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michavdgaag(Eldor Driz)

Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by michavdgaag(Eldor Driz)

  1. ((Lets make this clear, Archangel cant be mindless, because they are supposed to be the commanders of the paladins. How do you command the paladins if your a mindless angel xD))
  2. *Starts reading in "The Book of Souls", while looking at Seraph* *his eyes turn red and he keeps staring at Seraph* You...somethings wrong....strange fog... *eyes turn normal*
  3. ((Seraph, your skins look awesome, but they look a bit like space marines.))
  4. ((got some new info about those archangels. Apperantly they can literally blow a person into pieces. The spectator found a tooth in his hair, which was kinda funny, but I dont think we can at this to our archangels can we?)) EDIT: ((Seraph when can I do my ritual?
  5. ACCEPTED This is our charter http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/30653-aliquam-purus/
  6. ((nppeck, you told me to build the gate so I did now your telling me its to big? It's the same gate as from the prototype)) Took me 2 stacks of coal and more then 8 stacks of cobblestone to make it. Remember we cant just pich stone up again like cobblestone. EDIT: sorry nppeck, but im not gonna destroy it unless ogedi tells me to. It took a lot of time building it and I took lots of damage falling of the walls.
  7. I just moved some supplies, its all safe for now
  8. I want permission. ((IGN michavdgaag)) EDIT: Is this all the land we got??
  9. I agree, just because they want all deserts, doesnt mean they get all deserts.
  10. ((I still need to contact a mod to fix that))
  11. ((The last few days, i have been mining, chopping down trees and building a wall and forest. Last time I checked this was still alowed to be done.))
  12. I am a diamond VIP ((Unfortunately I got banned, without a reason. Since when do they ban you for nothing. ))
  13. Banned for 3 days, without a reason -.-

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Yamnothere


      IGN? Is it; michavdgaags

    3. michavdgaag(Eldor Driz)

      michavdgaag(Eldor Driz)

      without the s

      just michavdgaag

    4. Yamnothere


      Got your reason on your ban report mate.,

  14. We can trap him on the bridge and put some lava underneath, I now were to find some.
  15. I am staying you can all leave if you want. Im gonna build some extra defences and if you decide to stay never let the gate open again.
  16. Im not leaving, I found this village and I am not scared of one guy in armor. Ill place traps if I have to, but this is our land not his.
  17. I dont think its a good thing to "challenge an Archangel", Since everyone wants to be an archangel. Its a fight to the dead, so in the end most of the white ravens died and we got a few archangels left. I think we should remove the archangel limit or remove the challenge. ((Its kinda easy to become an archangel, since everyone got the skillpoints back atlest most of them. Mayby we should make it more difficult))
  18. This is just a temprorary base until we get some land to build on. So dont worry about housing, were not staying here forever.
  19. ((can someone explane to me how to change my forum name?))
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