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Posts posted by RK9ify

  1. I don't feel that there's anything wrong with a staff-organised antagonist. Being something that would (presumably) terrorise the whole realm, moderation is essential for effectiveness. And with a 'staff-antag', it provides an opportunity for the whole server to get behind it.


    Also, I presume there'd be a great deal more strife where there's no authority.


    But then, one doesn't need to be part of the main antagonist to be an evil character, so I can't agree with those who call for 'player-antags'.  You don't need a permit to organise a group like the Flays; stop complaining, waiting for the ET to force RP down your throat, or criticising the antag players, and make the RP you want to see.

    I'm not saying that antag groups shouldn't be run by GM's. I'm just saying that regular players should also be given an opportunity to join these groups. Make it a little easier to join these groups. And yes, you don't have to be part of a group to have an evil character, but it certainly makes RP much more interesting. And I'm not criticizing the antags, either. Antags are just fine the way they are.


    Also, I didn't mean to make some sort of argument. I just wanted to know whether antags are going to be implemented in 4.0 or not. 

  2. I believe they mean that Harbs are leaving, not full-on antag removal. I do think that staff should give support to PLAYER-ANTAGS, created by players and not staff, instead of making a full blown staff-antag again though.

    Ah. Thanks for clearing it up. :)

    And I do agree with your second statement; it'll be so much more fun if we saw more regular players as antags.

  3. Decent guide, but you have to keep in mind that nobody is gonna want to be robbed, so 9 times out of 10 they will ***** and moan and try everything they can to get out of the situation. And when that happens, regardless of the quality of the bandit's RP, it will most likely end in violence because the victim doesn't want to give up their stuff. Sure some people comply with bandits but that's a very small few. It's very difficult to be a bandit when nobody wants to be a victim.

    I'm sure at least /some/ people would actually give bandits their money, because most bandits have armor, and weapons, whereas some players don't, thus, they wouldn't stand a chance to fight back and I'm sure they know that the bandit(s) would declare PvP if the victim doesn't comply, thus, losing all their other valuables.

  4. I'd like to see a bandit with a motive. Yes, I know; 'Coinage!'. Maybe a father trying to provide for a sick family, or some young hooligans peer-pressuring a new member into robbing an innocent for a sense of belonging; an entrepreneur in need of money to get his business off of the ground; a nervous, hypocritical cleric who has gambled away his church's tithes, and needs to cover up his sin. Just fit some human elements, rather than some bland, sadistic archetype. I think a factor in victims being so frustrated is that it's always the same, cookie-cutter ruffian.

    That sounds cool. :o

  5. Have you ever tried mugging someone yourself?

    I sure have! Although, I don't do it too often, like one of your regular bandits. My character has the traits of a thief. Although, I don't ask for a lot. The last time I mugged someone, I only took about 40 Minas.

  6. Thanks for the feedback guys. I do realize that this guide was rather short, and yes, kebab is right. People certainly do do that, and I know it's quite common. Maybe there's a way to prevent this? Anyone got any ideas?




    Nine times out of ten the reason the RP is so short is because every Bandito knows that if they make the RP longer, then some random army of 15 people is going to show up.  People stall so their friends come in and help kill the bandits that are only asking for coin.


    That's really the main reason you have bandits that try to take your coin as quickly as possible, because they know that if they take too long doing it, most times they'll fall victim to metagaming.

    That was something I was going to add but completely forgot. I'll add that as soon as I get back home from school. Thanks! :D

  7. How To RP: A Bandit


    Yup! It's me, RK9, and this is my second RP guide. Today, we're going to talk about bandits, and how to RP a bandit. I hope you enjoy this guide!


    To check out my previous guide, which was on how to RP an assassin, go down to my signature, to the "My Guides" section, and click on the link provided below.


    • Who is a bandit?

    A bandit, usually bandits because they travel in bands, rob people for one cause. Coin. That's it! All bandits care about is coin. 


    • How do I RP a bandit?

    On the server, a lot of players go up to other players and say, "Minas or die!", or "Pay the toll!", or just go straight to PvP. I'm not saying that banditry is wrong, but you have to understand that it may not be fun for the person losing money. I mean, at least make the RP more interesting. For example, when you jump out and yell, "Minas or die!", maybe emote you dropping your sword or something? Something to make the other person more involved in the RP. Maybe give them a chance to fight back.


    • A Creative way to RP as a bandit

    A special thanks to Severance for pointing this out. I completely forgot to mention this. Bandits could always kidnap someone, weather they're royalty, or a common man, and ransom them. Kidnapping some sort of royalty, like a kings son, daughter, wife, brother, or the king himself, could always prove to provide fun RP and a larger sum of money. Of course, this is more difficult, considering they are royalty. So, yeah, I recommend being careful. On the other hand, you could always ransom some sort of noble, or a son of a noble, who are also quite rich. 


    • Where do bandits reside?

    Okay, now this has to be addressed. DON'T go into large cities and try to rob someone. Bandits are smart enough to stay away from large cities. Most bandits attack passerby's on the road to a city, or anywhere! Just the other day, I was heading to Alras, and literally just outside the gates, three men came up to me in iron armor and said, "You have to pay a toll!". I'm so sick and tired of people like this, so I didn't even care. I emoted giving them the minas and proceeded to enter the city. Right after that, they make me take off my iron armor and give it to them. As I said, I didn't want to deal with them and gave them the iron armor, too. Luckily, a GM was watching the RP, and warned the three bandits because the RP was so pathetic. But did you hear that? I just gave my iron armor and minas away because I was tired of it! I'm sorry for going into a little rant here, but it had to be said. I mean, sure, you could mug someone in a city, but a lot of people would be watching, which is, once again, quite stupid. Maybe you could lead your target into a dark alleyway or something? 


    Ye Old List of Big No-No's


    • Don't make the RP boring. Make it immersive, and fun for both sides.
    • Don't do banditry RIGHT outside a city. It's really unrealistic and doesn't make sense.
    • Don't make the RP too short. Try to make it longer, and once again, more fun.

    That's about it! I really hope you enjoyed my second RP guide! Please feel free to leave feedback down below, negative or positive, leave some tips, and have a great day!

  8. MC name: RK9ify
    Forum Name: RK9ify
    Skype Name: RK9ify
    Do you feel you have a solid grasp on our lore and an understanding of the standards we have for applications?: I believe that I do have a solid grasp on the server lore and an understanding of the standards the AT has for applications.
    Why you want to be an AT member?: 
    I love reading applications. At home, or at school, I would read applications just because I find them so fun, and entertaining. And, I also love helping new members in any way I can. So, today, it hit me, "Why don't I make an AT application?". I know I haven't proven myself to the community just yet, considering I'm not that old, but I do believe I can prove to be a useful member for the AT.
    Is there anything else you would like to add?:
    Just want to say thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to read this application. :)



    MC Name: sambooka21





    Name: Caelik Tyelka

    Race: Elf

    Age: 136


    "I Caelik Tyelka pledge myself to the creed of the Nightwalkers and swear to uphold clan values and would die defending our cause. I agree that I cannot leave the clan without being hunted until death."



    -Helrin Firestorm


    One of my favorite interpretation of an Assassin-like character is that from the book series "The Night Angels". The concept of a Wetboy is amazing. I suggest reading the series! The main character eventually does become god-like, but the beginning of the book is a good example of how I feel LotC Assassins should be.


    Sounds like an interesting book. Might just read it. 


    The guide is as good as any if not more so, but the concept of an assassin is mute on LOTC. Ignoring the resurrection via the Willven Monks. The very theme of an assassin is to end a characters life, it almost seems rude and imply a perma-kill to be in order. I give credit where credit is due, and this has merit. for all my opinion's worth people will still play assassins and they might as-well do it right.


    Yeah, you're right about the perma-kill thing. I can't see a way around it. Then again, assassins should be expensive to hire. Not everyone would be able to afford to hire an assassin. And, it's quite hard to take out your target, as an assassin. 

  12. How to RP:

    An Assassin



    Note: Hey guys! I'm RK9, better known as Helrin or Derik, on the server, and this is my first guide on the forums! I'm new to this kind of stuff, so go easy on me if I make a mistake, or something. :) And also, no, none of my characters are assassins.


    Taking out your target


    What do you guys think taking out your target is like? Walking towards your target, stabbing him with a dagger or something, and walking away, scott-free? It's not. It's MUCH harder than that. If you're contract is someone important, or rich, they'll probably have bodyguards or something, to defend them. There may also be other players, who would've witnessed the kill. Word with spread about you, and you'll be a wanted man/woman.


    Acting like a proper assassin

    People often have the misconception that assassins are always quite. They're complete badasses all the time. THIS IS NOT THE CASE. Assassins are supposed to fit in with everyone else! You're normal, just like everyone else! You talk, drink, flirt, help the community out, etc. Don't go around, climbing up houses and such. Don't show off your powers. You wear normal clothes. But, when the time comes, you put on your apparel and go for your target. Also, if you want, don't tell people you're an assassin OOC. This just makes the whole RP experience more enjoyable, due to the suspense.


    Your clients

    Don't talk to much to your clients. They've hired you to kill someone. That's it. You don't talk to them about anything else. Only the target. Don't ask them how the day is, how their life is going or anything. Your client IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. It's just business. Your client could turn on you at any time.


    Different techniques to take out your target

    Here is a list of a few techniques you can use to kill your target, without being noticed.

    • If your target is alone, and no one is around to witness the kill, you go in, kill them, and get out. Hide the body, if you have time, but you don't want to be seen anywhere close to the scene for the next few days. Remember, a true assassin NEVER returns to the scene.
    • You would usually find people hanging out in a tavern. Even your targets. This makes it harder to take out your target without being seen. Although, there is a way you could kill your target, without being noticed. Poison your targets drink or food. Maybe you're talking to your target, trying to befriend him so that he trusts you just a little bit, and you offer to buy him a drink, or maybe some food, and he or she accepts. You go buy the drink or food, poison it, and give it to them. They drink it, and die. During all the commotion, you try to blend in, or just leave. Stay away from that tavern for a few days, until things have died down.
    • You could always try to make the death seem like an accident... Say, you're target is sitting on the top of a cliff, drawing a picture of the scenery. Walk up to him, and push him down, killing him. Rather simple, yes?


    Alright, now that that's done with, let's go through all the no-no's as an assassin.


    Ye Old List of the big No-No's

    • Don't be seen doing the deed.
    • Don't linger in the area for very long.
    • Don't act suspicious. Be like everyone else. Ask them how the day is. Blah blah blah.
    • This is probably the most obvious, but, don't tell people you're an assassin. OOC, or IC. There's a high chance that someone may MG if you tell anyone OOC.
    • Don't return to the scene. 
    • Don't 'Get to know' your client.

    That's about it, guys! I hope you found my guide helpful, and again, I apologize if I made any mistakes in my guide. As I said, I'm new to the whole guide making thing. I will be posting more guides for a bunch of types of people. Farmers, mercenary's, etc. So, watch out for more!

  13. Your Name: 

    Derik Shard


    Your Age:

    I am twenty-three years of age.


    Your Race: 


    Are you wishing to join the college as a Mage, or a Pilgrim?:

    I am joining the college as a mage.


    If joining as a mage, clarify on if you are currently skilled in the magical arts, or being taught by someone who is:

    I am skilled in the magical arts and am not being taught by anyone.


    What affinity of magic are you skilled in?:

    I am skilled in the art of illusion and fire evocation.


    (( OOC:


    MC Name:


    When did you join the server?: 

    Feb 09 2014


    If applying as a mage, link any currently approved MAs unless grandfathered: 


    If applying as a mage, list your magic type and tier:

    Illusion (Tier 3)

    Pyromancy (Tier 4)



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