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♦ Kal ♦

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Posts posted by ♦ Kal ♦

  1. Hm, whatever one is the stars. I think I titled it wrong.

    Well ... they kinda both are.

    Astrology is, when and strange looking, old lady tells you, you are going to on a long journey or will meet a beautiful stranger, depending one whatever planet happens to be closest to your zodiac at the time.

    Astronomy is a bunch of scientists and hobby scientists looking through telescopes, searching for something they can name after themselves or come up with some theories about the universe, no one really can prove or disprove.

    In ancient times, this stuff used to be the same, but then it took ... meh - that's no fun anymore

  2. Some alternatives people have mentioned,

    A lotc t shirt?

    A special place on the map with names of diamond/bedrock donators?

    Two soulstone locations?

    For the record we never said we will be removing minas when we travel to the new map

    I also liked the idea of a shorter cool down (maybe 20 min for Diamond and 10 for bedrock) and no fine for dying, I have read in this thread. This could even work with RP, because the monks would know the names from the plates in "the Garden of Saints".

  3. Well, 199.999 posts were spam so yea..no doubt, our community is great ;]

    Don't day that Lym. Deltaro always gets upset, when someone says he spams.

    EDIT: BTW. nice timing Shift. Reminds me of myself, when I sit in the car with camera in hand, every time the odometer reaches a milestone.

  4. I shall carry Winterfell in my heart, wherever destiny will lead me.

    And now ... this southern fool with their rebellion ...

    They don't care for Oren. They only lust for power. With all the things I've seen, I feel a shred of comfort in the certainty, that they will receive a fitting end by the hand of the beings, that took my home away from me.

    Let them be captains on the sinking ship.

    Ever human with a sane mind has probably exiled himself from what is left of Oren at this point in time anyway.

  5. Kal wanders the land of Oren, somewhat homeless after the fall of Winterfell, when he hears a strong voice over the turmoil of the crowd.

    In times, that threaten the existence of all of mankind, a man with the mindset of a warrior is a good choice to lead the people of Oren. This man will give back hope and faith to the people.


    I always have to smile, when you use German words in your posts

    "Lang lebe der König!"


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