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michavdgaag(Eldor Driz)

Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by michavdgaag(Eldor Driz)

  1. I dont really see the point of this gate, we destroyed my gate to build a new one -.- Cant see the logic.
  2. MC name: michavdgaag IC name: Eldor Driz Forum name: michavdgaag(Eldor Driz) Current Rank: Archangel Race: Dark Elf
  3. ((-.- everyone is dieing or leaving I wanna create a new character to, on with more background if you know what I mean Im not sure what to do know, I would join the WR eitherway What do yu guys think I should do?))))
  4. ((The spawner has been destoyed and items that has been found there has to be destroyed to. Orders from the GM, we are lucky, they were about to ban 9 people. I changed their minds, but 1 wrong step and your banned. Just to let you all know))
  5. -.- didn't she die in the nether event huh?
  6. http://www.lordofthe...e-black-knight/ ((Can you guys look at my VA?)) Use this form please MC Name- Rp Name- Do you believe the applicant is able to maturely abide, and respect the VA laws OOC, and IC(Y/N)- What is your relation, if any, to the applicant(Please state both IC, and OOC)- How is the applicant OOC(How much do they troll? Are they easily angered(If so by what)? Would you say the applicant is mature? Why?)- How is the applicant IC(Do they stick to his character? Is his Rp enjoyable? Do they Power , or Meta game? Do you consider the applicant, in general a “Good” Role Player? How often do they use OOC IC?)-
  7. ((you should be, and it only getting worse if my VA gets accepted ;p))
  8. ((btw how did you guys found out it was eledyr? He was undercover, as far as i know, I was the only one who knew.
  9. ((im gonna turn my char into a black knight. Something snapped and he lost connection with Aeriel, because Eledyr and Josh died. Just need to fix my VA))
  10. ((You forgot me -.-)) How dare you to kill my best and oldest friend. He wouldn't do such thing. He didn't even get a fair trail did he? Maybe it is time for me to leave the White Ravens... maybe...
  11. We can dig all the way to the bedrock, trust me we got enough space underground. We could use the space for more useful things like stores, tavern or clinics :) Why is it horrible, are you claustrophobic? We probably aren't going to build the city here, so what's all the fuzz about. We can get more minas by attracting people to our shops.
  12. Guys, I was thinking of destroying the houses above the ground and rebuild them underground. This way we can build stores and stuff, above the ground. What do you think?
  13. I still have around 200 iron ingots after making so many armor
  14. Only thing I need now is diamonds or gold
  15. ((So is nppeck still king? Do we get enough space for our city, because I want to start building.))
  16. Found another 151 iron ore, 6 iron ingots and 2 music discs :) Mayby I should start a shop or something.
  17. nice So are we gonna use these skins? I'm gonna use mine :)
  18. Dont ya think those better for the paladins?
  19. ((I think those are way cooler as Archangel's what do you guys think. I wanna be red xD)) Archangel 1 Archangel 2
  20. ((He already was a member ;) It was an app Seraph created.)) Just because someone said he was Innocent doesn't mean he is. Seraph was in danger and we were helping him.
  21. Mayby Ill come with you, depends on the location, how far away from the current WR base is it? posting app anyway ;) Character Race: Dark Elf Time Zone: +1 Weapon Skill [weapon kind, skill]: Sword lvl 100 Mining Skill: lvl 100 Lumber-jacking Skill: lvl 15 Mina Balance: 12K We should separate to much like in Aegis, Its more organised this way.
  22. Try going to the wilds more often and take a pickaxe with you. Can someone explane why he got banned? Is it because we invaded the elven capital?
  23. I found another 106 iron ore. So if anyone need armor, contact me.
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