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Posts posted by Rusty7x

  1. Rusty if he does not need it done in an urgent manner(as in with the next few RL days), i'd be glad to take that one on filling in the crater. I'd need the dirt delivered there obviously, or could help transport some of what they buy to fill it in.

    In the end they did not want the contract as they have one of their own now doing it. However there is still the contract with chase132. If we have one worker on this then his/her pay would be 8250 or two would be 4125.

    If you are a member of the guild then please make sure you check this post regularly for contracts and other important news.

  2. who is Chase132? the contract giver?

    Haven't been on the past couple nights because i haven't been able to login at all to the server, everytime i try it's been down or unable to connect. i'll keep trying of course.

    Yes, Chase132 two is the person that has asked for this contract and as I am not on mainly when he is, I thought it be better to go straight to him.

  3. I'm looking to purchase some items. I need 162 Stacks of smooth stone and 54 stacks of oak wood. I'm willing to pay 11000 minas for the accumulative total of items. It comes out to a total of 3 double chests of smooth stone and 1 double chest of oak wood.

    We are currently filling a quota for King Enor. When we complete this job we will see if it is possible to get the required amount for yourself.


    Gather and collect:

    270 Stacks of Smooth Stone - 20 Minas a stack

    108 Stacks of Oak wood/normal - 20 Minas a stack

    108 Stacks of Redwood - 22 Minas a stack

    54 Stacks of Birch wood - 30 Minas a stack.

    Keep hold of these somewhere safe until I am in a position to take them and get the ready for the contract. This is for all guild members. For each stack given the amount you are paid is shown.

  5. MC name: Valon_Oakheart

    IC name: Valon

    Main Job: I'm up for doing any job really from clearing dirt to wood collecting even running around getting meat and wool if there's a job I will do it :D.

    Description on why you'd like to join: (In char: Looking for work after my uncle got robbed and I could no longer support him or myself by working in the bar so I decided to leave the bar and get a job at a workers guild)

    Skills: When there where skill I was around 30 in digging mining woodcutting and swords so I'm pretty average in all the jobs that would need to be done.

    Thanks for reading.

    Welcome into the guild Valon.

    On a further note we have had a great meeting and thank you for everyone turning up. Look for more contracts in the future.

  6. I am in need of some persoal body guards, these men must be able to comit to me everyday all the time. I will provide them with food, shelter, and armor. Please send me a bird so we may negotiate the pricing. ((add this on to the other message I sent you earlier ))

    Sorry we are just a workers guild. We do not contract out any military or armed people.


    00:00 GMT

    20:00 EST

    17:00 PST


    Rusty's Alras House in the noble district (Noble 20. There will be a buffet with food and an area where you can sit down and talk to other guild members. 00:10 GMT is the start of the head discussions where we talk about new and old contracts. At 00:20 GMT The head questions and answer session will begin so you can ask any question you wish related to the guild.



    FRIDAY 4th November

    Consultant Elessar’s New House in Alras (In noble district)

    A casual meeting of all the guild members to discuss new appointments current and upcoming contracts and any questions answered. We will also be feasting on a mighty amount of food from all parts of Aegis.

    Current Attending Members:

    Dante Magus Sol (Dantesol)

    Consultant Elessar (Rusty7x)

    Grumdul Balor (Martin123martin)

    Eusebio (Eusemaster)


  9. Although many times, Those GMs are not on. Most times on the server, theres 1-3 GMs on, If one GM is on and another person from another area wants help, No one will be able to help them. In my opinion, the Mod-Reqs we have now are fine and there is no need to change them.

    Hmm. yes I suppose so. Thanks for reading it anyway.

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