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Posts posted by VonAulus

  1. Hello fellow Dwed, this is a notice from the new WARDEN of Kaz'Ulrah, Gilbert Goldhand.


    First things first, the agreed to tax of 10 iron ingots is due into the tax chests for apartments.




    Second, I will be attempting to figure out prices for housing around the city. Payment is going to be accepted in Minas or in rare earth metals such as iron, gold, and diamonds. Conversion rates will be applied by the WARDEN's discretion. For now, there will not be a tax on property, but you will be subjected to an activity check at a future date in which you will be given two weeks to break the sign or face eviction. Each house will have deed paperwork drawn up for it and will be resellable granted you run all paperwork by the WARDEN, GILBERT GOLDHAND.




    Third, I am looking for others interesting in stewarding our MAGNIFICENT city. The duties will be helping with giving players apartments on arrival to the city and working on public works projects. There will be pay for these positions in iron ingots due to the scarcity of mina. 


    Fourth, the tavern has now come under my control as WARDEN of our grand city. I am looking for aid in running it and if that job interests you, please contact me by replying to this post or speaking to me in the city. There will be actual drinks for sale from now on in the tavern using ancient DWARVEN techniques. 


    Fifth, the Kingdom's government is expanding its personnel rapidly and if you are looking for a place within the Kingdom, speak to myself or another of the King's hands. We will be able to sort you into a department. 


    Sixth, if you are interested in a shop we will be selling those for both mina and rare earth metals, again, contact the WARDEN, GILBERT GOLDHAND.




    Finally, please feel free to post any questions regarding matters of the city on this thread. There is a lot of stewarding to do and I would like to get to all of it in a timely fashion. If there are suggestions for ways for us to handle things please feel free to talk to me around the city. If you do become hostile I reserve the right to file a restraining order in which you will be unable to come within ten blocks of me.




    ((Contact me on the dwarven discord of ingame at VONGROOL))



    Reserved for Exchange Rates and Market Updates

  2. “Wot be yer name?”: Gilbert Goldhand

    “Hrmph... Ye got aneh experience on deh battlefield, lad?”: No.

    The dwarf strokes his beard as he analyzes you. “Wot be yer reasons for joinin’?”: Fighting for the Kingdom.

    “So be it, lad. Wot’s yer trade?”: Farming and Mining



    Username: VonGrool

    Discord: Grool#6871


    Minecraft Name: Hoofmehard


    Discord: Grool#6871


    Time-zone: Central


    Do you, or have you held, any other staff positions?: Event team builder multiple times, fell to purges or inactivity.


    Where do you grab inspiration from?: I look at medieval architecture and pictures of nature on Google for a lot of inspiration.


    What type of building are you best with?: Terraforming by hand and organic are my best builds. I am decent at small scale medieval, especially farmland.


    What are some of your most treasured builds?: Flotsam(3.0) Trog(3.0) Part of Felsen(4.0) Brelus(4.0) Parts of Ponce(current map)


    Are you capable of handling all aspects of a build?: Yes.


    Pick three building styles and show us a build of yours that corresponds to each choice: (Terraforming, organic, medieval, high fantasy, and underground.)

    Terraforming: https://gyazo.com/b7e527bc258896a6fd0899238df9712b

    Medieval: https://gyazo.com/67e11d7a6b5b5cf1e73a018a7f5623c1  Also, you can look at the houses around Ponce.

    Underground: https://gyazo.com/eeba89e7221cdc5f87e49d6c7d8d9bda https://gyazo.com/fd943949b57a91f2eb1eed79ee7914b8 https://gyazo.com/24df40369d434f119fbe209be7717261


    How long does it take for you to complete a build?: Depends on how big and how much detail you really want into it. Messy medieval takes times y’know.


    Additional details: I only know the basics of Worldedit/schematica


    Tell me a trick about building: Hoppers can be used as supports for an awning, sadly they are a banned block in LC on LOTC.


    Tell me a joke: Why did the cookie go to the hospital? Cause he was feeling crumby!

  4. [OOC]

    Username: Hoofmehard

    Skype name: will provide privately

    Timezone: Central



    Name: Thomas Denims III

    Race: Human

    Why do you desire to join?: To serve and protect.

    Do you agree to PK if RP is done appropriately and well?: Sure

  5. Every time I have ever talked to him all he does is heap abuse upon me about having a homosexual brother. I believe he is so interested in the High Prince Ebs because he has a little crush on him. Only a man who is homosexual himself would be so interested in another man so intensely.


    What are these "Antics" about posting Nazi pictures? What idiot accidently promotes national socialism on the internet? Does he not know that could come back to haunt him when he goes to look for a job one day?


    I am surprised he even is applying to be on this staff team which is filled with degenerates already. Esterlan would probably support euthanizing half of you. 


    The fact that HeeroZero and Ski_king42069noscope oppose this man is evidence enough. These two are pillars to our community for how one should separate social groups and server moderation.



  6. Watching, wandering, and waiting. 


    Long ago great orcs had fought over the chance to lead Clan Gorkil. No longer.


    Long ago the clan was full of life and youth, new orcs begging to undergo the trials.


    All had faded into memory for most orcs under the most recent Wargoths who no one even can remember the name. Something had gone wrong down the line, and the clan had grown weak and eclipsed by others. Almost nothing remained of the tribe of Mogroka, Gromgar, Gorgul, or Sharku. The Gorkils once demanded respect and fear from the other clans. What had happened to their glory and honor?


    Now a youngling, a sick boy, lorded over the Gorkils as if a joke to the warriors who fought and died. Was there no one to take up the mantle?


    Grool can not let the state of Gorkil fall any further into disarray. The time is now to guide his family back to their rightful place, back to the top. Grool snatches the title of Wargoth from the weakling and challenges anyone to utter differently.




    MC name: VonAulus

    Character's name and age: Grool’Gorkil’Azog, 350

    Character’s Race: Orc

    Link to your accepted magic application: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/100039-acceptedgrools-magic-app/

    What magic(s) do you desire to teach?: Shamanism: Witchdoctor


    Summarize the Lore of this Magic:

    Shamanism is the orcish religion of sorts where the shamans interact with spirits in the spirit world as well as in this world. Witchdoctor is different from the other subtypes because it focuses more on curses and hexes as well as potions. They have been known to grow horns for orcs or curse and entire area and turn it into mush. They channel their magic through totems and other trinkets. They also have evolved into a medicine man type of person with having learned ancient remedies and through experimentation with different ingredients.


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding):

    The first lesson my students have gone through in the past is the creation of their staff. It is a three part process with first the student have to travel to the end of the world to gather a bucket of water from beyond. Second they must find a druid’s grove and break a branch from a tree to use as the shaft of their staff. The third is the creation or finding of your first small trinket which we will bless along with the staff in the water from beyond. Your staff is a useful tool to help guide your magic and wave around during incantations,

    Do you have a Teacher App you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: n/a


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: n/a

  8. Minecraft name: VonAulus


    • Skype ID: Will tell if accepted.


    • Timezone: US Central


    • Have you had any bans or strikes? If yes give a link: I was temp banned once for placing some signs. I can not find the link.


    • Why do you want to be a builder for the ET? To help develop the map to be immersive roleplay environment based on realism and practicality. A landscape can both be nice to look at and interesting to explore.


    • What are some of your most treasured builds? (screenshots if possible): Flostad, Tuv Aviv, Rosemoor.  Adrianople, Augustine, many others as well. http://vonaulus.imgur.com/


    • What MMORPG/video games do you play? Minecraft, CK2, AOE2, Steam Games


    • Please provide screenshots of any medieval builds strictly you have built and a description of each:



    This album is of my work on Flotsam. A few of the houses are by Cirdanoth and a few others, but the majority of the work, most of the hovels and townhouses in addition to the keep were constructed by myself. The Flostad was built to keep an eye on the looming north and the small fishing port of Flotsam. There were fishing hovels as well as some small hovels with gardens for the local peasants to feed themselves. The Quay of Flotsam had a few shop stalls for merchants. The keep was involved in many skirmishes against the Antagonists and the Order of Saint Lucien.




    This album shows my experimentation with dark oak for roof in a hovel. Turned out well in my opinion.




    The two townhouses displayed here accompany the rest of the build by youlovesocks. These two were part of my early experimentation with arab building. You can see further example of this on 3.5.5.

    • Please provide an example of a decent sized ruin build (stone or otherwise):


    • Please provide an example of terraforming:

    I helped terraform the swamp in rosemoor as well as the swamp around the shaman camp in Anthos. I do not have any screenshots on this computer of the work. I also terraformed the beautiful beaches of orc lands before the server let them full on be greifed,

    • Please provide an example of a organic build:



    There is examples of nature all around the keep in this album. The aforementioned 'Flostad'.


    Also on the server itself I did a lot of nature work around the original human capitol in the bay as well as in Adria. You can still see my unfinished swamps and rocks in the old Duchy of Adria. 


    • Please provide an example of a High fantasy build:


    • Are you an independent builder, and are you capable of handling all aspects of a build?

    • I know nothing about redstone but I can build whatever is needed within reason.


    • Do you know much about redstone? No


    • How long does it take for you to complete a build? Rome was not built in a day, I am not sure how I can tell how long it takes for me to build. I do activites and school in real life so that can get in the way, but I will be able to tell on a more build by build basis.


    • Tell us how you plan on constructing a large build, a medium build, and a small build.

    • Every build should start off as if it is a small build, then you work off of that, adding things as needed. Starting off too large causes one to never finish. You build a village one hovel at a time along the road.


    • Additional details (Do you know how to Voxel? World Edit? Craftbook? Etc...):

    • I can use basic craftbook things and World Edit.


    • Tell me a trick about building (eg: floating torches, custom heads) String is almost and invisible block, so you can put carpet on top of it to give the illusion of it floating. There are also a few things with mushrooms and world edit that I learned recently.


    • Tell me what you want from the ET. The opportunity to have fun building the environment and event areas for other players to enjoy. Also to practice my building more so I can develop more as a builder.

  9. Felsen Armed Forces Application Part II

    Aptitude Test


    The following is a basic aptitude test to show us, as a future soldier, the ability to solve problems. Do not be offended either by their simplicity, or their difficulty. They are not meant to beat you into a pulp. Highlight the correct answers in BOLD.


    1. Which number comes next in the following series? 3,6,9,12,...

    a) 14

    b) 20

    c) 2

    d) 15




    2. In the word ONOMATOPOEIA how many o’s are next to a vowel?

    a) 2

    b) 4

    c) 1

    d) None




    3. FAST is the opposite of?

    a) RUN

    b) BEHIND

    c) SLOW

    d) QUICK




    4. Answer the following diagram by writing 1, 2, 3, or 4, respectively according to the boxes from left to right. Answer here: _



    Next Question


    5. What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?


               a) African or European?

               b) Stupid Question from a stupid movie.

               c) I don't get it.

               d) y u do dis.



  10. Cracker is a great director of roleplay. Not much I can say that will really do justice to his skill in roleplay. Almost all of his characters rise to prominence and achieve greatness due to his skills that are desperately needed on the event team once again. He has good family values that pander to the younger children we are attract as well as the older folks that are still around after all these years. 


    You will find it hard to find anyone that brings his skill now and days. 

  11. The frost witches are an extension of special snow flake syndrome. We got four races to chose from to play at the beginning of the server where you and some of your friends get your own little thing not within the server lore. I do not mind but you are not a friendly group of characters so notoriety spreads whether through rp or ooc of how scary or mean you are. This causes the community of characters to reject your snowflake and crush it beneath our collective foot of conformity. You are playing a monster that can disguise itself. That is a form of power gaming even if lore approved. You are a monster in character expect to be treated like one. 

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