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Posts posted by Bucky_24

  1. ((Is this a Poster? Or what?))


    Vuln spies the poster with the familiar carrot crest and shakes his head sighing. He then starts speaking, loud enough for anyone nearby to hear,


    "I told that boy once already, this is a stupid order. And now he is making it worse by projecting his own stupidity to the other orders. Again, like I said A carrot says /eat me/ not /die/! Well, I guess I will just have to wait until these fools on the battlefield. Then I will break them, as easily as one breaks a carrot."


    He walks away, laughing to himself as he imagines rows of soldiers wearing carrot tunics and with carrot themed weapons.

  2. Vuln listens to the speech quietly. It wouldn't be until he returned to his home that he would explode,

    "How can he be so stupid! Not only have we lost Salvus this day, but now the Dwarves control the Great Crossing! They can go wherever they please! Attack whomever! Tactical failure. Should have left the city empty and rigged to collapse. Or at least put up a fight!"

    His ranting continues for many hours, until he finally passes out from lack of air.

  3. MC Name: Bucky_24

    Character Name: Vuln'Igne

    Character Race: Dark Elf

    How long have you been role-playing on this particular character?: Two Months

    Please list any MA's for any of your characters: N/A, waiting on my Magical Lore to be accepted/denied before I create a MA. Here is a link to the Magic Lore, so you will know what kind of character Vuln is: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/91947-redone-evocation-void-magic/

  4. Vuln hears about this letter through his many connections in high places, he sighs as he receives the news from his friend Bod, 


    "The Dwarves cannot just let us be can they? Alright, I say we give them a war. Smash their Storms Crossing, and send them scurrying back to their holes like the vermin they are." 


    Full of rage, Vuln stalks off towards the Iron Mines, hoping to gather enough iron to help the weakened Oren from collapsing.



    I do find it rather funny that it has been a year since any battle, and six months since a skirmish. Most nations IRL would declare peace, or at least a cease fire as there is no more need or reason for blood shed. The WR are gone, as is Thomas. And again, NO ONE HAS FOUGHT FOR A YEAR! That's a rather long time to go without a battle. And instead of peace, you are going to wait another year before launching an attack. That makes little sense to me. From an RP stand point that is.

  5. A note is attached to Aegis under his old one, this one instead reads:


    Dear Blundermore P. Windraker,


    I do not believe we ever formally met, my name is Vuln'Igne. Anyways, I am need of a Wizard with a vast knowledge on the magical arts. You fit the bill rather easily here. I have devised a few theories about magic that I would like to get your view on. If we could set up some form of a 'educational meeting' I would be most happy. Just send me a letter with your answer. I will be in Abresi, and I will be waiting.


    ((Please be aware that this is /////NOT///// a teaching request. Vuln idolizes Blundermore, and would love for him to check out his studies. That is all. I figure this might be different than a "Go kill this" or "Save us from this" RP.))

  6. Vuln sits quietly in his study as he thinks, books of various sizes and topic lay sprawled about the room. He puffs his pipe whilst trying to decide if he will even fight in the war. He has friends on both sides, and all the war is doing is delaying his studies. 


    "Aeriel, what should I do?" he thinks aloud, hoping to receive any form of guidance. "I have lost a great many things in my life, should I continue to stress the limits of my current friendships? Will the Nierics fight with me if I refuse to help? Will Rosso ever forgive me for fighting?"


    He puffs his pipe once more, before climbing to his feet. He stalks out of his study heading to the local church. Maybe he will find solitude and divine intervention? Probably not, but he has to try something. 


    "Feck the Dwarves and their war."

  7. ((Let the record state: I don't even play WoW, but their pictures work perfectly!))
    Klan Thrago

    Some say Kilgor and his two brothers, Throm and Grolak, just sprouted out of the sand of Anthos' Deserts. Others say that they have been traveling since Asulon. Only they know their origins, but they aren't quick to give any details.
    The Trio each have something that makes them special and worthy of their own clan. Kilgor, the eldest of the three, is known to fight valiantly with his special hammer. He leads his two brothers and advises them on their problems. Throm, the second eldest, is very fond of the spirits and shamanism. It is rumored that he is soon to be looking for a real shaman to teach him the ways. Even though Grolak is the youngest, he is known for his quick temper and ruthless attitude. 
    Kilgor, growing bored with their wandering, held council with his brothers many moons ago. Here he told his brothers that it was time to start a family of their own. A great clan of Redskinned warriors. He also chose the name Thrago to be their name. This may be their father's name, or just a name that Kilgor heard. The reason is unknown, but the Brothers are determined to turn that simple name into one that radiates fear and respect.
    The three brothers have decided to take mates to begin breeding these valiant warriors. The only problem is they have yet to find the right mate. They also have yet to forge a campsite where the clan can live and train. 
    -->-Unusual Traits/Customs-<--
    Most stand at heights ranging from 8-9 foot tall. None have ever been seen to be taller than 9 foot.
    All of this clan are either born with Red skin, or as a result of many 'Baths' their skin has turned to a red tint.
    After every fight, it is customary for these Orcs to bath in the blood of the dead, if the amount of blood is sufficient, they take the equivilant of a 'Shara Bath'. But with Blood.
    They believe it is good luck to only wear White War Paint during battles. It is seen as a challenge to everyone they see. Due to this, it is usually only worn during battles as the wearers are pledging themselves to cause great bloodshed.
    It is the most dishonorable thing to cut ones hair. They grow their hair as long as possible. Though as a result, it is common that after duels or combat, for the Victory to cut the losers hair from their head, and wear it around their belt. ((It will be asked for all losing Thragos to edit their skin to show their loss. They must wait atleast one elven week for their hair to 'regrow'))
    Are known to raise and train great boars that some Thragos can actually ride. Standing at 6 feet from hoof to backside, these massive creatures are known to charge directly into fights to help their masters. It is becoming a common practice to done the boars in armor and horns to increase their livespan and the amount of damage they can deal.
    -->-Rank Descriptions-<--
    Chieftan- Leader of the Klan
    Grand Shaman (To be changed)- In charge of all rituals/blessings
    Nar'Shar- Peacemaker; creates peace in camp
    Nar'Tuul- ((Must be a Goblin)) Head Engineer and in charge of making sure everyone is well equipt with weapons.
    Eldars- Greatest Warriors (3 Max)
    Brudderz- The majority of the Clan
    -Choppas: The warriors of the clan
    -Smithas: Forge all the clans needs
    -Shuutas: The clans marksmen
    -->-Why You Should Join-<--
    You should join our clan because we are a rather mature clan that you can still have fun with. We plan on participating in weekly rituals lead by the Grand Shaman (He needs to be trained first) as well as many planned raids. Finally I don't care if you are an Orc from Aegis, or just decided to create one. You are not going to be judged by experiance, but by how well you Role Play, and your characters achievements. Though do note: Lying about achievements may result in one being tied to two Boars and ripped in half.
    Thragos are known for their vicious weaponry. Some examples are:
    Da Choppa
    Da Stabba
    Da Bune Breakur
    Da Shuuta
    -->-Clan Relations-<--
    Gorkill: Unknown
    Gahktusks: Unknown
    Braduk: Unknown
    Murg: Unknown
    Lur: Unknown
    Zahr: Unknown
    Kubi: Unknown
    Azog: Unknown
    Name IC/OOC:
    Orc Subrace:
    Adopted Or Born:
    Brief Biography (2-3 paragraphs):
    Active, New, or Returning:
    Why Do You Want To Join:
  8. Please don't turn EVERY single profession into something similar to magic. Yes, I think players need to Rp training more, but it isn't fair for people who have no trainers in their timezone, or something to have to wait on someone else to RP with. And does LoTC really need an Application to swing a sword? Maybe give the trainers an increase to the time it takes to train, but not make it the only way. I want to RP my character, not spend hours looking for someone who will deem me worthy of the profession.


  9. Draktar happenes to notice the line of posters on his return to his smithy, "Dem Aduniuns ur ash weurd peopulz."

    He then notices the third poster and says aloud to anyone nearby, "Skahin' Aduniuns... Dey didun't blah mi ta hulp wiff dat ash!"

    ((Really funny guys!!))

  10. I couldn't get to the end of the posts, sorry if I miss anything, but I started reading when there was only 5 total pages. After 8 pages of Flame and Pain, I stopped and just decided to post my thoughts.

    PVP being default- with Core coming out soon is great. No longer will half the server have to be killed by that one human who has trained for 9000 years on his magical mountain with some old guy. An Orc can actually be the Monstrous fighter now! Not the "Swings his sword expertly at his foe, hoping to cleave into his body from shoulder to hip." only to get "Dodges." Now I can just swing my sword and you will take the hit.

    Humans won't be OP- Now the server is like 80-90% Human. All the combatants are masters at their trades. With core giving them a well needed Nerf, they won't, and I truly mean this, Ruin Combat for the Other Races.


    Final Note: Thank You Telanir, Thank You Staff, this is a great decision! Not only will it make there less fighting (I mean to everyone saying this is a PvP Faction server... Before it was an RP faction server, whats the big difference? Besides fights don't take 1 hour.) as people won't want to lose their items in a fair fight. Again, Thank You! We trust you to give us a great time, and I think this is just what we need.

  11. *posters is hung up throughout Anthos, Anyone Can Read*


    The Iron Anvil











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    Leather Helm- 40 minas

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    Stone Hammer- 30 Minas



    "Cume ta da Irun Anvul! Unyash Welcumed!" - Draktar, owner of the Iron Anvil located in Vaer'Haven.

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