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Posts posted by Toastersaurus

  1. Indeed. With the Mori, I saw a lot people not being able to understand them due to the language not being anywhere close to something we could understand. Which most of the time just gave them an excuse to kill the confused people.

    I think as long as you put some common in your sentences as well as the Kharajyr language, then others will be able to learn. With the orc language, I've seen quite a few people who learnt from asking the orcs or just generally speaking to them. You just have to be friendly enough to teach outsiders the language.

  2. My main issue with a language is rping with other races. It just kinda stops the rp due to the other race not understanding you or someone tabbing out to look up what you are saying. Maybe it can be a language where you mix english and this language together. So like throw in a few of the language mixed in with english in a sentence and it should make it easier to understand or it might even help others learn a bit. I certainly learnt quite a lot of the orc language from them doing it in conversation.

    For a better use of the language I like this idea of the priests using it. So possibly for religious purposes, keeping the religion of the Kharajyr (Or whatever they are called now) in the Kharajyr tongue. Sort of way of keeping it sacred.

    It would be good if you have some curse words or insults. Just to call others in fights or arguments.

    Anyway, that's my thoughts on the matter. It would just be good to agree on a solid purpose for it. Considering Gaius has spent time working on it I'm assuming (Or maybe he just typed it all out in 10 minutes).

  3. Is there a possibility of any kind of lion like species? Just with very light brown or blonde plain fur without any spots or stripes. Maybe even having manes on the males.

    Their fur is meant for camouflage in the desert and tall grass. They are known for their powerful voices and roar to intimidate their enemies. Being second strongest, they aren't as strong as Tigrasi in an one v one fight. But in numbers they are strong.

    Possibly, a lot of them being diplomats/ambassadors or leaders in the military with their powerful intimidating yet persuasive voices. Or even teachers.

    Its an idea anyway.

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