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Posts posted by Mercius

  1. ((Unfortunately as it comes to this time of night, the number of players DOES significantly decrease as people go to sleep. Unfortunately this does not stop villains from being online so I feel there needs to be ONE guard around, especially if we can't touch people who make it to Al'Khazar.))

    All I wanted was one guard to be around to arrest these people, and for the last three nights I've been chasing criminals through your streets, full well knowing I can't really do anything to them! I have also been patrolling the FULL length of the King's Road and there was not one Oren guard about.

    Yelling and general chaos ensue, and I'm the only remotely guard-type person about at that time, apart from the odd Warden. This is well outside of my jurisdiction.

    I can understanding issues with staffing levels, but shouldn't there be some sort of contigency plan for this? I think EVERY time I've chased known criminals down the King's Road, they've run straight for Al'Khazar.

    This place is like a haven to these evil-doers at night! At least on the road I can do something about it.

  2. In the numerous instances where the Oren Guard are nowhere to be found, and the gate must be left open, are criminals simply free to roam the streets? Seeing as fighting is condemned within the city limits and I can hardly arrest someone.

    This is a recurring problem that has been happening over the last few days. Assassins and murderers have been free to roam the city and cause chaos, even threatening Lady Luna!

    So what is it we CAN do if there are no Oren Guard in sight?

  3. ((I posted this in the Oren Military thread because I couldn't find this one. I've only just found it, apologies!))

    [MCname] : Mercius

    [Time-Zone] : GMT

    [How much time you can be online per day] : 3+ hours

    [How long have you been playing on the server?] : Nearly a month.

    Name : Tyraelius

    Your Race : Human

    Your Age : 23

    Your Reasons to join the Ranger : I feel I can do more good for Oren as a Ranger, I wish to bring my skills to more use and aid the military.

    Your Experience, Are you strong enough to make the cut? : I'm an ex-mercenary, I have also fought alongside the Oren Guard in several large battles against the undead. Since then I have run the Oasis Guard, based in Oasis Village. It is dedicated to patrolling the Kings Road, defusing tense situations and defending travellers in need.

    Have you faced any extreme situation of hopelessness, but got out triumph? : Several of our encounters along the Kings Road have started toward suicide but ended in our victory. This has mainly been due to clever diplomacy, or using the terrain to our advantage.

    Do you know how to handle a weapon? How good are you with a bow? Dont lie, I will test you : My skill with a sword has grown considerably with my combat experience. I am well versed with a blade. ((Although due to the server stat system being down, my swordsmanship is at 0 at the moment)). I am also well practiced with a bow and am accurate at medium to long range. Combat training occupies a lot of my time.

    Describe Yourself : I am a calm and level-headed person. I try to maintain a realistic attitude toward situations. I believe diplomacy is vital, and if possible fights should be avoided. I would much prefer peace in this land if it can be achieved.

    Describe what "Being a Ranger" means to you : Being a ranger would allow me to further help the Oren military and maintain my patrols along the Kings Road. The more I can do for the Kingdom of Oren, the better. I feel I can keep the military better informed of events outside of Al'Khazar too, and work for them to achieve greater things.

    How would you treat a citizen in need? : Calmly and politely. If the citizen is in danger it would be my priority to get them out of danger. If they report a threat I would investigate it or report it to the correct authority. This question could cover a great many scenarios, but I would help the citizen as best I could.

    How would you break up a fight between two citizens?: Remaining calm and patient is important, and taking it one step at a time. Getting them to put their weapons away if weapons are present is a priority. The sight of weapons puts everyone on edge. Use cool, calm reasoning and diplomacy to talk them round. If all else fails, restraining the more aggressive one may help. Drawing my own weapon is sometimes helpful for intimidation, but more often than not it can just lead to more tension.

    You see a hooded man, what do you do?: Watch his activities very closely and track him if necessary. I'd try to have a word with him if it was safe to do so, as simple words can often reveal many things about a person. Would alert local officials if I believe him a threat. If I did decide to have a word with him I would keep my distance, as I've had bad experiences with people like this before.

  4. Villains walk a very thin line. I really feel for them.

    As for the 30 minute rule, it DOES ask you in your application if you read and agreed to all the rules. So bit strange you didn't know that, don't you agree?

    I'd say 90% of stuff like this is just rage at dying or losing items. You don't always get to choose if you live or die, especially if you trust the wrong people! He tricked you, and villains do that. Nothing you describe him doing isn't something that couldn't happen, and it sounds like he RP'd his way through it.

    If you feel something is unfair, ALWAYS take screenshots. Even if it's a screenshot of the chat log after death.

    Also, this is the wrong forum to post this in.

  5. I will buy 8 stacks of cobblestone from you.

    *Opens coin bag and counts minas*

    So that will be 200 minas? Perhaps I could meet you at the Laurelin gate? I know not where you town is. Just give me a time if this is acceptable.

    200 minas it is! Laurelin gate is more than acceptable, you can pick the time as I am around often and quite flexible. ((Just give it to me in GMT please as I live in England!))

    I'll give you 450 for all of your smoothstone. ((Message me on here or in-game and we'll work it out.))

    You have a deal! Let me know a time and place and I shall be there.

    Alternatively, either of you can send me a message ((ingame: Mercius)) when you are ready.

  6. It seems we are haunted by a few of them.

    Also be aware that Oasis Village is running out of places to live, it has grown in popularity greatly. If you are looking for a house I would look quickly!

    We also have a tavern now run by Ebs! Happy days!

    ((I may need to update the picture in my signature...))

  7. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: Mercius

    -How old are you?: 22

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: +0 GMT/England

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I certainly do!

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I currently work in a shop part-time. I find it relatively dull but plan to move into a programming career soon. Playing games in my spare time is pretty much all I do!

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: I would likely be on it for a few hours each day, with the exception of some busy days.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: About eight months.

    -What do you know about roleplaying?: It's about being someone else and it's a whole lot of fun! Roleplaying is about acting the part of a character or even creature, and doing/saying the things that they would. It's a lot easier when you're speaking with text.

    I still DM for a group of friends, we play Dungeons and Dragons fairly regularly and that involves heavy RP. I used to do some RP on WoW too, but it wasn't very regular.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect wondrous architecture and landscapes that will blow my mind, and a roleplaying experience unlike any before!

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: None, just a privately hosted server belonging to my friend.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: I have. I pledge allegiance!

    -Name the 4 races on this server: Human, Elf, Dwarf, Orc. Those are the main ones anyway.

    -How did you hear about us?: I was catching up with my Youtube subscriptions, and one of the videos was your trailer.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Mercius


    -Character Name: Tyraelius

    -What is your Race?: Human

    -Biography: Tyraelius' mother had died at birth, though he harbored no resentment, no regret. A calm and often introverted soul, he often spent his days reading fiction and poetry.

    His father being a blacksmith, Tyraelius was always encouraged toward the path of weapon-making. Smithing had always seemed interesting to him, but nothing more than that. He was unsure of his calling in life, and in the small village he called home it seemed unlikely he would ever find it. As he grew in age, he grew too in restlessness.

    One day his father became very sick with an illness that had struck the village. It quickly became apparant that this illness was fatal, and upon learning the news he urged Tyraelius to leave immediately, for he would not allow his only son to fall victim to it. But Tyraelius refused to leave his only parent. An evacuation was ordered and he was unwillingly dragged away from his father.

    He now finds himself in the open world, away from his small, reclusive village. And with no idea if his father has survived.

    -Character Age: 21

    -Character Appearance: Wearing nothing more than the basic cloth attire he had time to take from his home, along with work boots and a belt.

    -Character Personality: Calm and introverted. Will often spend time reflecting or deep in thought. Is difficult to shock or surprise, will try to approach every situation calmly but does not react well to extreme pressure or criticism and will eventually panic. Indecisive.

    -Your ambitions: Tyraelius is still very confused about his path in life and has few ambitions. He wishes to become independant, and to travel and explore. He hopes one day to discover what happened to his father.

    -Can your character read or write?: He can read and write fluently.

    -Can your character mine?: He has no experience of mining.

    -Are you a capable builder?: He has basic experience making repairs but not building from scratch.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Being the son of a blacksmith he has had some basic training, and enjoys the fancies of swordplay. But he is very inexperienced and would be terrified to use it in a real combat situation.

    -Enjoy Farming?: Tyraelius has had no farming experience.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: Nothing particularly special. He's still making his way in the world.

    -A screenshot of your skin: Tyraelius.png

    -Other Information: I like what you're doing. I wish more people would do it. Thanks!

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