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Posts posted by RK9ify

  1. PVP has led to LESS conflict? I've seen a lot more angry people because of it. People can whitewash it all they want, PVP-Default and RP-default alike are plauges on this community, and letting both sides of the s**t arguments stay on this forum and power-play and scream at each other for years has only contributed to this places rotting carcass. 

    Hey, that's my opinion. You may have a different one, but I do think that PvP will bring less conflict. People just get pissed because they lose their stuff, and I do to. But no one can say, "Hey! He was power-gaming when we had a PvP battle!" right? As I said, I prefer RP default mainly because I hate losing my stuff, but it's the truth! PvP /does/ bring less conflict. 

  2. Rk, this happened to Urilinu, who is a nice High elf, so I also would not know why the high elves would hate him, but they did kill him because he was expanding the farm, true storry, you can ask on server, happened...

    Maybe you didn't have permission to expand your farm, or you were overlapping on another persons land? 



    The mededting story is that I was in jail and started mededating, to relax/cast something to perhaps get out, left it open you never know.

    When the guard came in I told him who I wanted to speak, the hochmeister, he then swang his sword (rp for once) at me, and it got through my shoulder getting it pinned in the wall. The next attack missed, counting in that I'm mededating and in high conentration I think I can dodge 1 out of 2? Well, then they went for pvp and killed me. The reason I was in jail? Accedntilly dug a tunnel under their village to my home, so they "saw no other option then to arrest me" and after that kill me, 'obviously'.


    Well, whether you dug the tunnel under their village intentionally or not, you dug it. You had to pay for the crime, which according to them, was death. Also, did they declare PvP AFTER they swung their sword at you and got it through your shoulder? If so, I don't think they could declare PvP when an RP fight had already started. You could BR them, too. 

  3. No one would just come up to you and try to kill you because you're meditating, or you're a different race. That's certainly never happened to me. Maybe it's something you've done to create this hatred for you IC'ly or OOC'ly? I understand that your character in a Wood Elf, and High Elves aren't particularly fond of any other race. Also, Eotweniar sort of acts like a badass, and I don't know if he still has an attitude that would cause people to dislike him. 


    But I have to agree with you on the 'majority wins' thing. I miss that system. Made combat a lot more fair for both parties and would love to see that return.

  4. But it causes much less OOC drama! PvP makes it more fair, and takes less time. Also, one doesn't HAVE to kill the other person. They could just revive them and tell them to SS to CT. Although most people wouldn't do that because they want the other persons items. :P

    But I bet even YOU would resort to PvP if you knew you could overpower the other person, because you have armor and the don't, because you have a weapon and they don't etc. And I bet you wouldn't revive them and take all their stuff. And I'm not going to lie, I would. It's how the server works!

  5. I think the main reason people get so pissed off at PvP is because of the fear of losing their items. I'm not going to lie, I dislike PvP because I hate losing my stuff and because I suck at it. Yeah, that's why I prefer RP fights, but if it comes to PvP, I have to comply, but as Danny said,


    PVP default leads to less OOC conflict and drama, as well as less bickering and tension.  RP default has a tendency to end up with accusations of powergaming and people falling out over it. PVP default deals with things nice and cleanly.





    Yep. PvP default does lead to less OOC conflict. So yeah, I think the server's doing the right thing by making PvP default. 

  6. The MT's job isn't easy. Recording, editing, and all that stuff takes ages! Also, constantly being told that they don't do a good job is really de-moralizing. Cut them some slack! 


    Members of the MT, do what /you/ want to do the way /you/ want do to it. Ignore the haters, and just keep doing your thing. Your main objective should be to have fun!

  7. Martinus Visconti



    Martinus Visconti is built like any other Northerner. He has a large beard that he's quite proud of. He has brown hair, and blue eyes.



    Martinus is a rather kind man. He's not quick to judge. He likes to help people if needed and is loyal to Emperor.



    Martinus enjoys horse riding and gambling. Although, he's not clumsy when he gambles. He also likes hunting once in a while.



    Martinus is skilled with both a sword, and a bow. He would usually go into battle with his trusty iron armor. 

  8. Helping, one of these "groups" was my friends. We have been having issues with people coming over and stirring stuff with us. We are sorry you ended up getting PVP'd but you cant expect to walk around and live when you parade the idea of being a master assassin who brought down nations (or something really off the wall like that). Don't play a killer on your first try, dont try to act high and mighty. Sadly I was not on for much of it, I could see you were new but I also couldnt tell RPly or OOCly that you weren't a threat to us and our home. I dislike PVP with a passion and will always try to roleplay it out. However, there are times when even I lose patience with people constantly coming back and causing issues. It did not help that when we saw you, you had the trouble maker with you. Sorry, dont take it so personally.

    I have to agree with Jade. The only reason my character dislikes you is because your character tries to act, as Jade said, high and mighty. Maybe you could take a break from your character and create a new, simpler one.

  9. Piss on the MA hardliners.


    Let the players decide how to handle their magic and let the magic plug-in, when it's finally implemented ten years from now, dictate any further need for regulations. If a player wants to learn magic by himself at his own pace, let him. If a player wants to struggle their way to the top, learning magic from a trainer the hard way over a longer period of time, let him. We don't impose these elite rituals on all of the day-one hardened hundred-year-old war veterans that spawn into the world, nor the craftsmen, nor the noble heirs that grow their family tree from a mound of nothing, so stop imposing it on magic-users.


    If you decide to take the long, hard path, take pride in it for what it is but don't try to use it to gain an edge over your fellow role-players. If they're role-playing it wrong, teach them, guide them, avoid them or report them, but those that are capable of role-playing the magic correctly ought to be allowed to choose at what magical stage their character is introduced to the world and at what pace they are to develop.


    I've seen many tenured, top-tier magic users that are horrible role-players and despicable members of the community in my book allowed to flop onward without any form of accountability and then I've seen new players that log on and are capable of much better role-play on their first week on the server blackballed by the upper crust as the veterans try to grasp onto what they perceive as "theirs".


    The magic and the lore that you create belongs to our community, not to your cliques. Keep it rolling and keep it free.

    I certainly agree with you. Although this could have been said in a less harsh way, but, yeah, this is true. I dislike the MA. Let players RP the way they want. If they appear to be doing something wrong, help them. Teach them. If one has to make an actual application to use magic, it doesn't feel the same. I've grown so much in terms of my magic RP. I'm not saying that I'm the best at magic RP, in fact, I'm far from it, but I've certainly learnt a lot more from the help of players. 

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