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Posts posted by Blundermore

  1. Any champions that died in the nether or in Aegis were taken to the gardens of Aeriel in Aegis. The undead that did not escape the Nether are just bone sacks on the floor. (Their souls were taken long ago by Iblees so it wouldn't make much sense). Also any that died in the nether were effectively consumed by Iblees himself as your soul would not be able to escape his gaze.

    Just pointing out a few flaws to the plans. Unless your not counting anyone that died in Aegis or during the nether event.

  2. Technically you don't need my help to start infecting people. My toilet has been running into the alrasian water supply now for many years alone... I'm surprised people have not gotten sick as of yet. You could do some sort of collera or typhoid type infection...

  3. *Blood_Mage_Harvarlet and his two brothers skulk the shadows, on looking as the crowd gathers around the recently nailed testament to the wall... Mumbling under his breath and hood even he says "It is truly sad that they summoned us but we could not up hold such summons. There were too many... "interests", involved for our, brothers and sisters to come." Quickly turning he leaves with brother Yrindril and Vyain. "You shall know our answer at the battle... that is what I said to them..." says Yrindril as they vanish into the cold void of the night.*

    ((This wasn't stated as a letter printed onto a wall... until such I'm treating it as a speech by one of the Renatus folk/ Edit: Never mind... I just saw the end lol...))

  4. There they sat... For hours on end. Talking about all their bouts during their time apart. They talk of the old mischievous things they used to get up to as small children. Like the time they summoned spiders into their sister's hair when she wasn't looking. Or when they dyed their teacher's bird cyan blue...

    The two old men laughed as they reminisced of the travels they used to go on. The things that they used to get up to... and home. Home that they deeply missed was also conversed more so. Of the grass and the pond that lay outside. The birds that used to chirp in the trees, the sullom tower apon the hill they used to adventure into as small boys. Home indeed...

    Blundermore talked of the adventures he had. The dark tales that was endured in the final days of Aegis and the race against time to find the map. He spoke of the foul deeds and places that were traversed to find such things. Of the, wound... that was taken on from the overlord. The scare that will never truely fade. He spoke of the people he befriended. Of Aleryn and The preceptor Shoi. Of the High preistess Chrisdena. Of the body guard Urasept and his dealings. Of Ellser and Tot and their ways. Of Shoi's two children and their michevious ways also that tickled Vain as much so for how much it reminded him of themselves at that age. Of Selina the Seersest. The FOA and their old ways, and of the Sages, and their return and departure again so either through dissapearance or death.

    The night was both joyous and sollum at the same time. Many a tear jerking moment was to be had as these tales were told.

    "Oh brother" said Blundermore, "had only if you had the chance to see Aeriel's keep. It was truely marvelous in the summer months that were had there." He peered into the fire as he said so, pausing for a moment before saying: "and now it is gone... like all things that was once tangible in that land. We have now lost it all now." he said in a sollum tone of voice. "Everyone has lost so much in such a short amount of time... the wounds of the many will truely never heal even under this new Sun." he said as he let out a sigh. Vainmoinen peered out to where the balcony opening was... seeing the malstorm outside. "Many have lost much indeed... I just wished I could see our home again on last time. To see their graves again." Turning to look at Blundermore again. "We never even got to say our last goodbyes to them... and now they are trapped in a ruin of a land. How vain indeed that such an end would come to their resting places. We may be quite old now but I still miss mother and father ever so dearly. Do you think... that he? You know... desecrated them in their graves as well? Like the rest of the world?" said vain in a mournful tone. "I, don't know..." Said Blundermore as he turned away again.

    end of part 3

  5. Part two:

    The old looking man that now stood on the steps of the wind battered steps... his hood ruffeling in the wind who stood at near to the same high as Blundermore.

    Leaning on his walking croppted in a similar fashion to how Blundermore did, he looked up with a sneer and said "and you look like a zombie's Arse...". They stood looking at each other for a few moments... Paused in thought at how the other would react until finally the Brother of Blundermore said "Well?! Aren't you going to let me in?! It is bloody freezing out here! my beard is turning into an icycle as we speak! I'm quaking in my straps out here you Bastard!" in a tone of annoyance and anger. Blundermore stood there as he listened and then said "yes of course... Do come inside! Great to see that this blasted winter has not cooled your temper at all..." in a sarcastic tone of voice. Waving his hand inwards as the winter malstorm continued to batter the front of the tower, the Brother stepped inside with his walking cropt in hand.

    Putting his hand apon the switch again, Blundermore closed the the large door and again as before, the pistons and gears moved and shaked the entire structure. The wind began to withdraw itself from the room and retreated back out into the cold and lonely night outside.

    Wiping himself off, The brother turned to take a good look at Blundermore and then said, "Brown... Brother? what ever happened to the robes you used to wear..." in an inquirative voice. "Well..." said Blundermore "Vainmionen, it is quite a long story as to how this happened but that is for later! Now we must get you warmed up... can't have my brother walking around wetted from the drift of the verge outside!".

    Leading Vain to the start of the stairs of Aegisorun, Vain let out a cry of disgust and said "Damned be had! Brother!? You know I can hardly stand stairs... I'm too old as it is already for this." To which Blundermore replied "Oh come off it my dear Brother... It is only about 3 groupings of stairway till we reach the sitting room." in a tone that was encouraging but almost a little forceful also.

    "Three Groupings of stairs!?" cried Vain again, but Blundermore had already started to climb the spindely staircase that whined up the tower. "There better be tea up there for all the good it's bloody worth..." Mumbled Vain as he slowly made his acent up also.

    Reaching the top of the stairs, Blundermore was back in the same room as he was only a couple of minutes before hand. The fire still lay dormant in embers, the shadows that had onced pranced around the room had now all but died down completely... He decided to get the fire going again as the room was still as cold as it had been before.

    By the time Vainmoinen had reached the top of the stairs, Blundermore had managed to lift a few pieces of log into the fire and was now sitting waiting for him. "Ah..." said vain, panting as he went " I see you have a fire growing indeed... it is a lot more hosbitable in here as than what it was down there". Walking across the room, he sat down at the table that Blundermore also occupied. Turing to warm his hands apon the fire that lay in the fire place he asked in a smug voice "So... What has my twin brother been up to indeed..."

    end of part two.

  6. *Hears this and thinks that maybe he should keep his hand hold tight apon the necklace containing six undead and the blood of iblees incase any of these bizzar acusations are true, who knows what might happen if these turned out to be true and that they got a hold of these items...*

  7. This Is the account of the return of the blood brother of Blundermore, Vainamoinen.

    It was a cold and drafty night within the Tower of Aegionrun, Blundermore, blighted by the cold decided that he would just treat himself that night and sit down by the fire place.

    Little did he know that he was about to receive a visitor that he did not expect at all...

    Blundermore, sat reading by the fire side. Shadows creeping all around his room as the tower itself whistled at the sound of the harsh windfall assault by the very air itself outside. Blundermore took no notice of these sounds filling the air and continued to read on as he sat there by the fire.

    Later on though, he started to hear strange noises on the air. Almost like shouting in the distance. He stopped reading to listen to these noises, but then decided to dismiss them as just "nonsense".

    The sounds however, became more persistent. They started to sound like words even. Drawing closer... and closer to him. So close that they started to echo around the tower itself. Each echo sounding like a distorted shout of someone, but alas the shouts were disfigured by the echos of the tower.

    Putting down his book, Blundermore looked around. Seeing that the fire had almost died out now he realized that he had been engrossed in that book far too much now. The tower was freezing cold. Chilling to the flesh even. Wrapping his cloak around himself, Blundermore raised from the seat to walk out onto the balcony. Still hearing the echos of a shout he wished to inspect.

    Apon reaching the balcony, he looked out across the wind battered landscape of the Alrasian territories. All was presumably normal, except for this dastardly cold weather engulfing his tower. Grumbling to himself he starts to head back inside when he hears the shout even louder than he had ever before. Turning he peered out into the snow storm to see a figure of sorts trudging through the 5ft high snow drift with a walking cropped of sorts in hand. He sees that the man is struggling to battle the harsh conditions to reach his tower.

    Intent to find out who this strange man might be, Blundermore turns and quickly heads back inside to head down the steps of the mighty, yet chilled tower of his.

    He could still hear the echoing outside rebounding all over his tower like some bat caught in a cage. reaching the front of his tower door, Blundermore looked up at the very large stone and lapis door covering its' front. Thankful that he did not need to operate by pushing such a door, Blundermore slipped his hand across the switch that had been placed on the wall. With a small teak at the switch. A massive "clunk" sound could be heard. Gears could be heard. Pistons started to move. The entire floor vibrated as the door slowly started to retract itself into the walls themselves. A great whine could be heard as the doors started to open. As soon as the doors had started to do so, the wind answered and invaded the tower space of which the door occupied. Clutching the side of his wall to stop himself from getting blown to the ground, Blundermore peered out once again to see the figure but only 50 ft away at most. It was still very difficult to see though. The snow blinding was taking its' toll on the vision of the old man.

    Peering out, the figure struggled, but slowly he was closing in. Closer and closer he came until finally his walking cropped made a satisfying "thlunk" on the stone slab of the tower steps. Wiping his eyes, Blundermore tries to get a better look apon the man in blue.

    With a sudden realization... Blundermore's face turned. Looking apon the man that now stood before him he had but one thing to say.

    "You look like goblin dung... Brother"

    End of part one.

  8. This makes me a little upset. When you say political villain I'm a bit skeptical on its playability. Whilst being undead, I went in disguise and snuck into Edmund's throne and stole a copy of his "royal seal" or whatever. I then used a corrupt ambassador to make a false report on the good stolen from dwarvish and orc merchants and how they've funded the construction of the new keep. When I brought these documents to Algrim and Mogroka, Native appeared spoke with Mogroka in private effectively killing my plan. So what's the point of being a political villain if people won't let you get away with it?

    I have found that Native has sometimes just walked in knowning things that seem a bit improbable sometimes also whilst during the final days of Aegis. I don't know if his character can see into the future or something but it just seems that he has the upper hand quite a lot of the time. Now though however he is no longer a pollitical leader. So things like that won't happen as often.

    When you are rp'ing such it is a good idea to take screen shots of the people who do know of your true intentions in-character to keep track of who knows and who doesn't know. You should also ask these lot to tell you OOC'ly when they have told another person so that you can add this person to the list also. That is how you control the amount of meta against pollitical corruption.

    Trust me, if you play your cards right you can pull off political corruption quite easily. It just requires more time and planning than what most players on the villain list do not want to do. They would rather just opp'ed out of such and play a bog-standard bandit. It may require a bit more work but trust me, when you finally bring it all together you will be all the more happier. (Even more so if the players didn't even know you were a villain in the first place ooc'ly).

  9. I think there should be more petty thevies that just scam you. Enough with this PVP nonsense that we see in everyday villainy. I would like to see villain who plan more than 5 minutes ahead. Ones that take their time and actually work out large intricate plot lines to getting their goal. We really do need more political villains. I was ranting before hand because nearly every villain out there now is a bandit. There is in fact a war between two bandit groups soon that will accommodate up-to 40 bandits... 40 BANDITS?! why? why do we have so many of these unoriginal mina stealing item whoring villains on our server? It just doesn't make sense. We need MORE ORIGINAL VILLAINS. Perhaps ones that aren't in it for the minas or items. Villains are suppose to improve the role play of the server and make events such as being robbed an experience for all of us that is fun. It is not fun though anymore as every villain now just equates that rp to "Minas or life". Sure there are some fun villains on our server that know the ropes and actually create more rp that lasts for more than five minutes. The problem is though that they are washed under the sea of half-witted idiots who just use VA's as a job application to gain income. Sure you can call us the bad roleplayers for complaining about such, and I don't care if I get robbed, but the point is that getting robbed only happens once a month at most in real life and that is if you are REALLY UNLUCKY. I swear you can't walk down the road without getting robbed by 4 bandit groups along the way. It is just an occurrence that happens way too often. We need villains that effect governments. We need villains that are not PVP based. Actually a note on PVP based villains. How often can you find one that will actually rp out a situation? I have yet to find one... Minecraft mechanics cannot take on anything more than: Internet connection, fastest clicker, who hits first. That is why I hate PVP based villains. It just isn't fun to rely on the mechanics of minecraft to role play out situations like this. It is just boring.

    We need villains that are actually fun to rp with. Ones that actually give you a chance. Ones that don't rely on MC mechanics. Ones that are believable etc...

    We need to wipe most of the VA's on this server and start again. There are a few that can stay but we really need to clean the slate and start over in order to actually achieve anything here.

    We also need to stop accepting VA's that are obviously based around just being a petty bandit. Anyone can be a bandit. Make them actually work for something more so.

    Anti heroes would be nice but they can still devolve into bandits whenever they want.

    Political villains should be a big must. Right now the world is new. Governments are unstable and ripe for a revolution or someone to take power through lies and gaining trust to later use to their advantage. The problem is though... WHY DO WE NOT SEE ANY OF THESE VILLAINS? I wonder if it is to do with all the bandits running around. I'm quite sure there are many villains out there with political corruption on their apps. Why not use them? They aren't like an English literature degree were they look good on a C.V. or something like that. This type of villainy is actually useful. Sure in the short term you could be a bandit who gains about 30k in minas and items over a period of time... Or, you could put more time and effort in and end up overthrowing a monarch and end up running a nation simply because of your wits... I do not know about you but I find the second notion a lot more appealing.

  10. Yes. This is a note to all who think they can just claim to know magic right off the vat because of the plugin. You need to still learn it either through teachers or finding tomes. You cannot just know magic, your characters cannot start with magic. Even I had to learn it even though I was accepted as a wizard from day one I still went out and learned magic from many tomes and other sources and some teachers. It took many months oocly to get to where a few of us mages are now. You must do the same as we did. There is no fast route to this. You just have to take your time.

  11. Argh I hate villains now... "URRGH DOOII MINAS GORE LIFE." Bloody hell... every villain has nearly become the same sideshow. "URGMAMA MAH PARENTS DIED... I'MA GONNA KILL PEOPLE NOW". how does that make sense at all? Urgh... more subtle villains like political villains. Stop accepting these half arse villains that only rob people on the main road and one line you if you do anything else. You need more diverse villains, ones that capture our imaginations, not our minas. They need to be more fun for both sides, I have literally had it with villains that are only in it for the minas. What ever happened to the song and dance act? The funny ones, the ones that actually had emotions and weren't just "Minas or life". That is what I get nowdays...

  12. No, they are saying this because balance wise it isn't fair to have a massive magic tank archer badass on the server... "look at me! I'm good at everything!". Lets say you were trying to learn magic. You only have 100% to put into your skills. You can't put 100% in swords, 100% in archery, 100% in magic and 100% in other things. You are one person. You can't have everything. Your either a master swordsman or a master magician. You can't be a master of both... It just doesn't make sense. Sure you might be imbued with magic, that doesn't mean you know how to use it. The one thing I hate is when people do not see the problem behind magic tanks popping up. It just isn't fun.

    sure of course you can be half and half, i.e. slightly good at swords, but only slightly good in magic. i.e: 50% swords, 50% magic. That is fine. You can't be an uber badass in magic but neither are you going to be an uber badass in swords also.

    It just isn't fair then on us mages who have spent our entire lives learning magic to be beaten with magic by someone who just found some spells Rps that that makes him/her a god in magic and kills us with his/her uber swords and magic combo... Magic takes dedication and years to learn. Your other skills will start to diminish from the amount of time that you put into learning magic. So you might have been a master swordsman, but after 50 or so years of learning magic you will hardly know how to use that sword because you haven't been practicing with it. The ability to manipulate the environment around you comes at a cost of your other skills.

  13. eeeehhh... This could be better... But it breaks lore and doesn't have great pacing. You are jumping too fast for the reader. I'll give you a 4/10... Maybe perhaps go with another name rather that "Templars"? it is just a bit too over used the idea of it. That and there is already a group called the Teutonic order which is relatively the same thing.

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