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Posts posted by Sinstrite

  1. Yeah thanks I changed it a little giving a bit more detail, but can you tell me how i would get a screenshot of my character if it would help my application

    The simplest way is to just go in game, open your inventory and take a screenshot of that. Crop it down and then upload the image to whatever hosting site you use.

    You can also use the image from the website your skin is from if you download it as long as you give credit. Not the small version, but something like this:

    Planet Minecraft Example:


    Here's the code to add an image, remove the periods (.) from it.


  2. Well, here goes nothin. I spent a day finding a mic that works, a voice recording software thingy, figuring out dropbox, then how to set it public and all that. Took me under a minute to actually say the lines.

    Go easy on me, if you like it, say so, if you hate it, don't say why. I hate to be such a ***** but for a shot at $25 LOTCbux for saying a couple lines, I couldn't resist the chance. Maybe you should just ignore it entirely. shyface.jpg


    I like it, have you tried Audacity at all? It has amazing filters to take any static out and smooth over everything giving it more of a legit sound. I think I overdid mine a bit though :P

  3. Try editing this using the template below, it'll increase your chances of being accepted a lot.


    -Minecraft Account Name:

    -How old are you?:

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    -How long have you played Minecraft?:

    -What do you know about Roleplaying? What is it?:

    -What do you expect this server will be like?:

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:

    -Name the 4 races on this server:

    -How did you hear about us?:

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:


    -Character Name:

    -What is your Race?:


    -Character Age:

    -Character Appearance:

    -Character Personality:

    -Your ambitions:

    -Can your character read or write?:

    -Can your character mine?:

    -Are you a capable builder?:

    -Can you wield a sword?:

    -Enjoy Farming?:

    -Does your character have any special skills?:

    -A screenshot of your skin:

    -Other Information:

  4. -A screenshot of your skin:http://www.minecraftskins.com/page/1/ my skin is the one named An Elf!!!

    Try and redo your application using a little more detail, it never hurts, and making the topics cool looking and such - [make it all pretty :3]

    Name: SuperMcAwesomesaucepants

    Cool tip, make something size 2 instead of bold to keep the ugly 'b' away.

    Also, rewrite what I quoted and link this image, it'll help you out :P


  5. I love watching Petri on Youtube too, he's so funny!

    Also, before someone looks at it, you go in your game and simply open your inventory and take a screenshot. Usually your PRTSC/SYSRQ button, may have to be added with something, like holding that + FN at the same time (for me atleast) - Crop it and upload the image, then paste it here for the most general way to show your skin. If you use a skin from a website, simply try and upload that image from the website, giving credit, and bam, should be good.

  6. As far as combat-logging, there must be some way for admins to find out. Also, they have an automatic setup on Battlecraft to where if you combat-log in mid-combat with another player, then you get killed as soon as you log back on - so there's some limit to the abuse people would put onto it if they don't see an advantage to doing it? Hard to tell, would hope the LotC players aren't so low as to be that cheap.

    There also has to be a plugin besides BB and such that shows coords or positions of players when they die. Someone reports saying they weren't there, simply pull the log and see if they were there around the same time or not. Also, can the soulstone timer simply be a bit longer, that way it's close to impossible to do it in combat?

    It may help for players themselves to keep screenshots and such, just as bases for proof when things happen.

    It's pretty tricky though, the staff will have their hands full as far as the disadvantage-points go.

  7. (Demand for Gold, Redstone & Diamond is acceptable, but I only take orders when discussed in a private message)

    You happen across a sign in the market district, and it catches your eye:

    Hello there,

    My name is Sinstrite, representing The Wandering Merchant Company.

    Taking time out of your day and risking life and limb to hunt down rare iron ore is a task in itself, but getting it back to your place of safety is an even harder task once you have a large amount in your hands.

    I'm offering to take down orders, and get you exactly the amount you want, as long as it's within a reasonable amount for a one-man operation.

    I mainly venture out to collect iron, but can also gather coal as well if you would like it added to your order.

    Order Prices:

    01 Iron Ore: 0028 Minas

    01 Coal Ore: 0002 Minas

    16 Iron Ore: 0400 Minas

    16 Coal Ore: 0030 Minas

    32 Iron Ore: 0850 Minas

    32 Coal Ore: 0060 Minas

    64 Iron Ore: 1700 Minas

    64 Coal Ore: 0100 Minas

    Negotiations aren't acceptable, the prices are listed, and they are fair compared to other sellers. If you do the math you can see you get discounts the more you order, and if you order large amounts, I may offer even more of a discount based on how much business you give me.

    Even if these aren't the items you way want to order The Wandering Merchant Company supplies many buyers with custom amounts of any item in any size, and prices may be negotiated.

    Thank you, long live Aegis!

    - Sinstrite

    (( For any questions or orders contact me IG: Sinstrite ))

    (( For any orders not related to Iron or Coal, please contact Zyn, IG: Jaknifed - And he will sort out business with you ))

  8. Hopefully you can edit this a little before you get accepted or denied, I'm thinking it may get denied right now.

    Grammar is a big thing, it reflects how you'll type in-game, so if possible try and clean your application up some, and make sure things are capitalized where they need to be and such. It might help to put the question parts in bold or something, and make a space every question/list so it's easier to read on the eyes rather than a wall of non-ending text.

    Also, you have to show you'll contribute to the community in-game, and that you'll be able to follow the rules and RP very well, which brings it to the assassin part:

    I have no idea how this will end up, but in-game you have to RP with someone before actually killing them or even fighting them. Sadly, this makes it hard to really be an assassin in most cases, in which some I'm sure you could get away with, but not most considering you're supposed to strike without warning and all that...

    Also, people look for someone that can contribute to others, and staying silent and hiding in the shadows is going to be hard for them to accept over someone else applying who might be for example, a blacksmith or farmer living the easy friendly life.

    Possibly you could be an assassin undercover, but living the regular life of a merchant or something as your alternative lifestyle?

    Just throwing some hopefully helpful tips there for you to work with, hopefully you can clean your application up a little and rethink the type of person you want to be in the game, good luck :)

  9. It's exciting, I joined just at the right time, enough to learn everything I need to before the new world starts. I've also really gotten into the lore aspects, I'm interested to see where it goes having just really read it all.

    If you guys need help building anything for the new map, I'd be glad to build and send schematics your way.

  10. Business Name - Request-A-Build

    Current Owner/s - Sinstrite

    Type of Shop (Ore shop, tavern, inn, etc) - Architect: Planner/Designer/Builder

    All other relevant info that would be appropriate for the wiki - Request A Build Page

    What is unique about your business? - I sit down with the client and take as much time as they would like to plan their project to maximum detail and understanding. Much of the clients involvement is rare when it comes to architect work because most of the time a client will only pay an architect to build whatever the architect feels like. For a client to get to command the architect in planning as much as they want is a good measure in making sure the final outcome will satisfy the client 100%

    Why should it have front page priveleges? - It's understandable if it doesn't because technically it's not a "shop" - but many people are always looking for this type of thing when they have projects to be built, and I think the way this business works is unique, and would bring in a lot of satisfied people looking for exactly what I offer.

  11. ((Bumping this thread))

    If you want to make good money, sell or buy items, you should contact Zyn and get a job of your choosing at his base. He has many options for you to pick from, and it's somewhat rare to actually pick exactly the job you want to do, so take the chances while jobs are still open.

    I've been working there for a few days now, and he does nothing but helps me when I need it, answers all questions, and doesn't get impatient when I need him to walk me through something depending on my work.

    His leadership ethic is good, his prices are fantastic, and if you provide good work he rewards you really well. The other workers there are friendly, and when an intruder comes in, I see everyone quickly band together to make sure the base is protected and that the intruder leaves peacefully. I've been paid in full and upfront by him twice now and it was good payment for my work; I encourage anyone that is willing to work hard to get a job with him.

    The best part is, while you're doing certain tasks, you'll need food, wood, other resources and such. Whenever you have leftover items, he even buys some from you at the base shop, so you make even more money in the process.

  12. Character Name: Sinstrite

    MC Name: Sinstrite

    Position: Not sure yet, so far I can do any, but I will let you know what I'm interested in once I do a few things here and there.

    Applicable Skills: I'm pretty much good at anything. I'm new to the server, so I still need to learn a few things here and there.

    Play Time(GMT): Usually 3pm to 12am (midnight) USA East Coast Time

  13. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: Sinstrite

    -How old are you?: 24

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: East Coast USA

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I take pride on speaking properly in the English language :P

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: Finished up my contract with the military around 6 months ago. Started going to college for Political Science & Game Design. Recently got my girlfriend into playing Minecraft, so hopefully I can bring her here one day.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: Probably 6-8 hours a day depending.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: Since late July of 2010

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: I know that I play my in-game character, down to everything including personality. Since I was a child on dial-up before we had fast internet like DSL or Cable Connections, T1,X/etc. I like to play two roles depending on how the world I enter is. I can play a leader because I'm very talented at running things and keeping people organized - I like doing this when I see possibilities of building myself a nice empire. Other times if there's too many chiefs and not enough Indians, I like to assume the character of a rogue or thief, keeping to myself and plundering riches from others in the night.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: From the professionalism I've seen on the official website as well as in certain forums, I'm hoping it will be very detailed and very well ran. I hope to make new friends on there, it's my favorite part about playing on good servers.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I mainly play on two other servers - Deviant Evil & Sin Gaming. I didn't leave them, I'll still play on each one, but they have become somewhat stale and I seek to find more excitement and adventure elsewhere.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: Yes, I think the lore is incredibly well thought out, it's actually the main reason I found this site because I was instantly interested in reading it.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: Humans, Elves, Dwarves & Orcs

    -How did you hear about us?: www.minecraftforum.net

    -Did you vote?: Yes =]

    -What was your favourite Law?: No use of 1337 speak. It's so annoying.

    -What was your least favourite Law?: Having to use certain skins. I understand the point of it, but I personally like people to have a unique look that they prefer, regardless of what faction/kingdom/etc they belong to. As long as the skin would fit into the world/lore itself, I think it would/should be acceptable.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? Sinstrite


    -Character Name: Sin / Sinstrite (Sin if possible, not sure if someone else has the name already)

    -What is your Race?: I'd like to be a full blooded human.

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum account: Sinstrite

    -Biography: Born into a world at war, Sinstrite grew up in hard times as his parents lived and raised him around poverty. Later on, he decided to take a stand and take part in the war himself. Years later, he realized the war would continue no-matter what anyone could do, and there was nothing left for him in the lands he lived. His parents had finally died off from starvation, and there was nothing he could do to make his life turn around. He set off to find far away lands, where he may start a new life for himself. From the hate of war and poverty though, he had a goal in mind - To never be poor and to become as rich as possible... And once becoming wealthy, creating a fruitful empire, capable of great things, but never capable of war. Thus, he decided he would slowly steal and plunder his way to riches, and someday become a great leader for people. While traveling, he stumbled upon a land, the land of Aegis... A land that might just have all the possibilities he's been looking for...

    -Character Age: 24

    -Character Appearance: Well, if I need to have the human skin (assuming I pick human) then you already know. If possible, I want to use my default skin - Dark pants and shoes, with a dark blue cloth material for a coat & hood. Carries a bow on his back, and is usually seen when he's busy on a personal mission or quest.

    -Character Personality: Paranoid of most people, has a hard time trusting anyone else. Hides in the shadows for self security, and stays safe in his own home if he has one. Has a lust for stealing from others under their noses if they live in the wild. He has no mercy and will slit a throat without notice if his current mission has been compromised and he is in danger. Be careful though, if you don't do your research then he may appear to you one day as a nice common gentlemen, offering something to you... with a secret motive... Deep down though, this is not the real him, only the one driven by the anger from his past. The real him wants to rise to power, not a power that brings pain and sorrow to others, but a power that can inspire a life of peace and prosperity to hundreds of thousands... One day, he WILL see this done.

    -Your ambitions: Rise to the rank of richest man alive, hopefully not having the highest bounty on my head in the process. People may come to know me as the thief I arrived at Aegis as, their quests being somewhat, "Let's find the hideouts of Sinstrite, and take his riches for our own!" - But if I can reach my goal without much attention, then my REAL goal will be within reach - to use what I've gained to start one of the greatest empires within Aegis that will never see pain or suffering, will not know war, and will inspire others to follow in the same footsteps.

    -Can your character read or write?: Yes, I am very smart and cunning although people wouldn't know if I didn't tell them.

    -Can your character mine?: Of course, I have lived underground in caves frequently as makeshift hideouts, and learned the arts of how to survive in secret.

    -Are you a capable builder? When it comes to building a hideout or a secret base, I know it all ;)

    -Can you wield a sword?: If I have to I will, but I like to strike in secret, and keep my distance, so I prefer to wield a bow and increase my skills in long range combat.

    -Enjoy Farming?: I wouldn't say I enjoy it, but I do have to do it to survive since I always live on my own.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: I'm very good at stalking someone who has tipped me off that they may have something of valuable for me to steal. My sneaking ability is beyond measure, and I can be very patient when waiting for the right moment to strike.

    -A screenshot of your skin:


    I'm not sure if this is acceptable, if you would like an actual in-game 'ss' I'd be more than happy to post one, but I only know how to do a regular back shot, not my front.

    -Other Information: I hope I don't come off as a pvp happy person, because I'm not. I honestly do not like having any contact with someone involving fighting, because I have a bad connection and suck at pvp. If I see a chance to strike someone down though and take their valuables, I'll make the attempt - but I prefer to just silently watch them and steal from under their noses while they have no clue.

    I also wondered if this should have went in as a Villain application, but since I don't plan to stay a thief and am just using it as a means to reach a higher goal associated with creating & 'non-evils' - I thought it was best I leave it normal, and let a reviewer ultimately decide.

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