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Posts posted by Recklez

  1. I suggest that the Badlands should be a No-VA area, where there HAS TO BE RP, Before the bandits can INITIATE in pvp. And that both parties DONT have to agree on RP-ing or PVP-ing. So basically, You still have to roleplay with the one your are mugging/killing but if a fight initiates you can PVP all you want. I think something like that would be a good comprimise.

  2. * Flyers are scattered around multiple cities, as you pick one up you read the following *

    "Hail all to ye' who reads these flyers! Me, Erza Lightfall is in need of Iron an' Flint.

    We can discuss the prices if Ye are willing to come to Runemire, Or ye' can send me a bird! (Recklez)

    Happy tradin' to all of ye!"

  3. We are not doing that. No matter what happens, I refuse to sift through 3,000+ applications with a team of 23. It would be inefficient, and simply ridiculous. Besides, we just need to look in the archives. Even though there are 28,000 apps in there...

    I hope you dind't had any plans this weekend XD

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