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Posts posted by Strife

  1. *Strife looks as his sailboat leaves the dock, sighing.*

    "Letholdus, old friend, I'm sorry I couldn't keep your son from this life, if you can hear me up there, forgive me." He sighs and turns away from the dock, staring up at the sky

  2. *Strife arrives in Arethor's keep, dismounting his steed, ordering his banners to stay outside, and walks in, looking at the nobles gathered. He turns his head to Divinus and regards him with a nod, then looks to Godfrey, smiling under his helmet , but waits for them to finish talking.*

    "House Talos will bloody their weapons in this battle! We will purge the heathens from Asulon!" He raises his right arm. "God wills it!"

  3. *Strife is met by a courier, and rips open the letter, smirking. He starts assembling his armor back, the metal plates locking together and clanging. He draws Dawnbreaker, and does a few practice swings, chuckling. He walks off to his wife, embracing her, and climbs atop his warhorse and gallops out of the manor stables. He stops the horse shortly to adjust his plague helmet, based off the TAC, and rides to Arethor. *

    "God wills it!" he says, as he nears Arethor, wating for the next order.

  4. *Strife rides into the Keep, his warhorse's hooves clopping across the pavement. He looks to the scribe, smiling benevolently.*

    "I am Strife Talos, the baron of Resmore in the Crownlands. I am here to discuss of land to Godfrey."

    *the scribe nods and he unmounts his horse, walking to the throne room. When he arrives, he kneels before looking up to Godfrey, and begins to speak*

    "Your Majesty. I would like to perhaps take claim to the small slum city near my docks. I would be willing to pay for the lands, and reform the housing. It would be my pleasure to do so."

  5. House Name: The name of your grand house which serves as identification of family and standing in the Kingdom.

    House Talos

    House Sigil or Crest: The symbol or heraldry of your house which shows what your house is and is the representation of your house.


    House Standing (Royal, Great, Noble, Unlanded): You use this and a sentence or two to describe your standing in the Kingdom itself and what level of authority you command.


    House Lands: If your house has lands place the list here of lands controlled, duchies and counties.

    The Barony of Resmore, in the Crownlands.

    Banner Houses or Greater Liege House: You list here what your banner houses who serve you are or what greater house you do serve, list all members and their type of relationship to you. You also should list whether they serve you directly or are landed nobles within you land.

    House Horen, I'd assume, would be my liege house, for I haven't had a liege to answer to other than Godfrey.

    House Family Members Living: A list, that must be up to date, of living members of the House.


    House Family Members Important: A list and description of dead or past house members who were important to the history of your house.


    House History: The history of your house, how it came to be, when, and any other important facts about the historical significance of your house.


    Sorry, but most of our information is all on that post. It would be tedious to repost all of it.

  6. The application format is as follows:

    Your Minecraft Username:StrifeOr

    Your Monk's Name:Brennan

    Have you read and agree to follow the rules?:Yes.

    Your Monk's Personality: Pious, kind, gentle, one who never turns to violence. He has an affinity for farming, and would never leave a hurt traveller stranded.

    A Very Brief Bio (Just a basic bio, not nearly as long as the one you used when applying for the server):

    Brennan is an Elf who was born into the monks. He was taught the way of the monk, the teachings of the Triumvirate, and through this, he found his calling for the rest of his life. He takes great pride in being a monk and praises the Triumvirate for bringing him here,despite his condition which messed up the alignment of the eyes, usually gathering some insults over them.

    Who were the Celestial Triumvirate?:

    Lord Tariel of the Stars, Lord Keldrith of the Sun, and LAdy Rellenia of the Moon.

    A Lost traveler come to the Sanctuary and asks, "Monk, where am I and how might I find my way?" How do you respond?:

    *Brennan smiles at the lost Halfling benevolently*

    "Go to the docks near the yellow path, there is a free boat to the Vale there. May your journey across the sea be safe, and may the Triumvirate watch over you."

    *Brennan leads the Halfling to the docks, waving him off as the boat leaves for the Vale and sighs afterwards*

    "Another one off into the world, it's a good thing."

    Screenshot of Your Monk's Skin (Robes must be one of the three colors and similar in base to Posted Image with or without a beard):


    Anything else you'd like to say:


  7. By immortal would this mean that their characters would not doe of old age or that their characters where incapable of dieting? Also does the person continue to age? Sorry for all the questions.

    People are /always/ able to diet!

    But they can die, just not from old age.

  8. *you see several heavily armored cavaliers yelling about something in the temple. The men bear the crest of House Talos on their capes.*

    "Relgard Sintel, the cowardly leader of the Spectres, has been felled by House Talos! If this is their greatest, they cannot be around long! They've tried spies, we sent him back to Relgard with his tail between his legs! Lord Talos offers three gold blocks to anyone that can give him the location of the Spectre's keep! Contact Strife by sending a courier to his manor, citizens! Farewell!"

    *the group rides off, their armor clanking as they ride to the next major town.*

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