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Posts posted by Casamir

  1. Personally, and not meaning to sound harsh, I think that the floating tower looks a bit odd, the ramparts on the walls aren't big enough, imposing enough nor advanatgeous to us enough and the gatehouse is a bit on the scrawny side. I will try to download hamachi and have a look.

    the ramps above the gatehouse are made shorter for visibility, the ones on the walls are full blocks, those are just slabs. The gate is a fine size, the larger the gate the more people can flood through when it falls, remember.

  2. I like what we have so far, i think size wise, fanciness, and defense wise it's decent, (( yes the walls are kind of thin but with the slots people can fire out and attack through at people breeching )) The gate house we have now I think is nice, maybe make it a bit longer (( not width but make the distance between the front and rear gate larger )) There will be a inner wall, this wall is what keeps our civilians safe, our keep must be walled because going with old time thinking (( royalty or Military and civilians shouldn't be mixed but kept apart )) There will be a moat, with either lava or just a large drop (( with a way to retrieve items )) I'm thinking the between the gates section will be netherrack as usual, but that just inside the gates will be a bridged section of land (( going left to right from one tower entrance to the other )) as a secondary defence. (( or Tertiary defence if you count the gate and netherrack )) I am thinking about ground burried ( hooked up to pistons to pop up ) dispensers with arrows inside the town it's self, There will be possibly dispensers mounted into the walls (( like gun emplacements )) I really want to use dispensers, I'm not one for lava and the mess it leaves honestly. There will also be some portcullises and gatehouses along the main roads inside town, Allowing us to cut of an advance or fortify a retreat, I had plans already for an escape tunnel hatch saferoom of sorts anyways. Most structures will be stone I believe as like any good northmen knows, wood is for burning to stay warm not for making houses out of. Thinking of a sewer system in the town as well (( defended though as I don't want our enemies using it against us. )) The town won't be an open city so much, not like any city, it'll be strictly for tradesmen and women of our order, I want shops to encourage trade and economic growth though as our order will need minas for supplies and we will have excess materials.

  3. That doesn't look bad, and the drawing bob did is kind of like I was planning, I want the outer walls to be 4 thick, 2 inside will be hollow for a walk way within the outer wall for guards to move from post to post on the ramparts and within, making the rampart walk ways also 4 wide, I might consider going 5 wide though, Also a more Arched design on the portcullis, not just the gate but the ramparts too, have them Move up (( kind of like the one in the verge keep ))

  4. I like the look bob but that seems waaaay too tall, looks it anyways, Remember the Keep will be walled off, and inside a city which is also walled off. So the castle can have it's defences and the city will have it's as well, (( less of a city and more of a housing for our civilian laborers like miners and farmers )) the Farms will be outside the walls of the keep but inside the walls of the city, Picture it like a square within a square.

  5. The farms would be inside the city walls, the keep will have it's own walls inside the city, I've been looking at the two keeps around us and I'm thinking maybe a wall design like those ones (( +-+-+-+- )) with decoration and such of course. We can easily fiddle with small designs in game come 2.0 like lay down the groundwork for different styles and compare before raising them high.

  6. Also reading the news it appears Aegis 2.0 is out next week sometime (( so begin to prepare! ))

    Also will be looking for a team of builders to help me in building and planning out a new keep (( once we are settled in the new world )) The Aegis keep and the Verge keep where build mostly by me (( with minimal help not that people weren't willing to )) I built them hastily (( as both keeps where built during times of conflict, in Aegis it was the undead in Wrath's clutch, and in the Verge it was the orcs. )) I'm hoping we can take our time and erect a fine structure, remember the plan is a walled city (( using our bedrock plots )) with a walled keep inside. The city should have plenty of room for farms to be set up, housing, shops, (( housing for possibly the Knights and civilians though I'm debating between keeping it separated )) The keep will need to be large itself so that we can move away from Tower based keeps (( Maybe a few floors up 2-3 and a few down 2-3 via lifts )) Barracks would be similar only larger, A nice new forge for our blacksmiths and armory (( we will have a personal blacksmith within our walls and one in the town mayhap )) Begin planning and coming up with ideas, I will be hand picking my building team, if you can show me examples of your work great! (( remember depending on how the new world is we may need miners and such gathering tons of materials so you can always help out! ))

  7. I am looking forward to the new world but a few questions have popped into my head, My Knight order (( Knights of the North )) wish to of course claim land in the North in the new world (( far away but semi gettable to so we still get recruits and RP interactions )) I'll be a bedrock by monday most likely and we have a few bedrock donators, is it possible to claim a few large chunks of land? (( kind of use our bedrock levels to claim land plots besides each other to make a fairly large region for ourselves? )) of course we don't intend to use all of our VIP plots in one area and will most likely make outposts in other places like a recruitment office or something, (( depending on the size of bedrock VIP plots ))

    Also if we want to make a small village (( keep with walls surrounded by a small village and another set of walls with homes for our laborers miners, farmers, ect )) will that require that we apply for a village/city dealio thing? (( we're not thinking major city but a small town with shops for our civilians to sell excess goods from their professions, and land for them to farm whilst our walled keep within the village remains strictly military. ))

  8. ((Would it be fine if it was 50+ axes or swords, because i can use an axe pretty well but not a sword))

    Thats just an example of course, Though I might have Knights use swords and bows and Marauders use axes and fists? maybe, Like I said I'm thinking a bunch out and planning but any help is appreciated (( I'm not sure of all the stuff you can wield at which skill levels ))

  9. ((sounds really good, just like I thought it would be like when you mentioned it earlier. Please bear in mind that although I am essentially completely an archer, I joined this server after the skills were disabled, so don't judge me lol. Will I need to grind up my archery before I can gain knighthood then? Also, when you come up with the names for the titles, please remember that we aren't all swordsmen so don't call the rank up from initiate "swordsman" or something like that as it won't really work. On another note, will there be a builder job because I make pretty bad ass medieval styled buildings. On another other note, when designing the new castle (if you actually are going to design it and not vomit stone on the floor into a castle shaped heap) i would urge you to take defensive measures into consideration, our previous fort was nowhere near as prtected as it should be, nor even the keep in the verge))

    ((Suggested defensive capabilities for the castle (only suggestions):

    burning oil (lava with pistons)

    Thicker walls

    More protective and advantagous ramparts

    Concentric walls rising in height as you near the keep

    A moat

    Defensive turrets (activated by a lever to rise out of the ground and launch damage potions if corresponding pressure plates are stepped on, not medieval themed though so...)

    Emergency barricades (block of areas of the city if breached, pistons)

    If you find any of these to be impractical, I won't take offense, though please consider the addition of defenses for times when arrows aren't enough))

    ((P.S. underground pig farms are amazing :) ))

    Many of the castle ideas you have are ones I plan on doing, (( minus the lava I don't like how it doesn't disappear in SMP )) A Moat with a working Bridge (( via the craftbook )) and a gate house, with thicker walls (( we'll have a much larger plot for the new castle so it's easier to do, like right now we only have 3 blocks outside of our walls protected which lets people climb over fairly easy )) I was also thinking dispensers with arrows in choke points, as well as regulations and codes for what to do if the city/town/keep are sieged. I have been on a bit but no one else has been on when I am (( kinda sucks )) however like I said things feel stale for me and I really want to plan things out for 2.0 (( we'll also have to make a guild application come that time and get officially approved ))

  10. Name: altar


    A bit about yourself: (( who are you? whats your story? ))

    i am an elf ranger skilled in archery and axe mastery

    i grew in the city of leuraline my mother died of a horoble disease called : canser i never saw my dad because my parents where divorst i hate mining i love to farm .

    Your skills: (( what are you good at? what do you want to be better at? ))

    im realy good at archery (lv 50) and i never miss i am learning how to use an axe as a secondary wepone (lv25) i would like to be trained in the waise of an archer.

    Your goals: (( What do you want to accomplish? ))

    i would like own a house make alot of friends and have more then 36 minas

    What do you bring: (( What kind of an asset are you? why should we accept you? ))

    you should accept me because i a am a good assasine so i can free someone easy from prison

    and i have allot of accuracy whit the bow i never miss

    Other notes: (( even if you are a master swordsmen don't assume you need no training, consider the fact that it might be something as simple as learning our style of sword fighting. )

    Approved, work on spelling and grammar a bit, if it's archer you want I'll try and set you up with bob.

  11. Aye, I'm also working outside of the forums and game on a list of new ranks and titles within our orders as well as a proper oath to swear to

    Example: Knight, A Knight is a proven swordsmen, but has training with bow as well and a small bit of hand to hand (( possibly a bit of black Smithing to make minor repairs ))

    Skills would look like swords: 50+ archery: 25+ Hand to hand 25+ blacksmithing: 15

    or something similar, with skills it is easier to tell when a squire is able to be Knighted due to the ability to "train" and advance now, so expect many many changes with the new world, We will basically almost be treating it as if the order is being made from the ground up, but Knights will remain Knights and anyone who signs on before the new world will keep their rank.

    We are going to need a good spread of people with jobs, and I will most likely be able to start paying them, Farmers will need to be fully dedicated farmers, same with lumberjacks and miners so as our Knights can focus on their skills, same with a dedicated blacksmith and cooks.

    My Intent with the new world is to claim land in the North (( a good bit with all our bedrock donators )) so that instead of a keep we can make a bit of a small city perhaps or a more lordling like keep (( a fortress for the Knights with it's own walls and such, inside a larger set of walls with housing for villagers and farmland )) So that we can have our civilians under our protection. (( and they will be able to set up shops within the village ))

  12. My idea is, make a command that will reset your skills, but make it so it only refunds the original 75 (( or what ever you're making the starting credits ))

    example, I have 108 total skill but I messed up on placing my skills and have no issue with this (( it's a cost for it )) I use command, and lose all my skills, however I have 75 credits again to re point out in my skills, other variables could of course come into play (( extra 1 credit per every 10 extra skill you had maybe or something )) or something like more refunded credits but a cooldown on the command similar to the soulstone but much much longer (( a week if not a month ))

    Even a one time free repoint oppertunity would be good, (( I really don't want to have to pay 20 dollars to redo points I messed up on, I put points into mining and excavation when I'm a swordsmen, I didn't realize that 30 swords skill didn't count for much lol, if i could redo my skills I would specialize in swords like I had thought I was when I put the bulk of my points there ))

  13. Alot of things will change with the new world (( and when I actually crack down on roles for skills and stuff, don't worry bob ))

    Also heads up I have recalled myself from the Verge to Server at our main keep again, I think our Verge outpost should focus mainly on mining operations, as such we should station miners there along with a small retinue of Knights and recruits.

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