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Smith Runevill

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Posts posted by Smith Runevill

  1. I 'ould like to start of by saying our defences are very good at the moment espacially with the new guard post,

    But every time we seem to get atacked buy the undead they manage to burn and destory our crops and food suplies,And what if on day the did mange to get past our main gate, then what

    I think if we added more gates it would solve this problem,

    Im thinking of adding two new gates (( on is allready there but dosent work ))

    One at the entrence to the nation, Conserdering the is the only way in,

    After that on the way to the iner city just after the small bridge,

    Some might say this means we need more guards, but if we do it like this is should help

    The first gate you may pass through without being ask your name ir busniess,

    but the third one you will habe to,

    This might make a defences just a small bit better, And the nation safer.

  2. As we quitely march to the enterance of this strange kingdom,

    A hooded man apairs on the wall,

    He smiles coldly at us

    The first Oder we got was to open fire at him,

    Two of our arrows hit him before the heavens opened

    Thunderbolt after thunderbolt came at us,

    The archers had no chance

    I fell, I don't know how the rest of the battle went,

    But I fear the worst........

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