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Status Updates posted by Nug

  1. i took a trip to club cooter...

  2. #lovewins

  3. catch me throwing cake at the leonardo

  4. how did you get so like mysterious......

  5. **** yall im going to 10.0, anus

  6. lol the lore rules link in the lore applications section still links to flamboyant's outdated lore rules

  7. aevosian bull worm

  8. some of u guys need to do something irl on a saturday... mineman will not be gone forever...

  9. wow. ravioli is cleary superior. ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli 

  10. balls of steel

  11. sodom, gomorrah

    drop it down to the floorah

  12. new guild wars expac...............!!!

  13. ah, barbie, you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind
    jump into the driver's seat and put it into speed drive

  14. qotd: burger?

  15. barbie was a cute movie

  16. my impact.........

  17. manmade horrors

  18. vortice needs a rename so bad


  20. im in santas slayyyyyyyyyyyy yassssssss

  21. i have -1 warnings like im such a good noodle the forum mods owe me one fr

  22. shoutout to the og warning point master song druid arik!!! 

  23. they dont know about [REDACTED]? wow......

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