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Posts posted by Rusty7x

  1. I personally agree with this post. However I disagree with the idea of gms handle mod reqs. I think that gms should be allocated certain areas/cities/nations. From this they will be able to familiarise themselves with the local people and be easier to contact. Though saying this I still think that there should be a number of gms operating over the entire world of aegis. This is not the best idea but can certainly be elaborated. Anyway good post. Thank you

  2. I am currently looking for wool, 4 Stacks of it. Preferably white or blue. I will pay 95 Minas a stack. This is a guild contract for me personally.

    If you have not heard of any contracts recently the farm needs tending and the trees need logging. This counts as work for the guild so go and do this whilst I or another member in the guild are working on the contracts.


    /msg Rusty7x

  3. A new, large house in Al'Khazar is now for sale! This massive and elegant house is the largest in all Al'Khazar, 3 stories high and is a 35'000! Those who want to buy I suggest you come and take a look as soon as possible. Located in the residential district, on the main road near the church.

    //Ask chase132 for more details//

    I would upload images but It wont let me :(

  4. Sounds good, I kind of want to see the town first. Also what work is it.

    Still taking job offers.

    You don't specialize in one type of work. You are contracted out from the guild and it can be anything from mining to landscaping. Lunavara is to the North west of Al'Khazar

  5. Do you really need some work done but to busy to do it yourself?

    Well if so workers can now be contracted out from the Lunavara Workers guild. We have Farmers, Merchants, Miners and even landscapers. Our workers are very good at the jobs they do and complete the contracts with astounding time and quality.

    How to get the contract.

    1) Reply on this post with the job you need doing and the amount that needs to be done. Also give the co-ordiantes of the area this work needs to be done at

    2) Secondly I will acknowledge the post and then promptly send myself or one of our heads to analyse and consult the job and give a rough estimate on the price.

    3) The guild Master, the head and myself will then confer with each other and give you a final price for the job.

    4) As soon as you agree will then send down the workers to begin working on the job immediately. You will need to be there the first time to tell them exactly what the job is and how it should be done.

    5) On completion of the required job you will pay either the head or myself and that is all to it.


    The job cost will vary on these factors

    -Who keeps the resources after (E.g Lanscaping)

    -If we supply our own tools

    -If we supply our own food and resources

    -The time it needs doing in if required


    Be sure to contact us. Thank you for reading.

  6. These are the current prices: (Subject to availability)

    Wheat- 45 per stack

    Bread- 50 per stack

    Melon- 35 per stack

    Sugar- 15 per stack

    Reeds- 25 per stack


    Additional resources for sale: (Subject to availability)

    Red Log- 75 per stack

    Birch Log- 92 per stack

    Normal Log - //Not currently Available for Sale//

    Wood Planks- 18 per stack


    Add 10 per stack if you want delivery to your chosen location (Subject to change if distance is further)



    Character Name: Elessar

    Minecraft Name: Rusty7x

    Location: Lunavara - Find me here most of the time but if I am not then just leave me a /tell

  7. I am Rogan, I am a dwarf who lives in kal'urguan and if ye need a job done and can't do it yerself then i'm th' one te come to. I take payments in minas or in items. If ye wish te hire me then just come te kal'urguan, i will probably be there if not then i'm either adventurin' or i might be in aerial. If ye still can't find me then ask some dwarfs in kal'urguan at least one dwarf might know where i am.

    Hey there, may I suggest that you try out the Lunavara Workers Guild. Through this you get work, cheaper housing (In Lunavara) and cheap food if not free. This is a very well lead guild and has been very successful in the near past.

    Lunavara Workers Guild Page - http://www.lordofthe...h__1#entry92155

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