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Seventh / Ryan

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Posts posted by Seventh / Ryan

  1. What we are trying to say, is if you really want the undead back, we aren't going to stop you from creating a WELL WRITTEN, WELL EXPANDED lore post, as to why they are here, how they harness their powers. We aren't stopping people from making Cults for Iblee's or for any other God /Aengul/Daemon.


  2. Droolguy, all I can see in the last 3 pages is your ranting.

    How is it that no other player is ranting so much about this? Not only are you ranting, but you are ranting about problems that can't be fixed.

    "Oh, well, the GM's suck because they didn't test the Plugin before using it."

    "Oh, The GM's suck because they can't read because it said the pole was only 27%."

    I think you need to get your head straight, buddy. 27%. No, it's 45%.

    45%. We have inactive members, we have members that don't post, we have members that don't participate in the poll, because they don't mind, either way.

    Therefore, 45% is pretty damn good. Not to mention, this is considered to all of the other polls. Oh, and ofcourse, it's wrong, because you know everything, right?

    You know how plugins are supposed to be tested, and how to "Correcrtly" run and manage a server.

    Okay then, let's see you code a 3000 line Plugin that will fix all issues with the server.

    Oh, you can't?

    Okay, let's see you write up percentages for the Armor plugin, to sync with the Skill plugin.

    Oh, you can't?

    Okay, let's see you modify archery from the plugin, to again, sync with the Skill system to base your damage, and effect what area of body you hit.

    Let me guess, you can't.

    Not only is your pointless, and endless, ranting not effecting the server in a positive way, but it really shows how some 1% of people like to make the Staff's lives harder because we "Suck."

    Get over yourself. Would you care to host a Massive Minecraft RP Server, and have it go through the **** we did?

    You are pointing out flaws that can't be fixed, which, in turn, does not allow us to progress at all.

    But, hey, how would I know? I don't have a life, right. As doesn't any other staff member.


  3. Thank you for responding.

    You should never make a mistake this big and expect to get away with a "Sorry".

    Was the modification play tested at all? I am lead to believe it wasn't since if it was the mistake wouldn't have been made in the first place.

    If you are using the active server in order to play test new modifications then I would love to continue lecturing you some more for bad management.

    The fact that the development team has hurried up and fixed the problems doesn't get them bonus points since the development team caused the problem in the first place. It basically equates out to self preservation.

    I have another question though regarding your "Most of the player base" statement though, because I hang out on the forums quite a bit and I have never seen an official poll on this or anything before it was implemented.

    I am not saying you can't change whatever you want, it's your server, I am saying that if you claim you do it for the majority of the server you better have proof to back your statement up.

    This isn't to say I don't support physics, I do. However when you just add a physics modification with no thought to what the consequences might be I get quite angry because it shows just how little the development team thinks about these modifications sometimes.

    Just because people ask for something does not mean you give it to them either. The average age of players on the server is barley hitting puberty, let alone knows how to balance and maintain a game system, their minds still run on what's cool and not on what actually works.

    So in closing, please, at least run the numbers before changing something like this.

    Thank you for reading my post.

    You have got to be kidding me. You aren't being serious are you?

    The majority of players: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/?p=2809#more-2809

    I don't know what rock you've been living under. I was not appologizing to you, at all, I was being sarcastic. Honestly, I wouldn't appologize over this, at all, the players wanted it, they got it.

    I am a bit Aggrivated because of the fact that the players voted on a positive addition for More Physics, and now it seems as though it's the Staff's fault because we don't know how to 'manage'.



  4. Alright,

    I am getting extremely dissapointed in the decision making abilities of the people in charge of the server.

    I have read through this entire thread for a possible explanation of such a horribly... and I mean game-breakingly... unbalanced update to armor and weapons.

    All of the admin posts have been basically "It will be fixed sometime later."

    In this situation it should have never been implemented in the first place, it doesn't take a genius to know giving archers the ability to one-hit-kill people in light or no armor and then making it so that anyone in heavy armor can't ever possibly catch an archer, makes them basically god.

    How about the balance considerations with NPCs? Did anyone realize that it is now impossible to run from them? It is also now impossible to dodge their attacks in melee wearing any armor that provides any worth-while damage reduction. So melees are now reduced to literally a HP race with whatever they are fighting.

    All in all a very poorly thought out addition to the server.

    However, on the plus side we did get a new shop plugin that has been direly needed, so kudos on that.

    I am terribly sorry, that the GM team, myself included, aren't omniscient.

    In the future, I hope we can be more 'professional' than just listening to the players thoughts, and be more like a super computer that can monitor everything, at any given time. And process every possible action. I now realize that giving the players the ability to effect the server is a horrible mistake. I am deeply sorry.


    Anyways, now to the seriousness. I think you need to realize something, the GM team is made of humans. Humans. That means we have something called a Heart, and we make somethings that are called mistakes. And we do somethings that are called Tests, and failure runs. In all honesty, we asked the players what they wanted, we asked them for their opinions, and we listened to the majority. We implemented More Physics, based on what the players wanted. Which, to be honest, is actually a better, imo, than what we had before.

    This is kind of like a slap in the face, to Vaq, and to the entire GM team. And, fyi, Vaq has fixed almost all of the problems/glitches/bugs that were brought up today.


  5. Application For The Rangers:

    Out of Character information

    [MCname]: Seventhcircle72

    [Age]: 18

    [Time-Zone]: EST

    [How much time you can be online per day]: Around 6 Hours on Weekdays, and 10 on Weekends.

    [How long have you been playing on the server?]: Since September 18th.

    [Why do you, as a player, want to be a Ranger?]: I've always had a passion for Archery, I practice Archery IRL, just appeals to me.

    [Do you have TS?]: Yes.

    [How did you hear of us OOCly]?: Alt is Prince of Renatus

    In Character Information

    Name: Seventh 'Crossfire' Silverblade

    Ranger Name / Alias [Your "other" name. Think Peter Parker / Spiderman.]: Crossfire

    Have you read, and understood, the Creed?: Yes

    Race: Elf

    Age: 612

    Experience: Highly Professional Ranger since Aegis. At age 141.

    Skill levels [All of your skills that have at least one point in them]: Archery 100, Swords 75, Blacksmith 100, Wrestling 5, everything else has atleast 1 in them.

    Why do you wish to join?: With the slow Dissolving of the Alrasian Military, I need a career, this would be perfect, due to the fact of my experience in this line of work.

    Describe your personality: Very quiet. Talks only when being talked to directly, and within a small group. Master tactician, began studying at age 231. Master Archer.

    Describe your personal attributes: Have an eye for figuring things out, quickly. Extremely quick on my feet, physically, and mentally. Carry to Sax knives. Have to have 2, it's a habit. Fast runner, uncanny accuracy with a bow and throwing knives. Skillful sword-figher.

    Will you be one hundred percent loyal to Renatus and to the rangers? Do you consider yourself a loyal person?: Yes.

    Who or what have you been loyal to in the past, are you still loyal to them now? Explain why/why not?:

    FOA - Corporal: The FOA, back in Aegis, split due to Safen, the leader, decided it was best.

    White Ravens - Head of Ops: Left White Ravens after a major fight with the leader.

    Alrasian Military - High Constable (3 times), Captain (2 times): Military is dissolved.

    How did you hear of us [[RPly]]? The recruiter at the Cloud Temple?: Through sources at Renatus.

    Do you understand you, as a ranger, will be fighting for Renatus? Yes.

    Some Additional Out of Character Questions -

    [show me you know how to talk in OOC:] ...Srsly.

    [Will you, both ICly and OOCly, commit yourself to being a ranger?]: Yes.

    [Link to VA for applying character if you have a VA:] GM. But, for Seventh: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/28403-sevenths-villain-application-read-accepted/page__p__153565__hl__seventh__fromsearch__1#entry153565

    [Link to Server Application:] No longer in Archives.

    [When applying, grammar and capitalization matter!]

  6. Based on what I understand, and from your reasoning, Renatus and it's allies are holding 3 battles for those 3 regions on the same day. Just like it was with Salvus. Only you have combined them into one war claim.

    You can't take all three regions, including Argos, a fortified city in one of the regions, with one battle at the Maw. And since the Maw is the only way to bring siege weapons into the nation, because mountains block the rest of the nation, the Maw would first need to be claimed before siege weapons can be used in battles on the other cities in the nation. So either there is a battle at the Maw that continues into the other regions, or you have 3 battles at once, but only bring siege weapons into the Maw until the Maw is taken (assuming you take it).

    I don't expect you to explain your battle plan, but would it go against anything above?

    People aren't understanding. Yes, it is just liek the Salvus war. We have ALLIES, that WILL TAKE the otehr regions. Renatus worries about the Maw, but our Allies, what are they going to do? Stand there and hope for the best? No. Because people complained that there were too many War claims, and it was impossible to keep up with all of them, we decided to make it into one.


  7. Since Hanseti is all one type of biome we made our own synthetic divisions. I was the primary voxel artist of Hanseti, I created every mountain, forests, custom caves even river ways; Before I was allowed onto the build server it was all primarily flat. The actual biomes that are present in Hanseti do not match their name when you view them on the F3 overlay. In fact, there are many biomes scattered throughout each region, The Coldshade Mountains are a combination of both Ice Plains and Ice Mountains.

    Other nations had the luxury of many different biomes all with a clear separation for them to outline during the build server days. We regioned ours not according to biomes, but to the idea of bigger regions to be filled in later with sub regions. We had no clear way at the time to region each biome as easily as the others, everything was covered in snow and showed no clear line. Taking both coldshade mountains would be taking several biomes. Another thing, out regions are massively huge and if we were able to adhere to ingame biome borders, our regions would mostly likely double. If you compare the size of our regions with the biome traced ones of most other nations, you will find 2 or 3 biomes can fit in one of our regions.

    As for Das_Boot and Greenwall_range, there were two battles. We won both and there fore we took both regions. Two battles on two different weekends as we were told that those were the rules. Those regions are in fact regions traced off of biomes, during the build server days we all used an upgraded dynamap and were able to effectively view each region as they were created. In fact, I along with Sam regioned your entire western claim and all the contested land that I was informed is now taken by you.

    And funny it is that you bring up Das_Boot and Greenwall_range, I do not remember having battle were those regions were reclaimed by Renatus, nor an agreement were we gave them away. From what I have heard, one day we were off the permissions and Renatus had assumed control without telling us. We didn't think it a necessity to have the regions back and simply let it go.

    What I got Respirens post was that it was horrible to lay claim to multiple regions in a single day by a force that was going to fight with each other in each battle, allowing for many regions to be taken without hope of defending. But if you found something he said that proves that he felt such matters as war claims should be handled as such you have- A nation representing only itself and making claim to three regions- then please message it to me or reply to this.

    I've talked with Mogroka, and he stated that it is fine if a Nation is able to lay claim to 3 different biomes, which include FAKE attacks, and/or REAL attacks on to the destruction or claiming of the Biome. And Yes, Hanseti is one massive Biome, but no, you are wrong, as you ca nsee in this picture, as is in the server directory and official Biome Map, the biomes are outlined. Just because Hanseti is all snow, doesn't meen the Biomes borders would not be shown.


    AKA, we have a massive Army, that is able to take the 3 areas, therefore, it is allowed. However, if you are taking them because you want to look effective, it's anotehr story, if you can see what I mean.


  8. There is still the question as to why you are assaulting Queen's_Briar as well as two other regions to take a single gate at the mouth of the nation. The Maw is its own region, so you do not need to take out my entire north border; Instead target only The Maw if the The Maw is what you seek.

    I would have preferred you came and talked to me before submitting this and picking a time, I only ever found out by chance when I happen to log on to the forums before bed and saw your status update. And still the question remains; Are you allowed to take multiple regions on a single war claim?

    During the World War with Salvus, each nation had to post their own war claim to conquer a single region, yet here Renatus is staring out with three regions from the get go.

    Warclaims aren't upon taking regions, it's biomes, mate. The Maw is the Region side the biome.

    If that would've been the case then when you took Das_Boot, you would've only taken the small fort of Das_Boot, not the entire Greenwall_Range, in that battle.

    Also, as far as taking multiple 'Regions', With our allies, we will take it as one war claim, instead of pulling a Salvus.

    Respiren's post about this during the Salvus war explained everything, if you could still see it.

    Respiren proved that it was horrible in posting 6 Seperate War Claims for the same thing, at the same time.


  9. Yes, can a single nation lay claim to multiple regions? Or at least can a single war claim have many regions under threat? Also frozen_ruins_of_the_south is not a region that is up for conquest yet, as it is behind a wall of other regions. Finally, Sunday seems appropriate but I would like to know a desired time for me to plan around.

    - Hochmeister Mirtok

    The Reason being why they are chosen is because they are all in contact with eachother. Frozen_Ruins_of_The_South is right behind the other two, which makes sense that it would be claimed.

    This is only for the Maw, but as it is in 2 regions, we need to claim those two.

    I was going to speak with you to discuss an appropriate time for the actual fight over TS.

    But if we are all here now, I was thinking 5 PM EST?


  10. Opposing Faction: Renatus & Allies

    Defending Faction: Hanseti

    Name of the battle: The Flame





    Time, (at least 5 days warning): Saturday the 19th @ 5 PM EST


    • No Golden Apples
    • No Enchantments (Except Power 1 Bows)
    • No items returned upon death

    Rewards: Swap ownership of Regions specified.

    *The horns of war sound, as Richard kisses his wife for the last time before the grand battle, claiming his horse, and riding to the front lines of army. He notices familiar faces as he reaches the front lines, nodding to many men, they bow their head in turn. Richard notices his Brother, clad in his finest armor, atop his stallion.*

    *Richard nods to his Brother, then turns to the massive army.*

    "My friends, My lords, my companions, my warriors. We stand today, atop these grand lands, we stand, clad in armor, weapons ready, and blood pumping. Today, you are all my Knights, You are all heroes, no matter what happens on that field, we stand for glory, we stand for justice, we stand for Renatus."

    *The army Howls in agreement, the massive sound could be heard for miles. Richard raises his hands for silence, as Godfrey observes his brother.*

    "Whose people are more innocent? The Hansetians? The Renatians? All are innocent. None, are innocent."

    *A murmur passes through the crowd.*

    "We now stand, ready to fight, ready to take the lives of those whom did not think twice to take ours. The men that you will fight today are not those whom you've known, those whom you've loved, and those whom you've grown. These men are the cowards whom have not yet seen what it is to see their people slaughtered, and living in fear."

    "No longer shall we stay quiet under the wings of the grand phoenix that brought us to glory as Renatus! No longer, for today, my Knights, today is the day we remind them who we are... today, we are Oren!"

    *Notices Ezekiel amongst the Army of men.*

    "These banners you see amongst you today... what are they? They are nothing, for the banners don't make Renatus... the men behind them do. For you hold the path to glory, not I, my knights, not I. Today, we stand under one banner, united in the most magnificient army ever forged! Listen to me, my warriors, no matter what has been done in the past, no matter what will happen in the future, we are the men of god!"

    "Remind yourself, who do we face? We face those whom would dare assault us, and our allies. Those who kill innocent people in name of their own "King". Let us ride into Glory, into battle. Let us make this day one remembered as the day where Renatus and her allies took their own, when we have made our movement."

    "So now, rise my knights, rise our people, rise Renatus, rise and ride with me, into the fields of hell, for I will fight next to you, my brothers, through blood and oath."

    *looks around the Army, now excited, a cold chill races up the spine, as Richard finishes his speach.*

    "We are Renatus!"

    *The Massive Army explodes into cheering, their blood racing.*

    *Richard turns his horse around, holding his helmet.*

    *Godfrey asks* "Does making a man a knight... make them a better fighter?"

    *Without turning to face him, Richard Answers* "Yes." *He places his helmet on his head, and draws his blade*

    "For Renatus, For Horen, For King Godfrey!~"

    *The ground shakes as the feet of thousands bolt on the ground, for the army charges.*


  11. It is a privilege to play in this server, thus you must write a Whitelist Application. Due to it being a privilege, not a right to play this server, you have no rights to your builds if it is inflicted by Roleplay Damage. Suck it up.

    Why is it, everytime I want to say something, you take it right out of my mouth.

    But yes, this is Roleplay, and no, it isn't "Die or Die".

    You are on our land, therefore, you must submit, or you must pay the punishment.


  12. *Seventh sips his wine as he leans back in his cozy couch, back at Alras, in his fiefdom. He glances at the door to his room, as it opens, revealing the face of an average-aged male human walking in.*

    "Sir, this came for you." *The servant hands him a letter.*

    *Nods to the Servant, and opens the letter, already knowing the subject. He scans it with his cold eyes, then shakes his head.*

    "There are multiple factors to consider."

    "One being the fact that Gods did not take Iblees back to the void. It was us, the population of Humans, Elves, Orcs, and Dwarves, it was us, when we bonded together. We pushed Iblees and his damnation back to where hence cameforth. Not gods. The creator does not care, me and my kin have seen this. The creator does not care about our future. It was us who took iblees to his knees, the creator merely allowed it so."

    "Another point is, we cannot fight a full-scaled population war against such a powerful force when we have to fight two wars at the same time. I hope we did not forget the Plague is still upon us. How can we fight Iblees, if he returns, and stil combat this wretched Plague that has taken the lives of thousands, and is spreading as fast as the ever-grown boy."

    "These are dangerous times, dangerous and important. For if Iblees returns... he will bring the Nether with him..."

    *Seventh finishes his train of thought, then sips his wine again, noticing the bitter, warm taste. He touches his wine glass, tilting his head, lightly to his left, and places it down. He shakes his head, and glances outside... he notices a black storm... He walks, a clear face of nervousness stains him, to a small chest, in his room with a grand lock, under some books and papers. He stares at the chest blankly... then glances outside again... he realizes, the storm is upon them.*

  13. * Robert Howe and his Engineer Billow Irongut of the Crimson Pirates walk into the Throne room looking around to speak with King Godfrey. They are not as well dressed as the others in the room for they pay the Iron price for their clothing rather than the gold. They wait a while and finally get to the front of the line that is forming so that people may meet the King. They both approach him and they both bow respectfully to him for they know who their betters are. Even Pirates know who and who not to respect. Robert Howe decides it is time to speak in his best accent he can perform in the common tongue.

    "Good King Godfrey I am Captain Robert Howe of the group of Privateers known only as the Crimson Pirates. I wish to make several offers and some demands of you my king. I will list my offers first then let you respond in your own time and then I will tell you my demands then you in your rightful judgement may accept or deny my offers and demands.

    My offers include. The Fealty of the Privateers under my command. My fleet of ships whenever you need them in battle if you or one of your most noble generals are attacking a coastal settlement will need. I also offer you any future ships the Crimson Fleet may acquire to assist you in battle. I offer my knowledge of the sea's if you need someone leading a fleet with the right experience. Last of all I offer you any other services that the Crimson Pirates may offer for you in future."

    * He then steps back and waits for King Godfrey's response before he tells him his demands.

    *Prince Richard, raises a brow, as he glances to his brother, and back to the man.*

    You mention, and insist of decisions. What may be your demands?


  14. (( Well Saying your attacking all small towns/villages who havent pleged there allegiance to you guys? How do you expect all the newer towns/villages to pledge when you guys dont even meet at your capital/most of you arent online. . . . o_o ))

    [i don't think you understand. We ride to the Villages, make talk with them, and if they do not pledge their allegiance, then they die. Realize that these villages are on our land, right? So we own the land that these villages are built on. We talk with them first, and if they say no, we take what is ours.]


  15. Prince Richard sits in his military tent in Southern Marna, readind over reports, and signing important documents. The heat is unforgiving, he thinks as he sips his favourite wine.

    A Bannerman opens his tent entrance slightly, moving his head through, just enough t osee his face.

    "My liege, the courier arrived."

    "Send him in." Richard replies without even looking at the bannerman.

    The tent entrance opens, as a young, male, elf, with the crest of the eastern army sowed onto his clothes approaches Richard. The Courier bows his head, politely.

    Richard picks a well folded note, and stamps the seal of the Royal Family on the letter, handing it to the Courier, without letting go. Richard glares the courier in the eyes.

    "This letter is to reach the Commander of the Eastern Army in less than 2 days."

    "Yes, sir."

    "Be off, and may the winds of God be pleasant in your travels, for you hold the piece of pieces."

    The Courier bows his head again, and exits, quickly, out of the tent, and onto his horse, riding as fast as possible for the Eastern army commanding outpost. As he travels, the courier wonders what the letter is about... 'Guess I'll have to wait', he thinks to himself.

    Richard, always being extremely careful with his work, made a copy of the letter, for the next xourier t oarrive, for it to be sent again, just incase. He scans the letter with his kind, tired, eyes.

    "To Lord and Active Commander of the Eastern Army, you are to be recontinued to Salvus and Renatus. The army is to station in both the capitals, and execute the following:

    1. All trade commerces and merchants are to be refused.

    2. No one enters or leaves Renatus.

    3. All ports are to be held Restricted.

    4. Hospitals are to be open at all times.

    5. The Nation is to be known as on Lock-down.

    6. Any kind of tranversed or coordinated communication with the north must be stopped. Any messages are to be sent through bird.

    7. Anyone found with symptons of the Plague are to be executed, and their bodies burned.

    8. The Eastern army is hold all of the borders from Salvus to Renatus.

    This is to answer to the extremity of the Plague that has hit. By orders from the King Himself, these are to be executed immediatly.


    Prince Richard, of Renatus."


  16. [Thank You for being the First Nation Leader to actually take my godd-mn Lore Post seriously.]

    [ikr? I've been wanting to clean all of Asulon with abandoned places. I had no idea, how in RP, I would do that, so one time, I came into Mog's channel and said. "I'm going to RP a Tsunami/Tornado/Volcano." Lol]


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