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  1. alright. i honestly dont know why im not a wandering soul. its weird. edit: ah heres the accepted app http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/21180-soo5ner/page__p__92943#entry92943
  2. MC Name: soo1ner RP name: Rowan Age:24 Race:3/4 human 1/4 elf Gender: male Time Zone:EST Brief Description of your characters personality:Strongly desire justice. Rowan is often happy but can break down at the evil in the world. sometimes he often uses the phrase "the end justifies the means" Biography: Rowan grew up raised by his father his mother dead at the age of three months old. His father was part of the Oren Rangers and Rowan grew up listening to his stories of valor. Often without his fathers knowing Rowan would take his arrows and pretend to be his father. Pretense grew into practice and practice grew into skill. At age 17 he left the house to earn his living as a hunter. Seeing evil within the world he decided to look into ways of protecting people. It took him 7 years (3 were him being drafted into war) for him to find The Forest Rangers. Why do you wish to join?: I wish to put my skill with a bow into protecting people. Roleplaying skill(I don't want a bloody story!): uses calculation to nail longshots. longest shot was 100 meters away after two shots. a luck shot but a shot non the less. often thinks logically to set up ambushes and sneak past enemies What does your character prefer to fight with?(Include skill level too if possible): preferably a bow. as of right now i have a skill level of 0 in everything as i have just started and stats are down. currently in the wilderness training Can your character build?: not beautiful builds for function not looks Any other special skills?: played on a pvp server for 5 months named battlecraft. often looks at what needs to get done and does it Will you uphold every rule, and if necessary, enforce them?: yes provided it is clear who the punishments are for. Skin:tp://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/hooded-archer/ LotC app link: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/21225-rowans-app/page__p__93157#entry93157 ***note: it says denied for some reason but i am not a wandering soul
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