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Posts posted by Mercius

  1. This is unacceptable.

    Hawk has done so much for Oren and even more for Renatus, then he is dismissed from both his positions without clear reasoning or a fair chance to defend himself. I personally have seen disarray and lack of communication from the council and question their ability if these are the kind of informative decisions we can expect from them. How can we trust this council is properly unified and organised when not all of them are voting on critical issues?

    I ask that you all come to an agreement on solid, unbiased reasoning for Hawk's removal from the Rangers or reinstate him immediately. This request is nothing other than fair and just.

    With the amount of support Hawk has, don't you wonder if you are making the right decision?

  2. *Tyraelius stares at the burnt parchment, rage building within him.*

    Everything I've loved and fought for, extinguished in a matter of days...

    I knew this would happen, the rebellion has caused nothing but trouble. I hope they are pleased with the results they've wrought.

    I'll be damned if I let what's left of Oren fall to these monsters! Southern Oren WILL hold.

  3. It greatly saddens me to see Oren in such disarray, I hope you all come to your senses soon. It surely would not take the undead long to act upon this, it's exactly what they want from us.

    Gaius is King, highly qualified, and that's that.

    Give the man a chance before you throw up your arms and condemn our beloved country to damnation.

  4. While Gaius' past actions have made many uneasy, I believe he has the necessary traits to lead Oren into a new golden era. I urge my fellow people to think carefully before tossing away our reputation once more, and think of what glory we could achieve with this man at the helm.

    He wants to help us, and you do nothing more than throw us into chaos? I cannot side with the latter.

  5. Denied.

    Your bio is actually fairly well written but I have a few problems with this application.

    Your grammar, spelling, capitalisation all need clearing up, try to correct as many errors as you can!

    Your bio doesn't completely fit our lore, for instance the elves don't have a King as such. Or Guardians. Do some research on our server, perhaps look around the Elven roleplay forum for info that'll help!

    Take your time and ensure your application is as perfect as it can be. You may re-apply in 48 hours.

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