices a small, skinny figure approach him, quickly. His Royal Guards stop the boy-runner, as he approaches Richard. He furrows his brows, as he scans the boy, noticing the isignia of the Western Army, he allows the boy through.

    The boy carries a small note, inside holds the unique information of this event.

    Richard smirks, widely, thinking "Hightowers, typical."

    "Thank you, m'boy." He addresses the scout. The scout dips his head, in a deep bow, smiling, then turns off to return to his operations front.

    The Liutenant, aware of the note, riding next to Richard, raises a brow. "M'lord, you don't actually plan on helping the Hightowers? We've only just mobilized half of the Western Troops, it'd take doubly the effort to send men to fight there, and then have them fight the second war."

    Richard smiles, widely. "Of course I'm not going to help the Hightowers! I'm merely going to compete with them, how many troops we can each muster up!" He ends it with a slight smirk. "Have whatever you can make by tomorrow morn, and set up the camps. Also, send a scout Glenwood, I've not seen the Count in a while, however, I'm more than certain he is still willing, and loving to stand for Marna."

    The Old Liutenant observes Richard, quietly, as Richard rides off. He thinks to himself "That man would die before seeing one of his forced to kneel to those whom do not care, nor show love to his people. That'll get him killed. Perhaps that is why he is a born leader?" He shakes his head, gathering his thoughts, then begins to ride off for the Camps.

    [[Typical Hightowers. <3]]


  10. Richard sits next to his brother, re-reading the letter that was so quickly described as to his presence at this meeting. "Return from the war." His eyes seem to be stuck upon those words, words that were so cruelly written there. Was it really a war? Or pointless slaughter? Shaking his head in annoyance, he closes the letter, setting it aside. He watches as Lady Ari walks in, giving her a rather charming smile as a welcome. Noticing her quick disconnection from his attention, he shifts uncomfortable in his seat. He glances around the room. Familiar faces, ones which he has not seen for a while. To be honest, he was greatful the meeting was called, he was excited to catch up on life in the Cities, rather than in the wilds, fighting a war that has caused him so much pain. The loss of his son Liam, his wife Katty, and his Daughter Katherine bends his mind, in an eternity of endless pain. He shakes his head, again, clearing his mind, turning to the wine that he once, used to enjoy so much. The loss for the taste of Alcohol. He doesn't know how to explain it, however, it stopped appealing to him. The lifeless taste of it, yet he stares at the cup. His attention, soon disrupted, as more nobles introduced themselves, ones that he had not known, and again, familiar faces, once more.

    [Anyways, sorry for the lateness.]


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